Greylist Server DOGS OF THE STATE: OUTPOSTS [FeedTheBeast - MindCrack v8] [1.4.7] [Mature] [Military Minded]

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I point out again this link, which shows their current progress in updating the modpack mods. This is for ALL mods in the FTB universe. As you can see, the big players haven't been touched yet or may be in alpha. This is going to be a long process it seems, as I've pointed out repeatedly. The reason that we went to TFC was because people were dying off in the FTB world because of the fear of losing everything they have been building. If we go to a different mod AGAIN, then people will play it for a bit and then the same thing will happen. "I don't want to get started on something because we're just going to lose it when 1.5 comes out!" This is what happens. No matter what server you go onto, this stuff is going to happen when the crap hits the fan. So, what's the alternative? Talk, give some ideas. Take a break. Play something else. I don't know what to say or do for each person on their own, but for Goddess sake, give some input instead of "This sucks, call me when we go back to FTB."
Is there any other new world gen that 1.5 brought other than Quartz in the Nether? If that is the only new world gen change, then screw waiting for 1.5 and just go to Ultimate with the caveat that the Nether will get wiped when 1.5 comes out. Or for extra fun, disable dimension hopping entirely until 1.5 comes out.

Well I dont think disabling dimensions will work. Isn't that where the administration prefers most of the quarry action done? Wiping the dimensions would be a smart plan occassionally
snip So, what's the alternative? Talk, give some ideas. Take a break. Play something else. I don't know what to say or do for each person on their own, but for Goddess sake, give some input instead of "This sucks, call me when we go back to FTB."

NOTICE: As I wrote this I was not angry nor do I feel any ill will toward the subjects of this post. I have a deep respect for the Incom and his staff. They really do a good job and I love being a Dog!!!

Let's be honest Doc, you and the other mods have made it apparent that this is not a democracy. Your switch to TFC was a clear example of that. The mods conspired to do this without input from the players. Including most of all the players that were still playing on the mindcrack pack regardless of the impending doom that is the 1.5 wipe. We (me, mick, marv, rake, squ, baker to name a few) recognized that the update was a ways off and were playing business as usual. That is until Dan put a rush on the "Offshore Account" madness and you and MiC dropped the bomb that is TFC. If people had the "why bother if it's going to be wiped" mentality it was due to mishandling of the situation on this forum.

Now being the good little change manager that I am (though I am not in a position of leadership in this group) I accepted the change to TFC as my own, I attempted to encourage others to look on the difficulties faced as positives (a little in the forum but mostly in game and through PMs) but your (the mods) "shut up and color" mentality on the forum is not helpful in that regards. Nor is it helpful to sign on to a ghost town of a server. Where are the mods? Where are the other players? A couple of the mods are experiencing ISP issues... understood. One of the mods who I've seen pop on for a few minutes and disappear has made clear their dislike of the mod. More still are the mods that have displayed no intention of joining TFC. I won't begrudge you, Doc, a few days reprieve from the stone age for whatever reason be it personal or otherwise I don't need to know. But you have been championing this mod from the beginning so if you are AWOL on the server who else is there and imagine my unease since the last time you and the other mods disappeared off the server for a few days you made a decision that has not been popular with the community as a whole.

And input? I don’t feel you have created an atmosphere where people can feel free to make inputs in this regard. As such I humbly await the mods decisions on the way forward. I love you guys and don’t want to see this community torn apart by something as simple as a world reset.

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My personal departure the past couple days has stemmed from some personal issues. The general consensus that I got when I asked around, as well as other people was that people were bored waiting for the reset. Maybe TFC wasn't the best choice for a temp mod, but we (the mods) got the general feeling that the community was getting restless and bored. As far as our "shut up and colour" attitude, that's not the consensus. We would rather that you enjoy yourselves. And while you are correct in stating that this is not a democracy, it's still worthwhile when you put in your opinion. If it wasn't for people continually asking for the ability to bring things foward to the next world, that wouldn't have even been considered.
If you or any player feels that they are being left out of decisoins or want to put their opinion on the table, most discussion takes place over teamspeak. It's faster and easier to not only put ideas forth, but to debate them and keep things moving along. Usually you can find M!C, Razzle, or myself there at any point during the course of a day. The mods didn't do this TFC thing alone or overnight. In fact, if my memory serves, you were there, Jvon, when M!C and I talked about this with Faesyn and Razzle.
I'm not certian that a mod switch now would be wise, but if enough people are behind it, we can work something out. The point behind TFC was to get people out of the "Automate EVERYTHING, collect hundreds of ingots, AFK for hours" mentality. It would appear that people decided that that was more like what they want, but there's really nothing worth doing in that respect until the mod update.
Marv asked me about going to Ultimate until the update. The reason we aren't going to go to Ultimate in the meantime is the same reason that we swapped to a new modpack in the first place: We aren't keeping the world. It's a combination of world gen tweaks that aren't fully explained in the typical changelog, redstone changes that screw with existing builds, and the addition/subtraction of other mods.

