Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 - 1.0.12
Mod & Version: IC2
Whats the bug? If I enable IC2 Ore generation on my server via the IC2.cfg file, players cannot connect unless they have enabled those same ores via the IC2.cfg in their client. When they connect to the server without ores enabled they will be DCed saying that Forge Mod Loader has found ID mismatches, the IDs missing are the IC2 Ores that were added to the World Generation.
Can it be repeated? Yes
Yes, server and client have to have the same configs. If they don't, breakage can/will occur. This is part of Modded Minecraft, and is the same for every single pack out there. So not a bug.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.14
Mod & Version: Morph 0.6.0
Pastebin link to crash log: No crash.
What's the bug? I can`t get into a Morph, but my friend can on the same server.
Can it be repeated? Yes every Time.
Known Fix: No
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.14
Mod & Version: unknown
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/7s76HYMp
What's the bug? Random game crash. After loading the game back up the World save is no longer showing in the menu but it is still in the saves folder.
Can it be repeated? No, not on demand. It seems just given enough time this eventually happens. This is the third time this has happened at random intervals. Once in a Mystcraft age, and the other 2 in normal overworld. All after about 20 hours of gameplay. This bug seems to be happening more often for other players as well from the crash reports. Please fix this as it will definitely push people away from playing this otherwise great pack.
Known Fix: It appears the level.dat_old got deleted. I was able to get the world fixed by copying a 3 hour old level.dat file. My position was reset to the old level.dat but my worlds world correct as well as inventories.
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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.12
Mod & Version: Minefactory Reloaded 2.7.4-255
Pastebin link to crash log: No crash.
What's the bug? When picking up a Laser Drill or a Laser Drill Precharger, the "laser beam" isn't there visually, but will still do damage to you and items that are dropped in it. It has to have a block placed over it to remove it completely.
Can it be repeated? Yes every Time.
Known Fix: No
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: Project Red
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/azgDW7hH
Whats the bug? Game crashes when i break a stone block under a wireless transmitter
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: Dont know about a fix yet
What Mod Pack: Direwolf 20 v1.6 v1.0.14
Pastebin link: N/A
Reproducible: Yes only started after updating from 1.0.13 to 1.0.14
What happened: My server has missing chunks all over. If i disconnect and reconnect they come back but then there is missing chunks else were and a lot of them. I cant get around my world without flying because there are so may chunk errors that almost every 3rd chunk is a chunk error.
Known Fix: log off then back on.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: No idea what mod is causing it. I guess i could go removing mods one by one but that is bound to cause ALL sorts of issues with my world.
Pastebin link to crash log: Game doesnt crash. Server logs dont catch the issue.
Whats the bug? One day i'm working in my storage room using itemducts to transfer items out of my simple starter sorting system into an ae system. I'm going chest to chest, moving pipes and everything is fine. I finish the 3rd to last (out of 15) chest and break the pipe to move it to the 2nd to last chest. Right as soon as i break the itemduct i start catching stuff on fire. Fricking everything. All my barrels, the flooring as i'm running from this fire, every piece of wood is now on fire except a barrel of frickin bones... ugg! Lots of screaming and holy crapping later im outside my house, or whats left of it, and my bf is telling me that i'm the one on fire but i'm not taking any damage so i decide to test this. He gives me some wood, i catch him on fire but he jumps in water and fire is gone. For him. I jump in water... still on fire. I make a wood platform in the water and sure enough, i get close and it burns. ooo Pretty... I relog, still fire. restart the server, still fire. Take a 2 day minecraft break out of frustration and when i come back... still on fire. WTF?!?! ugg. ADDED... OH OH OH... I forgot one thing. I am not catching our new base on fire. We were packing up to move to a new base. every time i died i respawned near my bed inside a huge tree and no fire till i'm at the old place.
Can it be repeated? Boyfriend cant repeat and i cant repeat but it's possible that i cant repeat it because I'M STILL ON FIRE.
Known Fix: I wish...
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Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: No idea what mod is causing it. I guess i could go removing mods one by one but that is bound to cause ALL sorts of issues with my world.
Pastebin link to crash log: Game doesnt crash. Server logs dont catch the issue.
Whats the bug? One day i'm working in my storage room using itemducts to transfer items out of my simple starter sorting system into an ae system. I'm going chest to chest, moving pipes and everything is fine. I finish the 3rd to last (out of 15) chest and break the pipe to move it to the 2nd to last chest. Right as soon as i break the itemduct i start catching stuff on fire. Fricking everything. All my barrels, the flooring as i'm running from this fire, every piece of wood is now on fire except a barrel of frickin bones... ugg! Lots of screaming and holy crapping later im outside my house, or whats left of it, and my bf is telling me that i'm the one on fire but i'm not taking any damage so i decide to test this. He gives me some wood, i catch him on fire but he jumps in water and fire is gone. For him. I jump in water... still on fire. I make a wood platform in the water and sure enough, i get close and it burns. ooo Pretty... I relog, still fire. restart the server, still fire. Take a 2 day minecraft break out of frustration and when i come back... still on fire. WTF?!?! ugg.
Can it be repeated? Boyfriend cant repeat and i cant repeat but it's possible that i cant repeat it because I'M STILL ON FIRE.
Known Fix: I wish...

