Greylist Server DOGS OF THE STATE: OUTPOSTS [FeedTheBeast - MindCrack v8] [1.4.7] [Mature] [Military Minded]

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I plan on staying somewhat quiet until someone throws together a real plan of action for this whole mother ship idea. Right now "Things are still up in the air" plot sizes and heights, basements, etc etc etc.. I guess I fail to wrap my head around the whole mother ship idea.. I'm waiting for at least a few details to be flattened out before I comment... Time to pull out the rolling machines and Implosion Compressors...?
I'm a little uneasy about the communist... I mean communal sorting/processing system. It takes away from "my precious" achievements.

I very much respect your viewpoint. I'm not advocating that the communist sorting system be mandated upon everybody. You can opt in or not. I don't wish to claw my way up the entire tech tree for a third time. I don't mind working on it some, and if others aren't interested in doing it all again either, we can combine our efforts and get it done one more time and spread out the pain. That's partly why I am uneasy with it being built in a community space, it may make people think that they must use it. By putting it into the plots of the members, it makes it more separate and private. Odds are, if you ask a member for something, we'll share as much as we do now or more. To join in, will require either redistributing the system or adding a bit that has been annoying or underpowered.

Freedom is the choice to join or not to join. I would just as soon quit too if the idea were imposed upon me.

All Party members report to your local Party Secretariat to receive current propiganda film and instructions. All non Party members must report to their local garrison for transportation to the resort gulags for processing and indoctrination. Remember Comrades, only YOU can prevent the Capitalist swine from taking over!
All Party members report to your local Party Secretariat to receive current propiganda film and instructions. All non Party members must report to their local garrison for transportation to the resort gulags for processing and indoctrination. Remember Comrades, only YOU can prevent the Capitalist swine from taking over!

Да Товарищ!! Какие-нибудь новости на том, когда мы смотрим на сброс?
I think the outpost format is working pretty good, I don't really like how the mothership thing sounds, but maybe when I see it I'll do like it... I just like how our server looks natural and most of us try to blend in with the environment our places are at... Still I'll respect the vote of the majority and I'll gladly help with anything to get everything going after the reset.
Да Товарищ!! Какие-нибудь новости на том, когда мы смотрим на сброс?
Вопрос почетный товарищ приходит не ко мне, чтобы, когда мы модернизируем, это выбор разработчиков о том, когда модернизация occours. Если местные лидеры партии могут прийти к соглашению о некоторых деталях, мы можем начать работу по созданию Родине в ближайшее время!
אנחנו מדברים אנגלית. אנחנו מקלידים אנגלית למתורגמן ונראה משהו אחר. במקרה זה, בעברית
I'm sorry, but my Hebrew is a tad shoddy... Either way, let's keep this in English, for the sake of moderation. Neu Gymraeg, rwy'n siŵr sy'n dderbyniol
I plan on staying somewhat quiet until someone throws together a real plan of action for this whole mother ship idea. Right now "Things are still up in the air" plot sizes and heights, basements, etc etc etc.. I guess I fail to wrap my head around the whole mother ship idea.. I'm waiting for at least a few details to be flattened out before I comment... Time to pull out the rolling machines and Implosion Compressors...?

I'm with you on this one Faesyn,

I'll keep my head down until there is a finalized scenario in place. Not sure about the whole mothership thing. Seems kind of pointless to pack everyone into a small space with a giant world to play around in.
Phases 1-3 of the prototype city, henceforth called New Atlantis, have been completed.
Come take a look in the Twilight Forest, coordinates 3000 3000.

Phase 1: excavation of city area and securing with slabs
Phase 2: building city footprint
Phase 3: building Magetower
Seems kind of pointless to pack everyone into a small space with a giant world to play around in.

The point is, as materials and resources near the city/ship/outpost are used up, the central area can be "jumped" to an entire new world. There may be a giant world to play in, but it can get tiresome when you have to travel thousands of blocks to find an area that has not already been minded out, or otherwise used up. If something new is added in an update, the central area can be "jumped" to a new world that contains that new thing without everyone losing everything they've built each time.
There are also no rules against building outside of the mothership. Anything outside will likely not be permanent though.
I can see a value to the idea of the mothership given your description of it's use.

Why not just contain resource mining to TF since we can't use Mystcraft and reset it weekly? I also used to play on a server that had designated resource areas that automatically reset every week in the overworld as well.
I can see a value to the idea of the mothership given your description of it's use.
Why not just contain resource mining to TF since we can't use Mystcraft and reset it weekly? I also used to play on a server that had designated resource areas that automatically reset every week in the overworld as well.

We will most likely stick to our traditional way of doing things.
There have been times in the past when the "jump" had more involved than just renewing world resources. No assurance that anything like this will happen again, but it's possible to "jump" just for the fun of it... to a world that is a bunch of floating sky islands, or an ocean full of archipelagos, leave us stranded in a giant desert, or some other scenario.
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