Greylist Server DOGS OF THE STATE: OUTPOSTS [FeedTheBeast - MindCrack v8] [1.4.7] [Mature] [Military Minded]

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Server going down for planned maintenance/testing
In 36 hours from the time of this post the Server is going to be shut down for maintenance and testing purposes. This is likely your last chance to grab a few screenshots and say good bye to your TFC creations. Should you wish to get your hands on a copy of the map or parts thereof contact one of the moderators.

I'm excited to see what you guys have in store. I have most of this week off from work, so let me know if you need help with anything.
LOL...perhaps I won't be venturing forth into DoTS TFC. I'm interested in seeing whats in store as well.
Woohoo! I've been working with AE and converting my sorting village to it. It has done a number to my barrel storage system. (Basically removed it.) I'm still working on MOB drops, since I'm not comfortable putting them all into one 64k storage. It is an interesting storage system. I'm also finding that I need to run a quarry for every 2-3 64k storage units that I want.

So, if that's the end-game storage system, the real problem isn't places to keep stuff. It is making everything renewable.

Instead of storefronts of finished products, everybody find and work on making something be an endless supply. Breeding bees seems to be able to make most anything renewable, but there are other ways for other things.

I miss you guys, so I'm looking forward to Wednesday.

I miss you guys, so I'm looking forward to Wednesday.

Woah, woah there! Don't go sitting in front of your MC client all day refreshing the servers page. All I can guarantee is, that the server will go down. When and in what configuration it will come back up is out of our hands currently. It might be days (no kidding) and since nobody is playing anyways (no log-ins > 10 minutes in the last week) we thought we should take the opportunity.
Ditto on volunteering to help with whatever you need. My new headset will be getting in tomorow so I'll be on TS more if you need someone to test, research or just generally bounce ideas off of.

I've been getting back to my roots and playing Mechwarrior Online lately. I cut my teeth for online gaming on Mechwarrior 4. MWO is a great addition to the franchise.
Well just a little update it seems like theres more of a chance for North and South Korean Peace then any hope of Reconciling with the informus He_Who_Must_Not_Be_Named. Its too bad on the plus side TFC is updated to 1.5 :D see you guys when the server updates :) (cause I am to lazy to downgrade :P)
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