TL;DR-Give us options, we do listen, you may not nesicarily agree with the results. We're trying to find another mod to keep you guys happy. Get on Teamspeak.
The reason for my current absense is, that I am again at my parents' place, which means a horrible internet connection and thus makes playing MC not very enjoyable.

Additionally I must confess that all the complains and, pardon me, whining happening on the server didn't do anything to improve the atmosphere for me.
I do not wish to attack anyone with this but I must say that quite a few people had written of the mod before they got even half in to it.
I know it's normal for everyone to not read the entire wiki before playing but basing an opinion on shaky foundations is something I personally do not like.

At this point in time I am not sure how we're supposed to proceed. We tried heavy player participation in decisions, which lead to endless discussions, arguments getting repeated over and over and unhappy faces, until Incom intervened.
We tried dictatorship after that, in getting TFC in and that led to even more unhappy faces as it seems. I suggested this mod and heavily backed it because it meant a break from automation in the game and supplied much more reasons for cooperation that FTB ever could.
Cooperation, the magical word, which everyone seemed to be striving for. Turns out, it doesn't work for us. Yes, we got most of the server in one base but people were stilling living alongside each other, not really together. Maybe a little more dictatorship, for the lack of a better word in my vocabulary, in setting up a designated project with roles to pick would have fixed that, but it seems it's to late for that now.

Either way, I feel I have exhausted my store of opinions, suggestions and ideas for now. I will go with the Dogs wherever we'll end up, and find some way to contribute to hopefully contribute to the fun of everyone (even though I almost feel the need apologize for having brought up TFC at all). If the demand is there, dark and I could open up our TFC project for more players to work on. If we switch to another mod I'll do my best to helpful in exploring that.
Just please let's have fun, ok?


Why does the server even need a mod (meaning modpack, not meaning moderator)? Why not go back to pure original Minecraft for a break until the FTB updates get done? Mods are fun, yes, but I understand this community has been doing them for a long time. How about a break from them?


Maybe make an incentive for an original minecraft server. Have a contest (with rewards to be provided when the server reaches the new FTB world) for the best pure minecraft constructs. this does not need to be an actual building, maybe a sculpture or other monument. Have different levels of involvement. I hear of Bakercompany's great wonders, have him on a higher level compared to other players of lower artistic ability. Have both moderators and selected players be the impartial judging panel

And personally Bakercompany should be challenged to create a life-sized or larger than life sized Millennium Falcon, USS Enterprise or Star Destroyer. Could be a fun community project to hold people over until the next FTB
Ah, i back up mics idea of setting roles for, really i like that...when i joined the new server i was too late and most guys where already in bronze age or far beyond...and that left me with getting along doing "stuff" or trying to live alone and learn to mod...i tried both ways...i have to say, that i am not really amazed about this mod, yes, i like its ideas but it is a bit of too time consuming for me...

which wouldnt be a problem if we would work together...gatherers, hunters, farmers...that would be really awesome...we would COOPERATE the first time on this server (yes, we build huge stuff, but most of the time some were iddling, others were doing something others werent even interested)...

this mod forces you somehow to work together...and doc and faesyn somehow showed how it could be done...unfortunatly, they both were so close together and a perfect team, that it looked like, that i was of no use for them^^+

Anyway: i for myself, would appreciate a restart of the server, same mod, but this time we work together..i for myself would like to be a farmer and baker...i would provied you with bread and soybeans and stuff...and someone else is going to hunt...and then we will have someone who is mining...and another two or so will build shelters...THAT would be really awesome and THAT is what would make this mod amazing

phanta out!^^
First off thank you Doc for not taking it personally. I was trying to word it so it didn't feel like I was attacking you because that was not my intent. When you Fae Raz and MiC were discussing TFC it was either in a separate channel on TS or during one the periods when I was not online. I may be incorrect in thinking so but it seems a lot of the discussion does happen on TS or Google hangouts and the general population is not keyed in either because their timing isn't right or they aren't invited to the hangouts. Not really your problem except that this forum has been deemed the central repository for DoTS minecraft discussion. Unless you want to start taking meeting minutes when we talk on TS you may want to hold more discussions here. As per myself I do feel like I have a little more insight into the inner dealing because I am generally at least listening on TS which is I guess why I was a little shocked that I didn't know about TFC before it happened. I didn't even know it was on the table. I agree that a mod change at this point would be silly.

MiC, don't apologize for anything. There is no need. It was you who first recognized the derailment of the original discussion concerning world reset and you stepped up and handled it nicely. It's just Incom put an end to the discussion at that same time. And yeah the whining in the forum and in game was getting on my nerves too. (Yes everyone should read the wiki, yes everything is different then vanilla, no it doesn't make sense to have a block of dirt or cobble hanging off a wall without it falling to the ground, yes you should have to wait for your crops to grow instead of clicking on it with bonemeal to make it magically grow.) I disagree that cooperation doesn't work for us as evident by Doc's base on TFC. We fell in to roles quickly, blacksmith, farmer, cook, builder, lumberjack and worked together achieving steel, a rather large stockpile of coal and charcoal, a good supply of seeds, and the makings of a rather nice keep. Not to mention the cooperative efforts of your camp to build one of the largest tunnels I've ever seen in the game. Cooperation works for us.

