Greylist Server DOGS OF THE STATE: OUTPOSTS [FeedTheBeast - MindCrack v8] [1.4.7] [Mature] [Military Minded]

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  • Have you READ everything before this? - Yep
  • How long have you spent looking around The Kingdom? -~20min
  • Where are you from (Example - Iowa or United Kingdom)? Germany
  • How old are you? 19yo
  • If you are not 18 or older, who is your Sponsor? -
  • What gender do you wish to be know by? Male
  • What is your Minecraft Username? eqha
  • What other games do you play on a semi-regular basis? -BF3, COD, even Games like CNC
  • What role do you enjoy taking the most in Minecraft (Eg: Farmer, Builder, Explorer, Digger)? Some of this, some of that, i like to balance. But i like Farming :)
  • If you are added, how often do you intend to be on? Depends. If i have exams or not :)
  • What is your schedule like, what hours do you most often play? Mostly afternoon, evening, at my time :)
  • Why do you think you will be a good fit for the Dogs of the State? I love building together, to see how other people build catches me somehow^^
The one mod I would like to see reinserted/inserted is the xycraft. I want animated glowy blocks to decorate with
More input from the peanut gallery here. I love the idea of roll playing on the server. M!C, Faesen, Tes and some others have had great ideas with back stories and works events. Mystcraft can facilitate this very easily. Linking books can remove a players inventory and similar things so when mods create an age where a few of us have been sent on an expedition gone wrong and now need to find a way home (set a goal that will reward us with a linking book back home).

Let greg screw with us more. It's capable of changing other recipes if we let it (ie it can change the pulverized but has to be allowed through the TE config.

A bank with trade o mats seem like a better idea than the storehouse.
What we could do is move the server to ultimate. Ultimate's changes is mostly involving the interface and additions of mods I've actually wanted to see in Mindcrack. (yes, thaumic bees).

Thaumic bees has been added to the next version of Mindcrack.

Okay so I created a couple of documents out on google docs with a brief descrtiption of each mod included in ultimate pack. And another with my comments on each mod. Here are the links for whoever is interested:


List with comment.

ChickenChunks is essential to find other chunk loaders at the very least. Even if the crafting recipe is turned off, there is still value in this one.

Ender Storage is better than Tesseracts, they are cheaper to make. And the ender pouches are incredibly useful. I can go on a digging/mining/adventure run and not have to stop to unload, just dump stuff into my sorting bag and it empties itself into my base.

Power Converters needs a bit of balancing done to it, but I don't know if the FTB guys have changed the defaults or not. I personally think it should be balanced based on the best conversion methods available from other mods and then given a 10% penalty for not using the right tool. However, it is great for not needing lots of machines to get the job done from what I've read of it.

I love the omniwrench. It can still break stuff for the IC stuff, it isn't the electric wrench on lossless mode. I think wrenches wearing out is just stupid and annoying. (I also think machines breaking when you remove them wrong or just because sucks too.)

Hey, just wanted to touch bases here... i am sorry i haven't been very active lately... been sick and have had visitors. I have a wedding to got to on the 16th of March and my mother will be staying wit the wife and I until then. I hope to be on SOME, but can't promise any substantial play until around the 18th or 19th. Hope all is well guys.

As for a reset, i'd love it. There are a lot of noob mistakes i wouldn't make this go 'round. The Ultimate Pack looks really cool and i have done a bit of playing around with it and it seems pretty stable (of course watching out for the mystcraft ages). The new Xycraft stuff is really really cool. Anyway, i have faith the mods will make the right move and im exctited to jump back on ASAP.
Allright, we've been discussing things over and over again, trying to come up with a good solution for us. For now we'd like everyone to answer these two basic questions in a PM to me.

1.) Would you prefer us to
  • reset completely
  • reset the map but keep certain items
  • keep the map as is
2.) Would you prefer us to
  • stay with the Mindcrack Pack
  • switch to the Ultimate Pack

We will may get into more detail in later polls, for now we want to get a general direction set down.
I will be posting the results as soon as I feel the better part of our players have voiced their opinion.
8:04pm central
Is the server down? Getting repeated Communication Error messages

Got in but horrible lag
Had some more serious WTAF moments tonight. Playing single player Ultimate pack, I've run across some odd things the past few days. Torches that are stuck to walls where I can guarantee I've never been, ever weirder is that they are regular torches. As I play with XYcraft enabled, I ONLY use sulpher/aluminum torches to light my way. I've discovered some random one-block stairs going down to small "rooms". And the final straw was finding a freaking cake sticking out of my portal. With a torch on top. I shat Stonehenge.
...I've run across some odd things the past few days. Torches that are stuck to walls where I can guarantee I've never been... I've discovered some random one-block stairs going down to small "rooms".

