Greylist Server DOGS OF THE STATE: OUTPOSTS [FeedTheBeast - MindCrack v8] [1.4.7] [Mature] [Military Minded]

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After some soul searching and thinking and playing about with it, I have decided NOT to spotlight Xeno's Reliquary. My goal is to spotlight mods that may make an appearance on our server come next reset, and Xeno's will VERY LIKELY not make an appearance. There has been a moratorium on EE3 because it is HORRIBLY unbalanced for real survival play, and Xeno's has many of the same functions reproduced merely by adding redstone to the mix. Thus, I am left with one mod left, Applied Energistics. This is going to take a fair amount of time to make, so be patient and be sure to watch the rest of the spotlights already done.
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Imarvin, I am not to most creative of people, so I might not be good to actually build or house a segment. But my axe and my sword are at your service for resource gathering with the reset
Marv I've always enjoyed dealing with red power and BC sorting systems, so I'm glad to help with that. I've always loved forestry, so I'm happy do be the farmer and deal with food production.
Nobody on the server seems to know right now, so figured I'd ping the forum to see if anyone was watching. Whats the current status of the end? Is the Dragon down? I'd just rather not get stuck in the end enderman farming. Thanks!
After some soul searching and thinking and playing about with it, I have decided NOT to spotlight Xeno's Reliquary. My goal is to spotlight mods that may make an appearance on our server come next reset, and Xeno's will VERY LIKELY not make an appearance. There has been a moratorium on EE3 because it is HORRIBLY unbalanced for real survival play, and Xeno's has many of the same functions reproduced merely by adding redstone to the mix. Thus, I am left with one mod left, Applied Energistics. This is going to take a fair amount of time to make, so be patient and be sure to watch the rest of the spotlights already done.

Xeno's doesn't seem that bad to me. The exchange recipes at least take something, the basic exchange recipes consume redstone and the higher ones use lapis or gold. Not really sure that's OP, considering the costs involved. It does have a lot of cool items. I'd like to see it stay, but here's a spotlight to check out...
The end is dragon free. Near the Exit portal there is a 2 meter roof top I made to hunt Endermen from. I got the 1024 for the endermen soul shard in about 20 minutes there
IMarv's Sorting City

Mission statement: Inspire creative builds, share resources, reduce server load, visit neighbors, and have fun.

The plan: At the start of the next reset, the volunteers of this group will work together to build one massive automated sorting and processing complex. I can't force any of this on anybody, but I can inspire cooperation.

Any major mining or other major resource gathering done should feed into the sorting center for processing...

Since this big system will be shared, we will not need to all individually come up with 40 chrome for a full-heat industrial blast furnace, not have to come up with massive power systems several times over, etc. We can instead do what we enjoy most, building, mining, exploring, chatting, etc. The upshot is, there should be fewer machines in each plot and better server and client performance.

We would all benefit from a plan that would provide better server and client performance.

How would you handle rare/scarce items and resources? If someone goes out gathering do they keep the uranium they find and turn over the other things to the sorting system? Will players cooperate when three people are trying to build a house out of a material that is hardly showing up fast enough to build one house?
We would all benefit from a plan that would provide better server and client performance.

How would you handle rare/scarce items and resources? If someone goes out gathering do they keep the uranium they find and turn over the other things to the sorting system? Will players cooperate when three people are trying to build a house out of a material that is hardly showing up fast enough to build one house?

Probably by having a call to arms to get more harvesting done. If you are using uranium for a fission nuclear reactor, you're doing it wrong. Make Ultimate Solar panels instead, besides, the power plant engineer should be informed of the shortage of power. The matter fabricator should be pumping out uu matter by the metric ton if we do it right. And we'll beat you up if you want a pink house made of highly advanced machine blocks. I think the more sane answer is, build it out of something a little more common, here's a recharging wand of equiv exchange for when we have enough.

I'm voting for beating them about the head with the wand myself

I fear that attempting a communal ideal will indeed lead to a blanket party now and then. Don't we have to make some allowance for players to "keep things in their pocket"?
I fear that attempting a communal ideal will indeed lead to a blanket party now and then. Don't we have to make some allowance for players to "keep things in their pocket"?
I figure there would be some keeping of things in your pocket, but what one person covets may be annoying byproduct to another. It will work out, I'm sure.

I see this both ways. I like the idea of a communal area where there are machines for all to use and a sorting, store area. But I personally prefer the idea of our own workshops as well.Since coming to FTB, I like learning and trying to come up with more effective patterns for my workshop. My current workshop has gone thru 3 renovations in the short time I have been a Doggie. I also really enjoy going around to other players places and seeing what they have come up with for machine design and sorting.

And one other thing to consider. For a communal sorting/store are you will have some who contribute tons (pun intended) of resources. Then you will have some players come on, come and use the resources with very littl to no contribution. I can see this eventually leading to hard feelings and emotions. Like I said, I like the idea of having an area where the community and get what they need and I plan to contribute heavily. But I think we should be allowed our own machines and sorts as well if we want them.
Yeah, as nice as joining up with several players is, we're never going to force anyone to do it. This is not the official plan for the entire server.

You can build within your plot whatever you please as long as you stick to the rules.
I see this both ways. I like the idea of a communal area where there are machines for all to use and a sorting, store area. But I personally prefer the idea of our own workshops as well. ...

And one other thing to consider. For a communal sorting/store are you will have some who contribute tons (pun intended) of resources. Then you will have some players come on, come and use the resources with very littl to no contribution. I can see this eventually leading to hard feelings and emotions. Like I said, I like the idea of having an area where the community and get what they need and I plan to contribute heavily. But I think we should be allowed our own machines and sorts as well if we want them.

"I can see this eventually leading to hard feelings and emotions."
That's the thing that concerns me. Marvin is correct that a community sorter would reduce resource drain on the server. You are correct that expecting everyone to share everything is likely to cause trouble.
Perhaps we can work out something that includes both community sorting and individual player hoarding. In some cases it should be easy. Who's going to fight over cobble? A community system could input cobble and process it into stone, stone brick, mossy cobble, and so on. There should always be an abundance in this case, right?

Sand is another story. Someone has to go out and gather it. Can the community system be set up so this player can input the sand, set the system for glass, glass panes, silicon cells, or whatever, and then the player takes the output for his own use? (leaving excess for others)
The other question is, do we want a communal ThaumCraft area as well? I am not really interested in researching and going through all the Thaum Craft, but there are two items I am interested in having: the Arcane Levatators and the Brain in a Jar. So have we thought about this for communal?
As far as thaumcraft is concerned, you're still going to have to do all the research again, or wait for someone else to do it. Then it's a matter of catching that person....
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