Phanta, I like the idea of roles, as I said before had already started falling into rolls when you joined us. I felt like a real blacksmith. Fulfilling orders for picks and armor for my fellows. I thought you had taken on the roll of farmer which after your went to wander the waste I have tried to start and where it's kind of fun the work comes in spurts. I think everyone has taken a turn at being a lumberjack and I had set up a sort of trade with percy who's chief export was lumber. I think roles need to be defined a little more clearly allowing for job rotation and you will have your cooperation we want.
A few of you have mentioned the lack of automation as something to be desired as a break from FTB. I concur. Many of the things in that pack encourage AFK play, and with things like Gregtech requiring huge amounts of resources those automated gathering systems running 24/7 become necessary to progress. Maybe when the server goes back to one of these FTB packs, we should consider limiting the level of automation we use. Forcing people to manually gather stuff might be an interesting twist and serve to encourage more collaboration while still using the mods we have all grown to love.

In terms of other things we can try while waiting for all the new stuff to happen... I think some of us might be ok with having a temporary world to adventure in, and what someone said earlier of the ultimate pack probably does hold true -- the nether is the only thing we would likely need to update when 1.5 hits, unless some mods add more world gen. We could also try out some of the other mod packs, maybe FTB Lite for a short term world (no gregtech complexity but many other goodies). The RPG pack also looks interesting, and it might be fun to try with people.

I look forward to seeing you all again soon.
Did I miss something? I just logged on to the server and the world has been reset. It's the same seed but it's completely unmolested.
Apologies folks, we have had some issues and had to fall back to our last 24ish hours old backup.

On the plus side we managed to get the server to use twice as much RAM as before, which should be a good thing when we hit FTB again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Anyone still on the server? i am checking from time to time to harvest the crops etc, but it seems, that the server is quite dead?
Anyone still on the server? i am checking from time to time to harvest the crops etc, but it seems, that the server is quite dead?

I've noticed much the same. I haven't been on at all today because I decided to learn more about turtles and lua so I'm practicing on a test world. But for going on a week now there's been no one on every time I check. I log in to check on my crops and maybe search for the elusive nickel ore. No one is ever on TeamSpeak either. I know there was supposed to be a meeting between the mods and Incom today so hopefully we find out what's going on with the server. At this point I'd even go for the brony pack if it meant I'd actually see my fellow Dogs online. I miss you guys!!!
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On a somewhat related note: worldgen is half way there. Been following buidlcraft a bit and it looks like they have some semblance of an API out for modders though they released it with a disclaimer. Eloraam is being quiet like always. From what I gather any mod that adds a lot of different objects to the game is taking a while because of the changes 1.5 made to texturing (although the IC2 folks got an alpha release out pretty quickly along with sengir getting his forestry alpha out REALLY quick). It's still anybody's guess when we'll have a working mod pack.
The texture things are not a big deal, Mojang has a texture extractor/compressor for moving textures to and from 1.5. The biggest problem people are going to come across is the redstone changes, what with multiple strengths and all. Also, don't even worry about the 1.5 update, it's 1.5.1 that we look at, as I expect that they are going to skip right to it. And if 1.5.2 comes out, same thing. As long as it isn't a cycle, they'll try to stay on the edge.
I'll be honest, I tried getting onto TFC using Doc's (I think it was you who posted it) instructions, but the .exe file wouldn't open. Something about it only being a 5 day trial. Anyway, I've been too busy as of late to really get on Minecraft at all. Orie says she's done with it, just as I predicted she would, but I'll trick her back on eventually.
I'm still not able to play MC due to internet connection limitations. On April 9th I will be back to normal activity, I hope.
Whenever I longingly glance at the server log I can't help a small chuckle about several people logging in for 5 minutes here and there, always always missing each other. :)
In other news, we are still debating on how to continue from where we are atm, how we'll handle 1.5.1 and which form the server will take.

SirJerryTheGreen, I don't know how adapt you are at installing MC mods but the usual installation instructions can be found here:
They are a bit more complex than what doc set up, mind you.
*snip* Whenever I longingly glance at the server log I can't help a small chuckle about several people logging in for 5 minutes here and there, always always missing each other. *snip*
I figured this might be the case. I will be getting on the server a bit more starting in a couple of hours. My play times are still limited to ~3:00-5:00 PM and again ~8:00-11:00 PM Eastern Time. As soon as I'm able to ditch work I'll be getting on. For anyone and everyone who felt like Doc's area progressed too fast or that it's too late to join I will be setting off a couple 1000 meters in some direction with nothing in my pack save a couple of meals and a bed. Once I find a place to set up shop, I will be progressing through the ages from scratch I welcome anyone to join me. I've done the blacksmith thing and loved it, I've done the farmer thing and have worked out a good system. Animal husbandry is broken in this version from what Baker has reported. I'm still learning the finer aspects of building. Lumbering and mining aren't difficult so I can fill any roll if there is a certain area that you want to focus on. I promise not to give you the crap jobs like mucking out the coal pile just because I'm busy blacksmithing (sorry for doing that to you Flight ;)).
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