DO you have a firestone in your inventory?
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: No idea what mod is causing it. I guess i could go removing mods one by one but that is bound to cause ALL sorts of issues with my world.
Pastebin link to crash log: Game doesnt crash. Server logs dont catch the issue.
Whats the bug? One day i'm working in my storage room using itemducts to transfer items out of my simple starter sorting system into an ae system. I'm going chest to chest, moving pipes and everything is fine. I finish the 3rd to last (out of 15) chest and break the pipe to move it to the 2nd to last chest. Right as soon as i break the itemduct i start catching stuff on fire. Fricking everything. All my barrels, the flooring as i'm running from this fire, every piece of wood is now on fire except a barrel of frickin bones... ugg! Lots of screaming and holy crapping later im outside my house, or whats left of it, and my bf is telling me that i'm the one on fire but i'm not taking any damage so i decide to test this. He gives me some wood, i catch him on fire but he jumps in water and fire is gone. For him. I jump in water... still on fire. I make a wood platform in the water and sure enough, i get close and it burns. ooo Pretty... I relog, still fire. restart the server, still fire. Take a 2 day minecraft break out of frustration and when i come back... still on fire. WTF?!?! ugg.
Can it be repeated? Boyfriend cant repeat and i cant repeat but it's possible that i cant repeat it because I'M STILL ON FIRE.
Known Fix: I wish...

This gave me a good chuckle today. Seeing as how I went through something similar (burned most of my house down). However, I did find out it was a firestone I was carrying. So you might want to double check and make sure you don't have a firestone on you.
This gave me a good chuckle today. Seeing as how I went through something similar (burned most of my house down). However, I did find out it was a firestone I was carrying. So you might want to double check and make sure you don't have a firestone on you.
I suppose it's entirely possible given that i had most of the sorting system torn apart but i died so many times and in the end i'm standing on cobble in the middle of a lake with a completely empty inventory still setting fire when i walk on land. OH OH OH... I forgot one thing. I am not catching our new base on fire. We were packing up to move to a new base. every time i died i respawned near my bed inside a huge tree and no fire till i'm at the old place.
I suppose it's entirely possible given that i had most of the sorting system torn apart but i died so many times and in the end i'm standing on cobble in the middle of a lake with a completely empty inventory still setting fire when i walk on land. OH OH OH... I forgot one thing. I am not catching our new base on fire. We were packing up to move to a new base. every time i died i respawned near my bed inside a huge tree and no fire till i'm at the old place.
Is something that could act as a fake player holding a firestone? IE an autonomous activator?
Is something that could act as a fake player holding a firestone? IE an autonomous activator?
Checked with boyfriend and he didnt have anything of the sort, neither did i. He says we only had one firestone and it was in a chest.
Checked with boyfriend and he didnt have anything of the sort, neither did i. He says we only had one firestone and it was in a chest.

Was this a regular vanilla minecraft chest or a chest from a mod? Were you involved with any bee stuff?
What Mod Pack: Direwolf 20 v1.6 v1.0.12
Pastebin link: http://pastebin.com/knKPA86s
What happened: The advanced draw bridge was broken with a full inventory, it duplicated. and then when it tried to be activated causes client side crash on server.
dont know if this is where it goes but i just wanted to report the bug.
Was this a regular vanilla minecraft chest or a chest from a mod? Were you involved with any bee stuff?
I had a mix of iron and gold chests and 2 obsidian chests in the room The firestone was in a gold chest. I believe all of those are from Iron Chests mod. The moment this started i was breaking an itemduct from an iron chest.

We have forestry but had not yet started playing with bee's though we did have a few bee's that i stole from a village and the apiarys but they were all on an ME storage disk by this point.
Jaded, is anything being done about this disappearing world bug, I havent been able to play at all for atleast a week as with many other people, can we get some sort of recognition?
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I had a mix of iron and gold chests and 2 obsidian chests in the room The firestone was in a gold chest. I believe all of those are from Iron Chests mod. The moment this started i was breaking an itemduct from an iron chest.

We have forestry but had not yet started playing with bee's though we did have a few bee's that i stole from a village and the apiarys but they were all on an ME storage disk by this point.

Probably not helpful in tracking down the bug, But to attempt to fix the issue you'll want to empty your inventory, don't forget to remove any armor/accessories you're wearing. Exit the world and delete the playername.dat file.

If you're playing on a server this file is located in the "worldname\players\" For a single player world it's in "Modname\minecraft\saves\worldname\players\"

Be aware deleting your playername.dat file will wipe the character and next time you go in you'll be at spawn with nothing. Doing this has always fixed 99.9% of problems I've encountered that cause constant weird behavior for just my character.
i need help my minecraft is buggy i dont know if its the modpack or what it is but i cant see the blocks around me not in singleplayer or in multiplayer. http://imgur.com/uQIEnmr,ujdKeY9,RAV1FdR Help Please.I know u got so much work to do and stuff but i havent played minecraft for a month now and couldnt figure out the problem myself.
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