Whitelist Server Direwolf20 Server Whitelisted 35 slots

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Minecraft name: ohfaaas
Age (optional): 16
Ever been banned?: No, never and that will stay that way :D
Experience with the modpack: Yes I played a lot of the mods already.

P.S. I was just 45 minutes later then you but can I still be added.
Minecraft name: Ninjaops13
Age (optional): 21
Ever been banned?: No, as far as I know
Experience with the modpack:I have been playing it for a while now (back when it first came out). My last world got corrupted from adding ars magicka in v4 and it being incomparable in v5 (as the id's assigned became other stuff in v5). In normal minecraft I am known as a redstone engineer to some and so things in mod packs like redpower 2 add to the stuff I am able to do. I personally want to become very knowledgeable in all the mods and certainly have a medium-high understanding in about half the mods in the pack
Minecraft name:ameos123
Age (optional):18
Ever been banned?: No im new to FTB servers
Experience with the modpack:None with some of the mods although im a veteran to tekkit ( inductral craft build craft etc)
Minecraft name: Domo307
Age (optional): N/A
Ever been banned?: No
Experience with the modpack: I know enough to be able to create things. Like, I know the basics of the power system and I know most of the mods.
Minecraft name: c3someran
Age (optional): 16
Ever been banned?: Nope and id like to keep it that way
Experience with the modpack: mostly just with the ftb modpack but looking to expand my knowledge (and singleplayer is just too boring :P)
Minecraft Name: 1923364
Age (optional): 15
Ever been banned? : Nope.
Experience with the modpack: I have been using most of these mods for a few months, and overall I would say I have a reasonably good understanding of them, although I have never really explored Railcraft or MFFS.

Minecraft name: djdarkstorm
Age (optional): 17
Ever been banned?: Never.
Experience with the modpack: Fairly High. (Been a follower of Direwolf20 himself since he started his career)

ign monkeybee11
never been banned
and never used dw pack but been playing the mindcrack pack for a few weeks

Minecraft name: El_Diablo256
Age (optional): 14
Ever been banned?: nope
Experience with the modpack: yes, with IC2, Buildcraft and a lot of Redpower

Minecraft name:The_king_99
Age (optional):14
Ever been banned?:not that i know of
Experience with the modpack:Very good, I could tell you about most mods but the 1 exception would be CC coding and my strong point would mainly be the power side, i really like to work on community projects and help people out
(for a friend)​
Minecraft name:MrMeta100
Age (optional):14
Ever been banned?:Yes,he was banned for being killed by lag and asked if he could get his stuff back :/
Experience with the modpack:he used to play tekkit, but a easy learner, he normally helps out gathering stuff for me and helping with my builds :p

Oh just noticed you wernt accepting applications sorry about that :S

IGN: Blackbird1324
Age: 16
Ever been banned: nope
Experience with mod pack: Yes and no haven't played in a while so might be new stuff i don't know about but for the most part im familiar with all the mods.

Minecraft name: sabakugaara8
Age (optional): 16
Ever been banned?: Never.
Experience with the modpack: I've been playing DW20 for quite a while. To tell you the truth, what drew me to your server was the rules. All of the servers I have been on have heavy griefing, stealing, and begging. x.x

Minecraft name: BeddingPlants
Age (optional): 31
Ever been banned?: never
Experience with the modpack: Been playing with the mods since MC1.7, I am very familiar with the older ones.

Minecraft name: kgrewe
Age (optional): 16
Ever been banned?: No
Experience with the modpack:I've been playing this modpack a lot for about two weeks, and have used some of the mods since before this modpack was made.

Minecraft name: michael_5b
Age (optional): 15 but im mature
Ever been banned?: nope
Experience with the modpack: not a lot but iv seen some things and I plan on playing with my older brother, LaxPride, who has shown me how things work.

Minecraft name: LaxPride
Age (optional): 17
Ever been banned?: no
Experience with the modpack:iv watched lots of videos on how it works and have a basic understanding. I'm not an expert but I can get by. Looking forward to playing on this server with mah brother

Age (optional): 22
Ever been banned?: nope
Experience with the modpack: just in single player
ign: gentleraccoon

Age (optional): 29
Ever been banned?: nope
Experience with the modpack: yes i like the mod and it's growing on my especially thaumcraft and xycraft
ign: rakkie3

Minecraft name: sitwalkstand
Age (optional):40
Ever been banned?: No
Experience with the modpack: I have been using the Direwolf20 pack for a few weeks and used the Mindcrack pack for a few weeks before that.

All added. More will be added during the week.
minecraft name:japanese_pie
ever been banned?:no
experience with mod pack? i used to play tekkit and pretty much learnt everything so i tried new modpack ftb played for about a month and have gained alot of experience
reason to join?:i get really bored of playing on my own so i wanted to join a good dedicated server where i can be part of a community
Minecraft name:tapercrazy_jay
Age (optional):23
Ever been banned?:no
Experience with the modpack:been useing the modpack or other packs though ftb n got a good knowing of all the mods
Minecraft name: kratjebier
Age (optional): 24
Ever been banned?: no
Experience with the modpack:yes, played FTB for a couple of months.
Minecraft name: FableNL
Age (optional): 24
Ever been banned?: no
Experience with the modpack: yes
seanbag u can unwhitelist me :) got on the server then found out u disabled some mob me really wanted to use and me have gotten bord of ftb really S: so not comming on the server sry :P
Minecraft name: kickyour
Age (optional): 14
Ever been banned?:yes because i was raging that caused me to grief but i dont do it and dont like it
Experience with the modpack: allot i know how to use the mods and the only mod where i am not good at is computercraft
Minecraft name: kickyour
Age (optional): 14
Ever been banned?:yes because i was raging that caused me to grief but i dont do it and dont like it
Experience with the modpack: allot i know how to use the mods and the only mod where i am not good at is computercraft

I've added you. I have zero tolerance for childish raging though. Keep that in mind
Minecraft name: Beboladea
Age (optional):19
Ever been banned?: no
Experience with the modpack: Few weeks and a bit more a few months ago
Minecraft name:Raven0513
Age (optional):14
Ever been banned?:nope (I'm even a admin on a mindcrack server currently, if that helps me at all on trustworthiness :3)
Experience with the modpack: Since release, i got alot of experience on a mindcrack server, and direwolf20 is essentially easier without gregtech (played tekkit/technic, ftb beta A, mindcrack, and DW20
i just get bored of vanilla, to simple)
[edit]For a friend
IGN: Lepixi
Ever been banned?: no he is also a admin on the same server as me,btw server i mean is ftb.paleocraft.net
experience with modpack: more then raven0513(above)
Minecraft name: imspons
Age (optional): 14
Ever been banned?: 1 time, Admin abuse
Experience with the modpack: around 2 months. liking the machinery and so on. made me playing minecraft again
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Reactions: CamShirayuki
are you no longer accepting applications to get into server or am i just being impatient?
I believe it's a bit of you being impatient, no offence. He hasn't been online in over a week, so it's my belief that he is going through something that's taking up his time.
Minecraft name: ummell
Age (optional):
Ever been banned?: no
Experience with the modpack: I have been playing direwolf20 for about a month, been playing it very much