Direwolf20 1.7.10 released

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I'm having severe problems with the pack, almost every time it's autosaving the game starts lagging like crazy, dropping from a fixed 60 to 2-15 FPS, sometimes 15-30, it's very inconsistent and kinda random.

Running newest Java7

i5 3770k @4,6 GHz
16 GB Ram @1866 Mhz /4GB dedicated to FTB
GTX 770 4GB version on nevwest drivers
running of a Samsung 840 SSD

The PC is pretty descent so it shouldn't be the problem, and the problem isn't present in other packs :(
Any suggestions on how to fix it?
Nope, since it's a bug in the pack somwhere i didn't think it would help, it's not happening in any other packs, and when i shut FTB down and restarts the game the lag's gone.
I had similar issues. Fastcraft helps a lot, and at first, I thought maybe JourneyMap was my issue, but for me, it appears the culprit was Aroma Backup. I disabled it, and Aroma Core, and it seems to have helped a lot. Basically I'd be fine for the first bit of time until Aroma Backup would save, and after that, I'd get single digit FPS until I killed MC altogether and reopened it. Simply closing out to the main menu wasn't enough.

I admit, I've only had one playing session since disabling Aroma Backup, but it seems to have made the game playable for me now.
Nope, since it's a bug in the pack somwhere i didn't think it would help, it's not happening in any other packs, and when i shut FTB down and restarts the game the lag's gone.
Are any of those other packs 1.7.10 and on the FTB launcher?
View attachment 13404 Can anyone tell me if this is the proper way to set up a Botania's Hydroangeas?
I've no clue as to where the mana spreader should go for best effect

That should work. And you can add more pools of water around the flower and expand it outword.
You should be able to use that rod thing you are holding to check the amount of manna in the flowers. If it starts to build up to any great amount then you might have done something wrong. Or need to upgrade something.
I found a power duplication glitch. If you have a Flux Capacitor from Thermal Expansion and hold two or more Capacitor Banks from Ender IO in your hand, you will charge all of them, allowing you to multiply your power. I just did this with an Electrum Flux Capacitor and 64 Capacitor Banks and was wondering where all the power came from :D
Nope, since it's a bug in the pack somwhere i didn't think it would help, it's not happening in any other packs, and when i shut FTB down and restarts the game the lag's gone.

It's not in the pack, it's in Vanilla MC itself... Everything was working smoothly until 1.7.10 was released to fix some minor bug and terrain rendering had older problems re-introduced.
Yeah I went ahead and used the next one up I think from Survivalist Generator (Furnace Generator).

Went on a massive mining session so got alot of ores to convert.

Thanks :)

In my last world I added a Lava Generator after watching DW do the same in his video. I like what I had in my prior world better... I converted one of the survivalist generators into a Culinary Generator. It's the same recipe as the SG except the SG takes the place of the oven in the original SG recipe.

Everything above the Survivalist generator creates more RF/t, but for less of a duration, thus the SG effectively makes more total RF than a Furnace generator with less coal, it just takes longer. The Culinary Generator is nice because it uses food items for fuel... Carrots, raw/baked and even poisonous potatoes, bread, etc. So far the best CG fuel I've had is baked potatoes at 24RF/t for about a minute, and I can always make a bigger farm to keep it fed.

Shortly after running with 1 Survivalist, 1 Furnace and 1 Culinary generator to charge 2 hardened leadstone cells, one acting to buffer the SAG mill and the other buffering the Alloy smelter, I was able to build a small nuclear reactor from Big Reactors. Mine was 3x4x3 (2 fuel rods side-by-side); Here is a shot of it's control panel:


This eventually powered my SAG mill, Alloy smelter, painting machine, charged two hardened leadstone cells and powered my first AE system and etching press, or whatever it's called, used to make silicon and processors.
These keys are the norm [ ]. To the right of P.
This is for selecting favs from them once you have that menu open~. It's to the left of the 1. It also opens the fave menu.
Tab goes through the sub sections of the selection menu them.
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So far the best CG fuel I've had is baked potatoes at 24RF/t for about a minute, and I can always make a bigger farm to keep it fed.

Cooked meat ingots (MFR) net you 57.6K RF at 40RF/t. And there's an ore-dict equivalence for BoP Flesh blocks (as found abundantly in the Nether) and MFR Raw Meat Blocks... just saying ;)
Does anyone know where Emeralds spawn in This mod pack

>.< 2 hours of digging and I found 0 emeralds so far and it's a tad bit infuriating
Emeralds are found very rarely in vanilla in extreme hills. It's usually much much better to trade with villagers (though that might just be 1.8 villager trading, which is better than 1.7).
Is there any alchemical way to get native cinnabar cluster? I know you can get them with the pickaxe, but I haven't seen any cauldron recipe (and there are cauldron recipes for non-thaumcraft ores).