Do you struggle with "convenience" cheating?

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I sometimes just give me a few pieces of something like leather if I am short a bit and don't feel like running out :b
But most of the time I play on a server, so no cheating at all ;)
*shrug* Minecraft is a sandbox game. The 'rules' of the game are the ones that YOU make. Therefore, if you're doing it, it's not cheating, because you've decided that its within 'the rules'.

Personally, I often play in creative, especially if I'm building something big. It's convenient for me, especially insta-break and no drops, and it stops me stressing about micromanaging item levels. Generally I will then void\destroy an equivalent number of items to what I've used. I don't consider it cheating, its just my playstyle at times. Other times, I'll play survival 100%. Different strokes and all that.
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For myself, I tend to start cheating in items once I have systems in place that automatically generate the resources I need. It just saves time. Likewise if I've crafted a load of an item, and I'm 1-2 short to finish a build, then I'll spawn in those items, and throw away something from my inventory to "pay" for it.
I think that convenience cheating is a great way to never improve your play style. If there's no risk of death, you never learn to be cautious, smart, and properly prepared for challenges. If you turn off mobgreifing, you never learn to properly mob-proof a building area. Exploding machines I can kind of understand, but I have much better planning and wrench knowledge after my first and only two mishaps. Needless to say, I haven't died in 3 worlds because I sought to fix my behavior that caused the problems in the first place rather than removing the problems.
Eh, I usually give myself a "starter set" (although not so much anymore seeing as there's a "Bonus Chest" option now) when I spawn, along with changing a few rules around (mobGriefing false, keepInventory true*) and spawning in items if I feel I lost them unfairly (ie: unexplained mechanics [Force Solar Panels are not explained well at ALL] or random glitches [Thaumic Tinkerer's Essentia Funnel DELETING Warded Jars used on it])

* the only reason I have keepInventory on is because of skeletons and their aim hax. They are the only mob you face where there's actually no way of dodging their attacks.
No, the opposite. If I start cheating things in, I inevitably delete the world. I leave myself the option (cheats enabled), because of early experiences dying in lava and the frustration it caused, but in truth I haven't used it to replace anything since some of my earlier worlds.
No, the opposite. If I start cheating things in, I inevitably delete the world. I leave myself the option (cheats enabled), because of early experiences dying in lava and the frustration it caused, but in truth I haven't used it to replace anything since some of my earlier worlds.

that's what I started to do, I'd cheat items in after I lost them in some way, and later on I'd regret doing that and just deleting the world because I cheated.
nowadays I use the gravestones mod to prevent losing my items upon death. I also always create a world with cheats enabled just to be sure, and I create a world with a starter chest. I also have it set in the chickencore config so creepers do blow up, but don't destroy anything. though I'd rather use creeper collateral, which still makes creepers blow up, but it'll drop all the blocks it destroyed so you can patch it all back in, but in my current world I want to try to keep the modcount low
This has nothing to do with cheating ...

I enchanted a Dartcraft with the Freezing attribute. It keeps the mob in place (no knockback, no movement)...

I FEAR creepers now, I can't backpedal fast enough with that sword since they can't knockback even a teensy weensy bit. Bloom!!! Blam!!! Hole here, hole there, side of building gone.

Needless to say, that's like the opposite of cheating. :)


So far played a cheat free world BUT I use the heck out of dartcrafts force bucket. Makes Hell, less hellish. Also makes gathering decent armor easier. :) So, that's probably my cheat but since it's built in - I'm not feeling like I'm getting away with much. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1383249214][/DOUBLEPOST]A dartcraft sword .. left off that word.

Hey, Edit doesn't work at all for me any more. :( Post Merge for the fail.
I have done things like putting the game into peaceful after dying so that I can easily get my stuff back.
I think that to cheat or not is up to you, as long as it doesn't ruin the game for anyone.
I only cheat with the stuff I would have if I was on a multiplayer ftb server as in /home and /warp
In single player, I'm often tempted to cheat in chunk loaders. In a "real" world, chunks bein loaded and stuff happening when I'm gone is simply a feature of reality. I feel like having to spent resources (not a lot, but not trivial) simply for my base to continue existing when I'm not present is kinda weird.
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This has nothing to do with cheating ...

