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Minecraft name: rush209
Age (optional):
Ever been banned?: No
Experience with the modpack: Yes I have a little experience with various mods in feed the beast.
Minecraft name: Frankiejoh
Age (optional):16
Ever been banned?: Yes. I was banned for placing an Enderportal frame that i found while traveling, without knowing it was a creative item only.
Experience with the modpack: I have played with the mods a bit have not gotten into full detail of all the mods. This server seems the best to do just so.
Minecraft name: Da_B3ast
Age (optional): 15
Ever been banned?: Nope
Experience with the modpack: Yea i do i played single player on FTB for about 2 months now and i am good at it. Also have experience with a lot of other mod packs like tekkit.
awesome! I've been putting off playing on any other servers so that i dont waste my time when i switch over, but trust me, i have plenty of other games to occupy myself :3
Minecraft name:retgool
Age (optional):14
Ever been banned?:Of course, I griefed and stealed and I would like to currupt your server too! Just kidding XD I never got banned
Experience with the modpack:2 months~ I played tekkit for more than a year.
Minecraft name:Ayxayxa Age (optional):N/A Ever been banned?: Never except for friends banning me as a prank (afterwards he unban me) Experience with the modpack:I have been using it since it was released.
MC Name :Vasily111
Age 14
Ever been banned: Once but on a completely misunderstood topic - i was trying to do what an admin told me to (take glowstone from spawn chest and make spawn better looking (so I started to, i ran out so I went to get more (that admin that told me to do it logged off) another admin came and saw i was able to "get" to the chest and banned me for "stealing", he would not listen to reason, and the other admin didn't have time to come back on since he banned me right away).
Experience: I have been using this mod pack a lot (just don't know some really complicated things like automated frames and computercraft.
Minecraft name: Saganmcintyre Age (optional): 15 Ever been banned?: Never Experience with the modpack: I've had plenty of experience with the modpack and i am very good with a lot of the mods, this was the first mod pack I've played and i have watched Direwolf20's mod spotlights lets play series so i know how to make the mods work together.
Minecraft name:milla122
Age (optional):19
Ever been banned?:nope
Experience with the modpack:i am fairly high experienced with a lot of the mods within the modpack
Minecraft name: rye1994
Age (optional): 18
Ever been banned?: No
Experience with the modpack: Yes, definitely, I'm know pretty much all the mods apart from Forestry (but I'm learning) and ComputerCraft because I can't code to save my life. Though that is one of my goals, to be able to code in Lua, but like you asked, I'll test in my Test World
PS. Here's a link to my WIP Sorting System which does function just doesn't look good. (also includes an epic natural aura node spawn)
Minecraft name: killer303030
Age (optional): 18
Ever been banned?: Nope.
Experience with the modpack: I've been playing for a while, and am very close to understanding all the mods.