Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

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Sorry Zaes, here is the requested information. I did a force update. I cannot even log into the server anymore, I crash instantly now. It was crashing randomly before, in my base, in the mining world, in various biomes, etc. I have even tried on multiple computers both at home and on campus: same result. I tried to post the log both to pastebin and attach it here, but apparently it is too large (1.46MB) so I will paste the applicable portion here:
Hmm, since you have tried it on multiple devices and IP's, I'm pretty sure that the problem would not be unique to your client. Have you heard of other players having the same problem on the server? Does your server administrator know of the problem? (you could tag them by placing an @ sign before their name so they see your post - assuming they have a forum.feed-the-beast.com account).

Also, what were you doing in-game when the crash happened for the first time? Does the crash occur whenever you do something specific with Thaumcraft?[DOUBLEPOST=1395790610][/DOUBLEPOST]
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: 1.6.4 1.0.18
Pastebin link to crash log:
Whats the bug? Still getting the sticky shift problem in inventory when crafting. When crafting area is populated items in inventory cannot be moved.When hotbar is full shift-clicking an item will put it into crafting.
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix:
Hmm I have had a similar problem in past versions of the modpack where ghost images would fill the crafting table (I am assuming you are talking about the vanilla crafting table) whenever I accessed one. I fixed the problem by pressing the 'R' key (this sorts the inventory (so does middle-click) and it removed the ghost images. Try this and see if it works.
Hmm, since you have tried it on multiple devices and IP's, I'm pretty sure that the problem would not be unique to your client. Have you heard of other players having the same problem on the server? Does your server administrator know of the problem? (you could tag them by placing an @ sign before their name so they see your post - assuming they have a forum.feed-the-beast.com account).

Also, what were you doing in-game when the crash happened for the first time? Does the crash occur whenever you do something specific with Thaumcraft?

I was not doing anything with Thaumcraft at the time of the crashes. It was completely random. Sometimes I could play for only a few minutes before a crash, other times I could play for maybe an hour. This last time i was simply doing some mining to restock supplies. Researching this error led me to find many others that have had similar experiences when it came to the crashes. One other person has had crashing issues on my server, but since I was not doing anything with Thaumcraft at the time of the crashes, and the error message said something about "FXShieldRunes.java", that's what leads me to believe it is possibly with the runic armor pieces from Thaumcraft, as that is what I am wearing. The other person on my server was also wearing the runic armor also when it happened.

I have not yet asked m server admin for an investigation. I am worried he will just delete my player.dat file and I will lose all my items.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: 1.6.4 - 1.0.19(pack version)
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/MLqgqV4f
Whats the bug?:It randomly crashes Minecraft
Can it be repeated?: yes when ever i jump or fall or just randomly but more often when i jump/fall
Known Fix:i dont have a clue
I have not yet asked m server admin for an investigation. I am worried he will just delete my player.dat file and I will lose all my items.

In that case, place everything in chests (use Lockboxes so noone else can access the stuff), then ask him/her :p
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: 1.6.4 - 1.0.19(pack version)
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/MLqgqV4f
Whats the bug?:It randomly crashes Minecraft
Can it be repeated?: yes when ever i jump or fall or just randomly but more often when i jump/fall
Known Fix:i dont have a clue

Those are the vanilla minecraft crash reports. We need to see the ForgeModLoader logs (as they are more detailed in mod bug reporting than the vanilla launcher. Go to your FTB_Folder\Direwolf20_1_6_4\minecraft\ and open the "ForgeModLoader-client-0.log" This is the most recent log that has been generated (one is generated every time you decide to launch a modpack from the main menu). If you know that the crash occurred in the most recent time you played that modpack, upload that file to pastebin (or upload it as an attachment to your post if it exceeds pastebin's limit (500kb). If your crash was one or two sessions previous, upload ForgeModLoader-client-1.log or ForgeModLoader-client-2.log respectively. If you can, can you please do a force update (options tab --> force update) while you have an uninterrupted internet connection so we can eliminate the chance of a bad download skipping some data?

Are you able to re-create the bug after a force update of the modpack?
how can i put an attachment?(I'm new here)

