Greylist Server DOGS OF THE STATE: OUTPOSTS [FeedTheBeast - MindCrack v8] [1.4.7] [Mature] [Military Minded]

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Yesterday there was some discussion regarding the newly released "Ultimate Pack". I mentioned that I was going to attempt to make a middle ground DotS pack that may or may not include all the mods we have now and new ones. After discussing with our Glorious Leader, it has been decided that we should make this discussion here on the forums. My original reasoning for doing this through personal channels was in part due to my not wanting to clutter the forums with gibberish, however, since we aren't accepting new players at the moment, it's bunk.

That being said, What do you want to see in a DotS modpack? Keep in mind that it's more helpful to read "I want to keep Gregtech because it allows us to extend the tech tree in a more difficult and game altering way" than it is to see "I like Gregtech." By the same token, what DON'T you like? Once I get a good feel for what you guys want to see, I'll begin putting things together and testing/balancing the various mods. If all goes well, I'll even go through the rigamarole in getting us a private pack key. This gives us the freedom to update as we see fit instead of being beholden to the other modpacks. I'll TRY to post regular updates as things progress, but I'm working on doing a playthrough of the various new mods from bottom up for SCIENCE. Some things I'm good at, some I'm not, so if theres a mod thrown at me like ComputerCraft, I'm not going to be able to breeze through it like the IC2/RP/BC/Forestry/etc. trees.

So, hit me, if DotS had their own private pack, what do you want and WHY?
ComputerCraft and MiscPeripherals. Turtles can do anything! I've been using turtles as intelligent transposers and mob farming. Removing these would significantly annoy me.
GregTech because I have the machines and use them.
I would love the Power Converters mod because it would reduce the number of tile entities needed to do stuff with power.
Twilight forest because it is rich in stuff.
Rei's because it is better than the Voxel map.

(All of Ultimate looks cool... except that change in map thing.)

Marv, you made a statement that I feel I need to point out:
GregTech because I have the machines and use them.

With the advent of 1.5, it's logical to do a complete world reset. We've had a good long run here, and it's beginning to show thin in some places. If we adopt a custom modpack, I'm going to advocate that we do a complete world reset and new seed to get us all back on even footing again. It's kind of pointless to add more tech mods when we are almost entirely ensconced in what we have built already. This would only result in more duplication while people test and play with the new stuff. A fresh start would give that NEW feel an extra kick in the trousers.
I agree with Doc about the world reset. Especially when it comes down to mods adding new ores and all that.. Currently the players with resources can go out 1000's of blocks and quarry the ground to bits... But not all players have the ability to do so. Having the new ores available in their plots would be useful, no?
I'm worried about the world reset actually because I know we will lose players to it, that's a given which I absolutely don't like. Just putting that out there.

Speaking for myself: In terms of established structures I wouldn't be losing too much due to our recent move. One thing I know though is, that I will never again go through the greg tech- tech tree again. I've done that once, it was fun but yeah, a second go? No thanks. ;)
Now, for me thats not a problem. I could go ahead check out the magic side of things for once, maybe some new mod we're getting, who knows. I know that other players don't see it like that though (and they can't go vent steam in some hidden suprise for oher players either).
Marv, you made a statement that I feel I need to point out:
With the advent of 1.5, it's logical to do a complete world reset. We've had a good long run here, and it's beginning to show thin in some places. If we adopt a custom modpack, I'm going to advocate that we do a complete world reset and new seed to get us all back on even footing again. It's kind of pointless to add more tech mods when we are almost entirely ensconced in what we have built already. This would only result in more duplication while people test and play with the new stuff. A fresh start would give that NEW feel an extra kick in the trousers.

Uh, hmm. 1.5 is a little ways away. At least a month after Mojang releases it for the mods to catch up.

As far as the top of the Gregtech tech tree, I see it as too much to get to but I like things like the industrial centrifuge and industrial electrolizer. They do great things with lava.

We would probably gain mystcraft, so there will be other worlds to explore and TF can be reset. I don't think the overworld needs to be reset as much as it has been.

I'll want turtles so I can rebuild my base. Can we have a world reset where you keep what you can carry? IE copy the player files over?

...attempt to make a middle ground DotS pack that may or may not include all the mods we have now and new ones.

