Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: No idea what mod is causing it. I guess i could go removing mods one by one but that is bound to cause ALL sorts of issues with my world.
Pastebin link to crash log: Game doesnt crash. Server logs dont catch the issue.
Whats the bug? One day i'm working in my storage room using itemducts to transfer items out of my simple starter sorting system into an ae system. I'm going chest to chest, moving pipes and everything is fine. I finish the 3rd to last (out of 15) chest and break the pipe to move it to the 2nd to last chest. Right as soon as i break the itemduct i start catching stuff on fire. Fricking everything. All my barrels, the flooring as i'm running from this fire, every piece of wood is now on fire except a barrel of frickin bones... ugg! Lots of screaming and holy crapping later im outside my house, or whats left of it, and my bf is telling me that i'm the one on fire but i'm not taking any damage so i decide to test this. He gives me some wood, i catch him on fire but he jumps in water and fire is gone. For him. I jump in water... still on fire. I make a wood platform in the water and sure enough, i get close and it burns. ooo Pretty... I relog, still fire. restart the server, still fire. Take a 2 day minecraft break out of frustration and when i come back... still on fire. WTF?!?! ugg.
Can it be repeated? Boyfriend cant repeat and i cant repeat but it's possible that i cant repeat it because I'M STILL ON FIRE.
Known Fix: I wish...