Greylist Server DOGS OF THE STATE: OUTPOSTS [FeedTheBeast - MindCrack v8] [1.4.7] [Mature] [Military Minded]

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I support a reset. I say take a community vote on it also.

Maybe I can make a new structure without so many microblocks....

Plus everyone would be able to focus on what they really liked and enjoyed and not waste time and resources on experiments.

But if there is an outcry against the reset and we will lose players, I can understand not doing it.

We have however, mined the balls out of this world.
If we do a reset, is our inventories wiped clean? I know that the items in barrels and chests are, but what about enderchests or pockets? If we could keep our pocket inventory, it would be helpful starting things up again.
I would like to offer a suggestion for a wipe or reset. I mentioned this in-game today and posting to see if this might be an option for Incomitatum IF considering a wipe/reset.

We keep the Mage Tower only. Everything outside it's sidewalks is wiped/reset/reseeded. But to allow the players an opportunity to preserve some of their valued possessions, each player is allowed 1 "bug out" chest. this would be a standard chest that they plant within the Mage Tower and have their start up items they want to keep. A standard chest would ensure some valuables, but also that a player is not taken the whole inventory with them. Once the new world is created, they grab their stuff and off they go.

Just my suggestion, because I really don't want to lose everything I have finally started crafting hehe
Thanks for all the suggestions guys. We appreciate it.

Since 1.5 is still at least a month away for us, something to keep you entertained: It's render time again!

As last time I made one overview with plotmarkers on it and a 3d render.

The overview without markers can be found here:

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I like the idea of keeping the mage tower. It's an amazing build. I think it would be fun to have some kind of story around the change to a new world.

The apocalypse is coming! Everyone grab what you can and take shelter in our tower! We only have enough power to keep a forcefield around it. What's that out there! Hurry, get inside! It's coming!


Where are we?
Well... While the idea of keeping the mage tower is an interesting one, I think it would be great for IF/When the reset comes, a whole new world seed is generated. Perhaps Incom, or one of the mods can cut out the whole mage tower as a blueprint or mcedit file, and save it to load up on a new world.. (to match the RP theme above: we all went into a bunker under the mage tower and entered cryo-stasis and woke up in a completely different world, blow a bit of the tower up, throw some vines on it and turn some blocks mossy/cracked like they aged).. And then we can all work together to rebuild a nice town around it.

Resetting everything on the same seed will change things a bit, however I want to see completely new biomes around.. Maybe less snowy redwood forests and frozen wastelands... If we're doing a reset why not go out with a BANG! :)

Furthermore the idea of keeping inventory of some kind, while it sounds fun, will probably create more problems than good.. What kind of items can people take with them? Is there a limit in that regard? Can someone store their gravichest and awesome tools and advanced machines? What about a matter fabricator or fusion reactor, or M!C's 217 advanced solar panels?... etc..

While I know some people wont agree with me, I do enjoy the idea of starting over occasionally.. I find it more fun to start from scratch and think of different ways I can make a set up.. Especially when working with friends to make something great.

I'm all for a total reset when we eventually upgrade, though this won't be for probably a month at minimum.
Exactly, Faesyn. Like I mentioned earlier, the ExtrabiomesXL config in the ultimate pack cuts out several of the redundant giant tree and snow/ice biomes, which makes the worlds a lot prettier in my opinion. And that's exactly what I mean (and what I think Osh might have meant, too) about the Mage Tower. Not to keep the same seed, but to literally copy the mage tower over to a new one.

In terms of stuff to hold over to the next version... maybe right now as a server we could get together and literally turn parts of the mage tower (the basement, say) into this base we're talking about using to survive an apocalypse. We could set it up with low/medium tech level power generators, some storage of building blocks, food, and essentials, and maybe a basic machine room. Instead of everyone choosing their most powerful items to bring over, maybe the survivors / new settlers could be kitted out with a basic set of tools (standard drill, chainsaw, batpack) to facilitate our first forays into the wilderness. We would have a leg up, since we came from a time/place with high technology, but we lost a good deal of it / some of it was ruined.
I'm voting YES on generating a new seed, while I'll miss some of my stuff I think the best is for everyone to start with no inventory, and then we'll be a tighter team working together to restore everything, I also love the idea of the apocalypse and taking shelter in the mage tower xP...
Alright kiddies, something is horribly wrong with the server and I can't fix it. I'm assuming all the lag problems are due to something going wrong on Creeperhost's end. The panel tells me that there is only 3gb of ram and two cores running us as opposed to our 6gb and five cores, that the server isn't running and no amount of restarting and poking can change that (some sarcasm inserted). Incom has been alerted, and now we wait for Creeperhost to figure it out.
Okay so we've had a few discussions on Teamspeak and for the sake of transparency I'm posting my opinions on the forum. First off, there was some criticism that I wasn't coming forward with my feelings regarding this even though it has been open in the forum. My reason for this was two-fold. 1.) I wasn't sure how to put it into words 2.) I didn't want my opinions to come across like an ultimatum. DoTS does not owe me anything so if I don't like something I will gracefully bow out. No hard feelings on my part.

