Greylist Server DOGS OF THE STATE: OUTPOSTS [FeedTheBeast - MindCrack v8] [1.4.7] [Mature] [Military Minded]

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Ok, I looked at the plan for the ship. With all the side "islands/arms" is this where players would build their places?
We will most likely stick to our traditional way of doing things.
There have been times in the past when the "jump" had more involved than just renewing world resources. No assurance that anything like this will happen again, but it's possible to "jump" just for the fun of it... to a world that is a bunch of floating sky islands, or an ocean full of archipelagos, leave us stranded in a giant desert, or some other scenario.
Think Quantum Leap. We're going somewhere by god, but damned if we know where.

Ok guys, I have nothing against the occasional joke but we have 14 posts in the last two pages that are technically off-topic one liners.

Please only post when you got questions or information pertaining to the server or want to add something to an on-going discussion. Finished a nice new project? Sweet, post it here and make sure to include pictures, no problem.

We want the signal to noise ratio in here to be high, for the sake of our own sanity, for new players, but also because it's part of the forum rules.
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I will say this about the experience I had on the mothership build.

I personally think it worked really well for a few reasons.

Everyone had their personal space, to do with as they please. And we had a lot of great builds aboard the mothership, the place we officially called "home". And this nice compact package was super easy to transport around from world to world as we drained local resources.

You are free to build off the ship, and harvest resources as you need. As long as you keep in mind your off-ship builds will be left behind. So focus your effort in making a beautiful home on the MS, and make remote mining depots and such off ship.

In addition to that, BUILDING the mothership space was a massive community effort. People always had things to do. I've run into a lot of time lately where I wished I had such a project to work on while I churn out UU matter.
State of the Future: Colony

I traveled to the Twilight Forest today to see what Mic proposed, I have to say he's mostly on the right track.

When we start it'll be a group effort to get things going. We'll hall have to build small.

We'll have a NoobTown again too. These will have the smallest plots.

Plot sizes will be relegated to chunks. So a basic plot will be 16x16 HOWEVER, this will really be 13x13 as we are going to take 3 on each side for the road. The roads will be easy to rebuild by hand, and will contain lighting. Once a Probie buys his way out of NoobTown, he can then have access to the next highest plot. Once he becomes a Player he can move again. So we have these dimensions. Noob 13x13, Probie 29x29, Player 45x45, Vet 61x61. More on Vet later.

Gone will be the days of the Mage tower. The center of town will be a park and giant energy Pylon. This'll also be a 61x61 plot as all other math needs to be based on the largest plot size.

I do like MiC idea of having 16x16 plaza's in places. Rather than make these our roads, these'll be welcomed pit stops and places to put another structural pylon.

We are not doing the Mothership, we are doing a fenced in colony, think Jurassic Park. High walls, turrets. For those who know the Mothership, It'll be THAT with no bottom and the plots on the ground.

We are not yet certain if we can get this beast to JUMP yet, but we will try. The Twilight Forest, Nether, and End will not be enabled to start. We'll incentivise that with some fiction and a mini-game.

Dan has a special project he wants to spearhead before we leave this world. I'll let him tell you the details of it at his leisure.

How many ACTIVE players do we have right now?
I may be off the server for a day or 2. I am on my single player, trying to config the 45x45 that will be my plot on the new world and see how my new home will look.

How many ACTIVE players do we have right now?

<raises hand> Me! I'm active!


Negotiations are under way to locate a site for the secure storage of players materials and belonging during the update transition. Details soon.
Boo to the keeping things with us. I for one will opt to start COMPLETELY fresh but I don't think it'll be the same if I'm the only one starving to death and punching trees.
Boo to the keeping things with us. I for one will opt to start COMPLETELY fresh but I don't think it'll be the same if I'm the only one starving to death and punching trees.

Each player will have the choice to start completely fresh or not.
If you fell it will somehow spoil the experience to do otherwise, then by all means, start completely fresh.
I've started fresh many times and would rather not be forced to do it again.


No one is "keeping things with" them. Still working on the exact details, as I said it's still being negotiated, but "things" will be stored in a secure location, not in the players inventory.
On arrival in the new world everyone will indeed be hungry and punching trees.
Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Give a man a carrot and he plants it and gets several for the price of one. I'm intrigued now Dan. I know you said it was up in the air still but are you thinking of some sort of RP type scenario to gain access to those items?
I won't be able to play on the server until I fix my computer but I should be on teamspeak and I can log on (just a bit slow) so if you need me just hop on teamspeak and I can pop in game (laptops too slow to actually play but I can log on and move extremely slowly).
Silly problem, could someone put a water pool in the Twilight Forest at approximately -148, -140? My spawn is apparently set to ~64Y level and the ground is 35 there. Thank you.
Kayse, I created the portal at -148, -140 as you requested. But there is also one at -111, -125 near a nether portal. I can only wonder if two so close nearby miht cancel each other out. Good luck.

UPDATED: I just popped in the one I created for you and it exited me in that Mage Tower. Reentered and it came out in the -111, -125 pool. So I guess that is the default pool. You might be out of luck, with them being so close. I am not a pool expert, so maybe someone else might know a workaround.
Sorry, I could have worded that better. I literally just needed a pool of water so I don't keep dying immediately after spawning 30 meters off of the ground.

Either way, that fixed it and I spawned in the overworld instead so thank you very much.
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