DrillCraft [1.4.2][Whitelist]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Ingame Name: Lupus_W_Tungsten (You can call me Lupus Wolfram or Thomas)
Age: 19

Experience with Mods:
Before I used Feed the Beast I played with IC, BC, redpower, railcraft, and ehm ... maybe one or two smaller mods. Especially IC and redpower are nice, as they allow a lot machines to be build. :)
I have less experience with the other mods in FTB, because I've been using them only for a short time. So far I've been busy exploring forestry and mystcraft. The only mod I don't understand yet is computercraft, I guess it'll take some time to get the programming bit.

Favourite mod and why?
Hmm a hard one. In the past I loved to build nuclear reactors (still have some .xls files :D) and the circuits possible with redpower. And at the moment I am into beekeeping. ^^

Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Direwolf as he's a wolf.
the following are whitelist:


Enjoy guys :)
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Reactions: VhmZ
Ingame Name: dandevel101
Age: 15

Experience with Mods:
not that much but enought to have fun

Favourite mod and why?
Forestry because i love to make stuff atomatic

Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? slowpoke because he just awsome.
Ingame Name: MysticIron
Age: 23
Experience with Mods: played with mods since MC 1.1 or 1.0
favorite mod and why?: RP2 because of frames, they are addicting to build stuff with
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? both, DW pres, Slow VP
Ingame Name: dragoonpreston

Age: 20

Experience with Mods: I've been moding minecraft sence Beta 1.5 :D

Favorite Mod and Why?: Thats a very very hard question... If i have to pick it would be RedPower2 because of the amount of things that can be done with it.

Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?: Slowpoke, he can get people to work together and get things done.

I'm posting this here because this server is almost exactly what i look for in a server moded or not.

Ingame Name: Whinoa
Age: 13 (hope old enough)
Experience with Mods: I've been playing Tekkit for a time and got FTB as soon as it got out (the official release) and i like it.
favorite mod and why?: Forestry/Railcraft. Forestry because automatic farms are great, and Railcraft because it is fun to have a big rail system.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President: No idea, I like Direwolf but Slow is awsome too
Ingame Name: h3nr1m
Age: 25
Experience with Mods: IC and BC.
favorite mod and why?: I have still much to learn in redpower mod, and I have ideas to test and would like to experiment some designs in some nice server. I really like the forestry features also but haven't explored it enough yet. And i really looking forward to explore the ExtraBiomes.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? I bet they both are fit for the job. We should held the debate for them :D
Ingame Name:
Experience with Mods:
Before using the FTB pack I used all of the big mods (RP2, IC2, BC, EE2, TC2, etc...), I'm not experienced with Thermal Expansion and I need help with computercraft.
favorite mod and why?:
Red Power, it enables so much Science!
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?
Ingame Name: silentdestiny
Age: 19
Experience with Mods: well... I played with mods since the early times of IC1... and enjoed it really much. I aswell watch Direwolfs series for a long time^^ and enjoy the technical talk in the recent multiplayer series. (for I´m a mechanical engineering student, I like the fancy mashines and building optins the mods give to me as a player.
favorite mod and why?: at the current time redpower 2 is my favourite mod, because of the wide spectrum of things to do with it. (and the inclusion of a sonic screwdriver ;) )
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? hard choice, but for the fact of slowpoke beeing harsh when it comes the decisions/ dealing with people saying dump stuff (and for drunken livestreams aswell) I would vo9te for him xD
Ingame Name: Wharye
Age: 15
Experience with mods: Watch loads of DW20 vids and played on...shudder the-modpack-who-shall-be-named. So yeah, a decent amount but I'm not a master.
Favourite mod and why?: Industrialcraft2. Simply because of the tech tree and how many little things there are, the addons and all the support for everything. However, i don't like the Gregtech recipes, I find them too expensive and stuff.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President: I don't know. Maybe DW as I've known who he is for much longer. He is very good at learning mods, and compacting good and useful builds. Well folks, I think this is a good wrapping up point, so taaaaake it easy. :)
Ingame Name: drame123
Age: 18
Experience with Mods: experience with the tekkit pack and forestry, light knowlegde of FTB from a few days singleplayer
favorite mod and why?: FTB alot of good mods.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? - direwolf i'd say because hes a good face, slowpoke will be the madman pulling the strings.
Ingame Name: Strokend
Age: 22
Experience with Mods: Enough to know what I'm doing and how to figure out more.
favorite mod and why?: Thaumcraft. Who doesn't love magic?
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?: Going to have to go write-in and say Double. That guy may not be the brightest but dangit, he's a guy I can understand and he gets stuff done. (Watch as nobody knows who he is)

EDIT: I just realized I misworded my reason to make it the opposite... Whoops.
Ingame Name: dragoonpreston

Age: 20

Experience with Mods: I've been moding minecraft sence Beta 1.5 :D

Favorite Mod and Why?: Thats a very very hard question... If i have to pick it would be RedPower2 because of the amount of things that can be done with it.

Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?: Slowpoke, he can get people to work together and get things done.

I'm posting this here because this server is almost exactly what i look for in a server moded or not.

Ingame Name: silentdestiny
Age: 19
Experience with Mods: well... I played with mods since the early times of IC1... and enjoed it really much. I aswell watch Direwolfs series for a long time^^ and enjoy the technical talk in the recent multiplayer series. (for I´m a mechanical engineering student, I like the fancy mashines and building optins the mods give to me as a player.
favorite mod and why?: at the current time redpower 2 is my favourite mod, because of the wide spectrum of things to do with it. (and the inclusion of a sonic screwdriver ;) )
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? hard choice, but for the fact of slowpoke beeing harsh when it comes the decisions/ dealing with people saying dump stuff (and for drunken livestreams aswell) I would vo9te for him xD
Ingame Name: Wharye
Age: 15
Experience with mods: Watch loads of DW20 vids and played on...shudder the-modpack-who-shall-be-named. So yeah, a decent amount but I'm not a master.
Favourite mod and why?: Industrialcraft2. Simply because of the tech tree and how many little things there are, the addons and all the support for everything. However, i don't like the Gregtech recipes, I find them too expensive and stuff.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President: I don't know. Maybe DW as I've known who he is for much longer. He is very good at learning mods, and compacting good and useful builds. Well folks, I think this is a good wrapping up point, so taaaaake it easy. :)

Thank you Docxx.However I can't get the mod packs loaded. Are the creeper host servers overloaded,or is my computer really dodgy? ~The One And Only,The best...Wharye:-)
Ingame Name: Elitay
Age: 21
Experience with Mods: I've been hopping servers, looking for somewhere lag free with a good community. On the way, I've picked up knowledge of most of the mods in FTB. Previously, I've played the FTB ssp maps, as well as spent a long time on Tekkit/Technic.
Favourite mod and why?: My favourite mod is RP, mostly because of all the options it adds for building, and the superior pipes. Aside from that, I love the biome mods, any mods that add new building blocks. I'm having a lot of fun with Forestry bees as well.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? I'm not too familiar with either, but I do remember watching a mod spotlight of Direwolf's once, it was pretty nice.
Ingame Name:Override_crash
Experience with Mods: Ic2, Buildcraft, Advanced machines
favorite mod and why?:Ic2 The first mod I started to use and it blew my mind xd
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Slowpoke
Dont come to this server abusive admin.I spent a whole day building an ender farm and used watter to stop endermen from spawning on the island.The admin told me to remove the watter or he'l reload the end i said that it's late i'l do it but tomarow he didnt say anything just rolad soon and reloaded the map.Causing me to loose all my work and time i spent on it and than he banned me.
Dont come to this server abusive admin.I spent a whole day building an ender farm and used watter to stop endermen from spawning on the island.The admin told me to remove the watter or he'l reload the end i said that it's late i'l do it but tomarow he didnt say anything just rolad soon and reloaded the map.Causing me to loose all my work and time i spent on it and than he banned me.

you ruined the entire End map for other people to use, I then gave you a chance to remove the water and you told me you would do it 'later'. I banned you because you insulted me once I regenerated the end so other people on the server could enjoy it again. I have very little restriction on what people can and cannot do as anyone else on the server can attest to. In the OP I ask that people use their common sense, I'm afraid you did not in this case and then proceeded to insult me. I would appreciate if you did not make inflammatory posts about me as I was at no point 'abusive' to you.

I hope you can find a server that allows you to flood a map for your own end (like the pun?) Good day sir
you ruined the entire End map for other people to use, I then gave you a chance to remove the water and you told me you would do it 'later'. I banned you because you insulted me once I regenerated the end so other people on the server could enjoy it again. I have very little restriction on what people can and cannot do as anyone else on the server can attest to. In the OP I ask that people use their common sense, I'm afraid you did not in this case and then proceeded to insult me. I would appreciate if you did not make inflammatory posts about me as I was at no point 'abusive' to you.

I hope you can find a server that allows you to flood a map for your own end (like the pun?) Good day sir
But if i said i'l do it later ,why did you have to undo all the work that i had done?
IGN: aanthony3
Age: 18
Experience with mods: I've been using mods since around B 1.5. I'm also fairly proficient in java and have dabbled in modding but I'm too easily distracted to actually finish anything.
Favorite Mod: Inv Tweaks hands down. It's the one mod I've found I can't play without, especially the sorting.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for president: Slowpoke, he's definitely a good leader and has done a great job with FTB and managing the team, but he's British so technically i don't think he could be president, maybe prime minister.