Herobrine is stalking you.
Has Bissit been messing with you? But seriously it wouldn't be the first time mods have put crazy easter eggs in the game. Like raining chickens from Portal Gun.
Okay it seems the cake portal thing is indeed portal gun being funny again. All my portals in the server have them now. Including appearing disappearing ones with the portal spawners. The cake is a lie....
  • Have you READ everything before this? Yes
  • How long have you spent looking around The Kingdom? 30 Mins
  • Where are you from (Example - Iowa or United Kingdom)? Florida
  • How old are you? 35
  • If you are not 18 or older, who is your Sponsor? n/a
  • What gender do you wish to be know by? M
  • What is your Minecraft Username? meaze
  • What other games do you play on a semi-regular basis? wow
  • What role do you enjoy taking the most in Minecraft (Eg: Farmer, Builder, Explorer, Digger)? Builder
  • If you are added, how often do you intend to be on? Daily
  • What is your schedule like, what hours do you most often play? 1900-2300
  • Why do you think you will be a good fit for the Dogs of the State? This server sounds like it was meant for me. Mature, military and no B.S. drama
  • (Optional) What have you seen worked well on other servers that you might like us to implement too?
  • (Optional) If you have any history of Military service, what branch were/are you a part of, what was/is your rank, and where were/are you stationed? Been in the USAF for 13 years, E-7 stationed in Florida my whole career thus far
Different question then, has Incomitatum stepped away from daily running of the community? If so, is it DanW3st we now need to bow down to and offer our first borns??
State of the Server Address

First a bit on myself. In 2009, one week after my honeymoon, I got in a car wreck. I hyper-extended my neck as much as I could have without breaking it. At the time I was the Multimedia Director for a local non-profit. I loved my job, but didn't care for the people, but couldn't work regardless. Savings dwindling my wife and I packed up and moved from Arkansas to Idaho. From there, head hanging on a string attached to my shoulders, I struggled to find work. Who would hire a guy who has to lay down every half hour and put ice on his neck? So, with my PC right next to the bed, I decided to fall back on the disciplines I knew. I reached out with a few under-the-table graphic-design jobs.

That was 2009, and I am a gamer-nerd. In the meantime we have had several iterations of the server I've had the doors open since beta when multiplayer was a piece of crap. I find that when I play Minecraft it's all or nothing. I play for hours and days on end. It let it consume me.

Now that it's 2013 I am in a lucrative position in my local community, founding my own graphic design firm, and can't let Minecraft consume me like I'd like it to. So, yes, in essence, I have stepped away...


I never really thought about a hierarchy among mods. But if there was one it'd be based on seniority. Dan has been with me the longest and seen the MOST iterations we've gone through.

(In order of seniority) Dan, Chennie, Short, Baker, MiC, Doc.
Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Heart, and Puppies. With their powers combined, they can summon me :)

Chennie, Short, and Baker aren't around much (to the best of my knowledge); but I don't feel like asking them to step down either. They are fine folks and I haven't questioned the reasons I asked them to take up the mantle of Mod.

Doc and MiC are the most tech savy, and Dan I feel knows me best, my moods, my trends, and how I would adjudicate things if I were around.

I don't feel like I am picking on Dan when I point out that he is our resident grey-beard. He doesn't type as fast as he used to, and he may not be as knowledgeable about all these mods, but he does deserve a modicum of reverence. As with all mods, talking over him may get you kicked (put in time out), no one likes a know it all, and he is humble enough to state when he does NOT know something.


As for all this talk of moving packs. It's not going to happen. Until we have open discussion on the merits of going to another pack, and that report is vetted, compiled, and on my desk; there is no need for me to consider it.

As far as a reset. It's coming. We used to have a shining Mother-ship in the sky. A place where we build a city and people had neighbors. The plots were limited, and the spaces not as large as they could be, but we worked together to forge a "Great Works". When it was built and christened we made frequent JUMPS to new worlds. This pack makes that a little harder, but I would like to see people closer together again. It'd be nice to have a TOWN, and everything beyond it be about outposts and incursions into the wilderness. When we go to the TOWN format, and even IF it hasn't done anything to impress me yet (I am still waiting) I Will grant us all access to Xycraft.

The reset will happen when the mod-pack goes to 1.5. That may be tomorrow (unlikely), or be MONTHS from now. There was a time when we were restarting every two weeks. Sometimes we restarted every month. This has been the longest we have gone without one. A new world, new terrain, new boundaries, can be an exciting time to make new considerations on what to build and how.

MiC, the hour is nigh; as I listen to "Moonlight Sonata", I feel it is time we mark a place and build that arena. "Make it so Number-2."


TLDR: I've stepped away. Dan is in charge. We're not changing packs. We will wipe the world when 1.5 gets here. Yes you will get XyCraft. MiC, plan and have them build a massive arena.
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