I enchanted a Dartcraft sword with the Freezing attribute. It keeps the mob in place (no knockback, no movement)...

I FEAR creepers now, I can't backpedal fast enough with that sword since they can't knockback even a teensy weensy bit. Bloom!!! Blam!!! Hole here, hole there, side of building gone.

Needless to say, that's like the opposite of cheating. :)

Try the Dartcraft Bane enchantment. That's a really neat one for creepers. You can even keep them in your house and they follow you around like a little puppy.
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After my shift key failed over lava, where I was trying set up a pump, and I was stupidly carrying all of my good tools and materials, I set keepInventory to true (temporarily). I cheated in the items, because I blame the death on my keyboard.
After my shift key failed over lava, where I was trying set up a pump, and I was stupidly carrying all of my good tools and materials, I set keepInventory to true (temporarily). I cheated in the items, because I blame the death on my keyboard.
Gah! I hate it when that happens! It's so frustrating. Minecraft sometimes forgets you're holding shift, but MSWord doesn't... why why why?

I have totally cheated (by MCEditing myself out) to solve this.
Everytime I start a new world, I refuse to add myself to Ops, telling myself I am NOT cheating this time. No exceptions. Not going to happen.

Then these scenarios pop up:
- I have pretty deep holes that I must constantly travel down, then go all the way back home when i'm full. I get tired of it, so I add myself to Ops and tell myself "I'm only going to teleport when it's just going to save time from an easy run back, no other cheating!".
- I get to a point where zombies/skeletons really aren't a threat, just an annoyance. Sometimes there's monsters around my home and it won't allow me to sleep, so I force daytime. I tell myself "Why does it matter, I could waste my time hunting those down and they are no threat to me!". This is a downward slope where I ultimately end up setting it to daytime whenever it's nighttime.
- I'm out building and a creeper.. well.. creeps up on me and blows up what I spent the last hour working on. Insanely frustrated, I just cheat the items back in, build it back, then "destroy" the leftover cheated items so I break even.
- It's been raining for how long?! Get out of here already!
- Whoops, hooked up a wire wrong and blew up a bunch of stuff. Better cheat that stuff back in and delete the leftovers.
- I forget to use the right tool, and turn a bunch of expensive machines into machine blocks. You guessed it. I get pissed and cheat the machines back in, then destroy any leftovers.
- Creepers keep blowing up the terrain around my house, getting tired of filling in huge dirt holes. I disable mobgriefing game rule.
- I have a bag full of tools, tons of expensive gear on me, and I fall into lava and die. At this point I stand up and just want to scream. Time to cheat them back in and enable keepInventory game rule so it doesn't happen again.

Who else is guilty of this? I really don't see myself ever being able to play the game 100% legit. I've never used the "big" cheats, such a god mode, flying, peaceful mode... but lately I really can't play the game without keepInventory enabled and mobgriefing disabled. Without teleporting, I feel like 90% of my playtime is running places.
You sound like me
Even though I know cheating in items demotivates me from playing at all, I can hardly resist the temptation to cheat in a decent tool and boots of the traveller without having to jump through a ton of hoops. which is why I started making my own less frustrating custom recipes so I dont even feel the need to cheat.
Getting up and down a mine shaft is pretty easy with a few Elevators or a simple ladder. Later on, you can use an EnderPouch tied to an EnderChest back at base to process everything.

For rain, I just use Dynamic Surroundings and set the noise of the rain down to like 0.5 or so. Instead of being an annoying white-noise, it becomes a soothing background noise.

Typically, my bed is nowhere near ground level and is in an area thoroughly cleared by the time enemies are no longer a challenge

Same thing with random creeper. If I'm building in an area, I will have already pacified said area.

I don't use IC2 anymore, so the rest of your problems I don't have to deal with.

Oh, and by the time I have a bag full of expensive tools, I've got Fire Resistance from somewhere, so lava is no longer a concern.
I'm kinda glad nobody got all riled up about a nearly-three-year-old necropost here.

I'm an offender. If I go a-mining, and realize I've forgotten torches, I feel like I'm too pressed for time to go back. I'll just cheat in a stack and then delete a stack when I get back to my base.
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