Does We gonna play soon on FTB 1.5.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Helpfully, item ID conflicts show up in the log as well, even if they don't cause a crash. What I normally do is once I get the block IDs resolved, run the game once and do a block\item ID dump. Then I check the log, do a search for the word "conflict" and fix anything there, and do a general scan for anything that stands out as unusual (GT has a lot of things in here, trying to overwrite pulverizer recipes etc).

Backpacks etc I always do later rather than right at the start, always too impatient to play :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, it can take hours to get every ID sorted into the correct forestry backpack configs. Plus, you go in and configure a mod and find it completely broke another mod. I find item ID conflicts are worse than block IDs. Sure, block IDs can crash the game, but item conflicts can end with smelting tin into fusion reactors and other complete craziness like that.

10 minutes can get you into the game, if you're lucky.
Yes, but this wasn't what I was talking about. I was talking about checking things like ore generation, and making sure that there aren't bugs when railcraft tries to unload liquid to a xycraft tank.

To explain, the way I see it, there would be 3 levels of "testing":
- Dev. This is the most up to date, and the most broken, bleeding edge builds of mods. This pack isn't going to happen, because the mods don't all allow it.
- Alpha. Things mostly work, but there are a few screwy things that the pack makers/devs can see, but haven't gotten around to sorting yet.
- Beta. Everything works as far as the high-ups can see, the pack is given to the masses for the distributed testing/time to check the interactions, and check for exploits/crashes/etc.

This is in no way accurate, but is how I'd classify it in my head. Just because it "kinda works" doesn't mean that it's release ready. Not even close.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, erm. No. It takes 10 mins to ensure that there are no conflicts. Configuring a pack correctly, particularly for wider distribution is more difficult. Unless you haven't noticed, the team do actually put a fair amount of work into testing and making sure that the pack is halfway balanced before release.
Halfway balanced? Around what? How long does it take to edit some config files that they already have a template for that covers the majority of it sans the new mod/mods additions? The error codes practically take you by the hand and guide you though all the rough parts. It may have been harder in the past, but forge has make it much easier.

I have done this, and youre way overstating it. The vast majority of things are kept default. And dont play the drama card and act like Im saying they dont do any work, they do plenty of work, however the mod packs do NOT require nearly as much effort to put together as youre saying, especially when they already have templates from previous versions they are working from. Once again, this can all be done in a day. The hard part is waiting for the authors themselves to update out of instability.[DOUBLEPOST=1367624490][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yeah, it can take hours to get every ID sorted into the correct forestry backpack configs. Plus, you go in and configure a mod and find it completely broke another mod. I find item ID conflicts are worse than block IDs. Sure, block IDs can crash the game, but item conflicts can end with smelting tin into fusion reactors and other complete craziness like that.

10 minutes can get you into the game, if you're lucky.
Hours? Do you type at 1 letter per min? Because Ive done exactly that (sorting backpack configs). Extreme exaggeration doesn't help your point. I tossed every Ultimate mod in my mods folder, and apart from the mods that were still beta, and wouldent crash ID conflicts were far less than you both are acting. That goes back to my original point; most mods are out of beta now, so if you did this stuff a month ago, sure it would be harder. Its not a month ago anymore, and this isnt nearly as much an issue, so this sort of thing take minuets, not hours.

They have done a fine job with the packs, but it doesnt require nearly as much time invested to edit such things as it used to.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've always been bad with editing configs. Which is why I use ID Resolver. But now that I think of it, I'm sure that I could maybe put a pack together if I really tried. I will try.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Halfway balanced? Around what? How long does it take to edit some config files that they already have a template for that covers the majority of it sans the new mod/mods additions? The error codes practically take you by the hand and guide you though all the rough parts. It may have been harder in the past, but forge has make it much easier.

I have done this, and youre way overstating it. The vast majority of things are kept default. And dont play the drama card and act like Im saying they dont do any work, they do plenty of work, however the mod packs do NOT require nearly as much effort to put together as youre saying, especially when they already have templates from previous versions they are working from. Once again, this can all be done in a day. The hard part is waiting for the authors themselves to update out of instability.
Alright, I'm not going to argue this anymore. Simple fact is that the pack is not yet out. Whether this is because of work needed, or work not done, it doesn't really change anything. The pack will be out when it's out, and we can argue until we're blue in the face, and it won't change that.