There's been a lot of talk about when we update neutering some of the “overpowered” mods. Whether in an attempt to lengthen the path to end game or to bring us together more as a community. Where I can see a couple of instances where there could be improvement, in general I think neutering or re-balancing is a bad idea. My opinion is that there is no single mod that is overpowered nor is there any single item that is overpowered. The perception of OP comes from the synergy that WE as the players create by using the mods together. Let's face it we're all pretty damn smart. As an example, the quarry is not overpowered. A quarry hooked to an energy tesseract which is fed by 32 magmatic engines fueled by nether lava fed from liquid tesseracts outputting items into an item tesseract to a barrel sorting system. This is overpowered. Take tesseracts away and I can still fuel the magmatic engines with an enderchest liquid transposer system but I have to now lug around a lot more equipment. But I digress. My bottom line opinion on re-balancing... leave it to Greg. Don't take my quarry away because you think once I get one everything from then on out is easy. It's not. I still can't generate enough eu to make my matter fab worth while. Iridium doesn't grow on trees.

On the subject of creating our own mod pack. Everyone thinks they can do it better. And you are welcome to try. But there is a reason FTB has a full staff of people developing the packs. I have put together my own packs for single player. It's not easy. Mods don't always play nice with each-other. This version of such and such requires x version of forge but that version of forge breaks some other mod and so on and so forth. And don't get me started on configs and block Ids. FTB does a great job at catching most of the bugs and memory leaks before releasing a new version of their pack. I would rather use their tested packs and disable as many mods as is necessary (trim the fat) then have one of us try and make, support, maintain a private mod pack. I want Doc to spend his time playing with the rest of us not testing/troubleshooting our mod pack. Not to mention Doc would also have to be our tech support, and deal with players complaining that we should add mod x to our pack and why don't we have version y. Path of least resistance, use Ultimate but trim what the server can't handle.

On the subject of a world reset. I have been hoping for an opportunity to start a world from scratch as a community. I want us all starving to death together. I want to punch wood with the lot of you. I want to complain that mickredbeard is bogarting all the charcoal in the (vanilla) furnace when I need to smelt my two pieces of iron ore I found after 20 minutes of digging with a stone pickaxe. I want to lay the cornerstone of whatever we use as a central structure in the new world. I want to avenge Faesyn when he gets shot in the face by a skeleton. I love the current mage tower and I definitely think we should save a schematic of it in Mcedit. Maybe it can be “discovered” in a world event later on. (Our own Dalaran floating in the sky perhaps.) I think nothing will bring us closer together than a level playing field.

I for one think the way we function on the server is great. If it's not broke don't fix it. Some individuals might need direction and since Incom has been busy in the real world Doc has stepped in and started to give us direction. But please don't change a bunch of stuff because individuals are acting like hermits or have reached the end of the tech tree and are bored or have created so many machines that my motherboards starts to smoke when I get anywhere near their plot (not meant to be anyone in particular so don't take offense if it sounds like you.)

Whatever is decided, I will give it a chance. As I said before, if I don't like how things turn out, I'll bow out. Not a threat, no love lost, just what I have to do.
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I for one think the way we function on the server is great. If it's not broke don't fix it.

I thought we had a pretty good community, thought we did a pretty good job of helping each other and had been for a long time. Turns out I'm mistaken and it all needs to be fixed.
Remember guys, we're still discussing possibilities here (at least I am ...). Nothing has been decided one way or another.

What could we do to improve what we have? I've heard nobody say that things are bad as is, but going from very good to even better is something we should at least be able to discuss?
My usual modus operandi of discussing things and finding out what people think is to throw ideas at people, the more controverse the better usually because that gets people to voice their opinions.
From comments above and on G+ I take it that our brainstorming phase needs to be over now because apparently people are getting pissed about it.
I've heard a lot of interesting ideas and concepts so far and also - which is even more important - criticism of those same ideas. What's good, what's bad about them, how many people like them etc.

Maybe it's my German genes speaking here but I'd like to have some actual numbers on where people stand atm, so what I am going to do is, I'll come up with a poll that everyone can fill out.
It will be as anonymous as I can manage, so folks can speak their mind on things without other concerns in the background.
I have an idea on how to get to a compromise that everyone will be happy with but I'd like to hear more before posing it to the mods for refinement and then to all of you to be judged.

With that I'm done for now. Let's have fun together.


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I personally do not see any issues with the community. While i was new to FTB, I have been on regular Minecraft servers for ages and this is one of the better run ones I have seen. My above comment was just a suggestion if the perseverance of possession was to be allowed. If it comes to an entire world wipe, this will not drive me away.

My only complaint will be not know if/when anything might happen. I would hate to start working on a new project and then a few days later having a wipe. So I consider my builds on hold until be know what will happen. I would really hate it if I were Baker, and finally finish the monster build only to have a wipe the next day hehe
What we could do is move the server to ultimate. Ultimate's changes is mostly involving the interface and additions of mods I've actually wanted to see in Mindcrack. (yes, thaumic bees).
I would be fine with a server wipe. In fact, There's a few things about the way I did things that I don't like. Traincraft isn't in Ultimate so that shouldn't be a problem. As far as 1.5 goes however, the only wipe we would need to have access to the new stuff would be a nether wipe. Of course this also gives people more lava. (I've never seen a server run that low on lava that fast.... ever).

Other than that I'd disable- or at least limit Mystcraft to operator players as I would very much like to not see a sudden explosion in server file size.
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