This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
Minecraft name: PuReEHaTeE
Age (optional): 15
Ever been banned?: No!
Experience with the modpack: I'm fairly good with buildcraft, industrial craft, redpower.
I love to play with mods and I know mostly everything.
Minecraft name: CreeperTom1999
Age (optional): 14
Ever been banned?: No
Experience: I know a lot about ftb. I have been playing for over 3 moths and
I know mostly everything.
Minecraft name:bsc122
Age (optional):19
Ever been banned?:No
Experience with the modpack: I have played tekkit for a long time and the mindcrack modpack from ftb so i have a lot of experience with the mods.
Minecraft name: tamsakeer
Age (optional): 13 (Very Mature)
Ever been banned?: Not On FTB But On Vanilla Once When I Was Framed!
Experience with the modpack: Im Good With IC2 EE3 ThoumCraft RedPower BuildCraft MystCraft TwilightForest Ond Other Misc. Mods
Minecraft name: ryanzs
Age (optional): 15
Ever been banned?: never
Experience with the modpack: i play it every day and i know how to do most of the mods
I would be on almost every day
ever been banned? no
age 14
experience with modpack:i play the direwolf pack everyday when i get back from school
and i really hope get added and if i get in can you give me the ip maybe?
email me at [email protected]
if i get whitelisted
ign: camer79
location: Canada
ever been baned? No!!!
age: 15
experience with mod pack: i just started playing last week but im getting good and know what im doing thanks to a friend.
email is: [email protected]
Minecraft name: sonicmaster10 Age (optional):14 Ever been banned?:nope Experience with the modpack: played tekkit for about a year was on ftb for about three months.
Minecraft name: Brady131313
Age (optional):14
Ever been banned?:no
Experience with the modpack: decent with redstone, Buildcraft, and learn pretty fast
Minecraft name:startrunner
Age (optional):13
Ever been banned?:Yes, for joining an 18+ server.
Experience with the modpack:
I have experience with all of the mods, have been playing FTB for about 6 months, and Tekkit for 3 months.
I'm good in CC programming, redPower, thermalExpansion, and thaumCraft.
Minecraft name: microwave3 Age (optional): 16 Ever been banned?: yes 1 years ago on a server with abusive admins Experience with the modpack: [since the first ftb map came out]