So, hit me, if DotS had their own private pack, what do you want and WHY?

If you're willing to build and maintain a DotS modpack just for our use I'm all for it.

Trying to give you reasons for any particular mod other than "I like them" is problematic. I'm making extensive use of some Thaum tools, I'm using IC2 machines, I like the Twilight Forest for the mazestone and other things. Not the kind of comments you were asking for, but there it is anyway. Which mod is it that has all the micro blocks? They seem to cause a lot more trouble than they are worth. I have no use for Traincraft, or whichever one it is with the little engines and rolling stock.
Marv, I suppose that we COULD do something like that, but the potential for abuse is VERY high. Maybe 1 canvas bag worth of stuff or something like that.

Dan, that's actually exactly what I'm looking for. Why you like it tells me that you use the mod and what for. Telling me why you don't like a mod tells me what is not useful in it.
Railcraft, I think you are talking about, is one of the mods I'm debating tossing on the chopping block. People use the steam boiler and the tanks for the most part. The coke ovens are mainly there for a way to make steel without going through the Gregtech tree. There's a lot of fat there that can and probably should be cut.
Doc, more specifically a list of items would probably be better, due to possible block number changes? and Dan, microblocks are part of Red Power including the wires and lamps
The only mod in Mindcrack that I don't care about is Traincraft. Any other mod I have made use of a good bit, or have plans for soon. If people really don't want to deal with GregTech, we can always change the config to an easier level. Realize we are running the hardest difficulty right now. I believe that it does bring some good changes to some things, and we shouldn't all have gravichests a week in.

Looking at the Ultimate pack, here's a few mods I don't want or care about:

EE3 - just wrong and horribly unbalanced
Flat Bedrock - I kinda like the rough bedrock
Immibis core - this doesn't include the pipes or other immibis mods?
Mystcraft - a mining age would be nice, but mining TF is so much better
Nether ores - dont need more in the nether
Power Converters - takes away the challenge of making power

I'm all for a bit more difficult experience, to a point. I might even be willing to give up flight and teleportation to make people have to use rails for long distance travel, and thus make Railcraft even more valuable. The servers I've been on with full rail networks are a lot of fun, after the initial expense of course.

As far as a restart, I don't care. I'll follow, of course, and usually do enjoy the early days of a new world. I'd ask for unrestricted plots, within reason, and a looser rule on distance from spawn. I do understand why we are set up the way we are, but it's nice to be able to spread out a bit more and take advantage of landscape features a bit more easily.
I like the idea of a reset. It's always fun to change things up. The Ultimate pack adds in a few things I really am enjoying, like Minefactory Reloaded, Mystcraft, and some new xycraft stuff.

Mystcraft is a powerful tool, and also a great way to absolutely ruin a server. Please be advised that excessive age creation can devastate a server. Other servers I've been on that managed ages well had descriptive books disabled. One that I really liked set up weekly mining ages that could be quarried and mined out and were reset (no dense ores please) on a regular basis. Linking books are great as a powerful fast travel system, but I also like the idea someone mentioned about limiting mobility to make rail systems more attractive.

I have not had the chance to get very advanced in the Gregtech machines, but I really like the way Gregtech unifies a lot of disparate elements in the various mods to create a cohesive whole. Making IC2 equipment more expensive really motivates players to branch out into other mods, at least at the beginning.

Two other really amazing mods - Xeno's Reliquary and Modular Powersuits - both add some very cool and surprisingly balanced items. Xeno, as I'm sure most of you know, was the original creator of Equivalent Exchange, and you can see a few of the endgame powers from that mod returning in slightly less overpowered forms. Modular powersuits has configurable recipes to balance it for IC2 and Gregtech Hardmode, so you can pick where you want it in the tech tree.

Before I forget, the configs in the Ultimate pack disable several of the biomes from ExtraBiomesXL, and I think it's really for the best. Several of the redundant snow and huge tree biomes were cut out, as well as the super laggy marsh biome. The result is more vanilla biomes spawning and less "The whole map is snow and redwoods" syndrome.

