I know for me personally I have been playing around with good old Better Then Wolves, It seems like FC just might possibly be getting less crazy or something because he is offering to pardon my ban from his forum witch was nice of him. ( First one to leave the mod now is first one back

). It actually pretty nice playing MC and not having massive lag. Meh, I am making light of what has acutely been a some what heated debate I had with myself over the idea of "owning ideas" and what not, seems like that is becoming quite the issue here with Minecraft mods.
Now dont get me wrong I am not saying we should switch one way or the other, in-fact it is my intent to say nothing towards this issue at all since I felt I overdid it last time when we jump ship form BTW to begin with, I felt that I have grown enough to realize that I tend to get "caught up" in new ideas and that I might not have the most objective view on things.
I DO know however that we are always looking to improve the play experience for all, and thought the Minecrack pack is fun and challenging it also seems to be quite the memory hog.
Whatever I have probably said more then I ought to have said. But thats only because I haven talked to you guys in weeks

. And on that note if you guys did want to reach me just PM me via this forum system because I still dont feel like I have the whole G+ thing down.