Click on the "upload a file" button on the bottom right of the comment field, then traverse to the folder location in which the crash report is located (as stated above - \whereeverYouHaveYourFTBFolder\FTB_Folder\Direwolf20_1_6_4\minecraft\, then select the appropriate crash report log. It will then upload the attachment to your message (much like an email attachment).
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Portal Gun mod.
Pastebin link to crash log: No crash.
Whats the bug?: Hitting a sentry turret or oracle turret with an empty hand has a chance of dropping another turret. Either a normal or an oracle one.
Also, placing a turret, crafted or duped it will have 1/10 health.
Can it be repeated?: Yes. Had two turrets placed, after about 5 minutes i had 10+
Known Fix: Not yet.
Everytime i open direwolf20 pack it gets to the mojang screen then just locks up then crashes. Yes my Java is up to date, yes its 64-bit, i have a newly built pc with all the latest parts out there possible to get so i know its not my computer. Usualy i can fix this stuff myself but idk whats going on at all, please help me get it started and going, also link me to some direwolf20 servers for when its fixed thanks :)
Here's My launcher Console Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/GRQUVYyy
Heres a crash report log pastebin: http://pastebin.com/2uxyJp0y
that upload a file doesnt want to work, i cant use pastebin since it is a 1mb file
What is? If image, save it as JPG and scale smaller. Log files are not 1mb+, unless you are trying to send something you don't need to. That's wrong, they can be bigger... Pastebin should accept that though, but if not, you can try compress it to .zip and upload to forum post here.
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Everytime i open direwolf20 pack it gets to the mojang screen then just locks up then crashes. Yes my Java is up to date, yes its 64-bit, i have a newly built pc with all the latest parts out there possible to get so i know its not my computer. Usualy i can fix this stuff myself but idk whats going on at all, please help me get it started and going, also link me to some direwolf20 servers for when its fixed thanks :)
Here's My launcher Console Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/GRQUVYyy
Heres a crash report log pastebin: http://pastebin.com/2uxyJp0y

It seems that you set your xmx(maxHeapSize) manually. But the launcher also sets the xmx and only the last xmx parameter is used.
JVM Flags: 4 total; -Xms256M -Xmx6144M -XX:PermSize=256m -Xmx512M
So your JVM starts with only 512Mo for the heap and eventually crash with an outOfMemory Exception.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: MineFactory Reloaded
Whats the bug? Conveyor belts are randomy changing what direction they face
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: -
?? Wasp nests are not part of this mod pack.
By Wasp nest I mean (honeycomb, empty honeycomb, empty honeycomb black, filled honeycomb, honey, honey block) and Wasp. It was working in the last Version before 1.6.4 1.0.18.

Mob: Biomes O' Plenty and (Wasp) Minecraft
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Tinker's Construct
Whats the bug? Enchantments can be removed from modified tools, but can not be put back on.
Can it be repeated? Have not tried different once, only silk touch. Both the auto-anvil and vanilla anvil do not see the pickaxe as a valid enchantable item.
Known Fix: None.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.18
Mod & Version: Extra Utilities? Rei's minimap/journeymap.
Whats the bug? Chunks reset in the deep dark. Waypoints get removed when a chunk is reset too.
Can it be repeated? It's random.
Known Fix: None.

On a sidenote, i do not know how important the file sqlite-jdbc-3.7.15-M1.jar is, since minecraft seems to run fine without it. However, i noticed today that it was 0 bytes again and downloaded the file again. Perhaps there are issues related to this. (Btw, everytime i download the pack (forced update) or update to a newer version, this file is always 0 bytes.

edit: Just restarted and the same chunk was reset. As well as the waypoints... curious..
Edit 2: The deep dark is also the only dimension, thusfar, that has the graphic "ghosting" glitch, when you look at an ender chest from within 5 blocks, like someone else mentioned.
Edit 3: I just started my world up again and checked up on the chunks. I moved the quarry to the other side, in a different chunk and now THAT chunk has reset. It makes me think that it's an issue with the quarry. I'm going to place the ender quarry and see if that has the same result.
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What is? If image, save it as JPG and scale smaller. Log files are not 1mb+, unless you are trying to send something you don't need to. That's wrong, they can be bigger... Pastebin should accept that though, but if not, you can try compress it to .zip and upload to forum post here.
no its not an image, its a notpad file
no its not an image, its a notpad file

What I do as a quick workaround to the file limits is Ctrl-F search for "SEVERE" or "java. " at the bottom of the page (this is most likely where the error is - you will know that you have found at least one error when you see something with the [SEVERE] tag (or java) at the start of the line, followed by *insert bug here* at java.error.stuff.here (see image for reference). Once you have found the error, just scan a few lines above it in case there are other indicators of the game crashing (world leaks, out of memory errors, etc.). After this is done, select the [SEVERE] / java part of the code, as well as the aforementioned indicators, all the way down to the end of the file and copy-paste that to a separate .txt file and upload that.

I noticed that you use notepad. I am assuming that this is notepad that comes with Windows, in which case, it is very user-unfriendly when it comes to the readability of the file contents. I suggest using Notepad++, as it is designed to read these sort of files and displays them in a really nice manner (you will see this in the image example).
How To Crash Report.jpg
I am not entirely sure this is a bug, but you can have a look at it
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: Minecraft 1.6.4 Pack 1.0.0+
Whats the bug? What happens is that the game freezes for a second, continues, freezes again, and keeps going
Can it be repeated? Every time I open up any normally generated world with Biomes O' Plenty gen on it happens
Known Fix: I put every setting on low and it keeps happening no matter what

I know this isn't a problem with my computer because this has never happened before with any packs prior to moving to MC 1.6.4

Okay, I can't even get to the Nether without having this problem :/
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