Finally, I would really like to see us work together even more as a server. Since we're a closed community now, I think the idea of setting up a colony on a new, hostile world seems really cool. Having plots and individual bases is great, but if we all work together I feel like it would be so much fun. Imagine if we all lived and worked out of the main spawn area in the server right now! We would have even more manpower for mega builds and ambitious systems, while at the same time, not bogging down the server with 30-odd redundant systems all doing exactly the same things simultaneously.
Some ideas tossed around that I believe would work well.. Although these were more on the spot ideas, and have plenty of room for improvement, or the axe.. Constructive feedback is always the best to improve or remove ideas :) Keep in mind, these are opinions, no need to rage over something I say.

Rewarding player co-operation in various ways such as getting a larger plot area for groups of players wanting to build together: Instead of 3 players using 80x80 next to each other(19200 block rectangle) , they might get a 160x160 plot (25600 block square) for all three to share, as an example.

Having an alternative to the storehouse, which I rarely see being used, would be to have a sort of "Bank" where machines are set up to allow players to trade their items for various other items. A simple example would be the ability to trade some iron for some copper, or some diamonds for a piece of iridium..
Another alternative would be players change (I believe it's Iron?) into credits, where they purchase items using credits like a vending machine.. This idea would be further supported through players trading credits with other players items. Maybe there is a player with lots of iron, but you're not at a stage you could offer anything of real value to that player, trade for credits, and when the player has enough, they can purchase something useful from the bank.

Further supporting the above idea, players who help out on the server with projects, such as building the roads around the map, or helping with community builds could be given some sort of credit. Granted not everyone will be on at the time to help, this might seem unfair in some cases... However, you can still work on a project even when there aren't many people on.

It has been said that Quarries are extremely overpowered for what they do.. Sure, Chrome and Titanium (I believe?) can be difficult to obtain, yet some players create a quarry in their first day, as other players let newer ones use machines anyway.. At that point, the whole game experience changes, due to not having to go out and mine, and getting thousands of materials from just a few over-night runs.. The issue comes in the form of setting and forgetting, the quarry works at an incredibly fast rate with nothing but some MJ's. Furthermore, there's a blatant lack of care when it comes to how people abandon quarries after mining.. It should be player's responsibility to remove water, create some kind of surface (maybe glass so people know it was quarried..) and add a label saying you quarried it, although I should add, this is my opinion.

-Some solutions mentioned were to possibly change the quarry into a one use reward, limiting the number on the map at once and allowing the use once (example would be purchasing the use through credits above, although that's just an example)
-Another solution would be increasing the cost of a quarry, making it more of a later game item to compensate for it's overpowered behavior.
-Perhaps removing the chunk loading feature and forcing Personal Anchor usage, so players have to be on for their quarries to run.
-Other ideas would include restricting access of quarries to certain areas, disallowing use in Twilight Forest for example, or perhaps only being able to use them in Mystcraft Ages created for mining purposes, if we use Mystcraft..

When I signed up, the thing that caught my attention more than anything else was the paragraph in the OP talking about being a tight-knit community, and coming together to build while helping each other survive. I thought this was great, I was tired of servers where players traveled off on their own and built whatever they wanted, and never interacted except for some item trading here and there. Yet So far the only real community project I've seen has been the Wall project, which a few players have been working on. I believe the server should have more group-style events.

(Rambling on because I can't fall asleep.. Sorry for spelling/grammar mistakes. Good night everyone..)
Finally, I would really like to see us work together even more as a server. Since we're a closed community now, I think the idea of setting up a colony on a new, hostile world seems really cool. Having plots and individual bases is great, but if we all work together I feel like it would be so much fun. Imagine if we all lived and worked out of the main spawn area in the server right now! We would have even more manpower for mega builds and ambitious systems, while at the same time, not bogging down the server with 30-odd redundant systems all doing exactly the same things simultaneously.

I agree and like this idea. In my "Together Mode" world I play with my son on, I have a "Sorting Village" which are 16x16 buildings that are aligned with chunks.
Please browse the album to see the insides of the various buildings.

The sorting system is divided up between various buildings to reduce the lag caused by pneumatic tubes having lots of destinations, Reducing the counts of machines in a particular place, and just being interesting. I would love to do a larger version of this that is a shared thing. I use diamond pipes for the initial sorting because I think those are easier for the system to handle when there is a large quantity of destinations.

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