Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.8 (MC 1.6.4)
Mod & Version: Biomes o' Plenty? Tinkers Construct?
Pastebin link to crash log:N/A
Whats the bug? Well, i can't find any green/blue slimes, anywhere... don't know if it is becasue BoP or TC but i've looked in swamps, full moons, slime chunks, nothing... not a single tiny green/blue slime
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: N/A
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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.8 (MC 1.6.4)
Mod & Version: Ars Magica 1.0.2b
Pastebin link to crash log: No Crash
Whats the bug? I am unable to link the light nexus with *ANY* thing. Upon hitting it with the crystal wrench, absolutely nothing happens. I attempted to test with other nexi, and I was unable to link they as well. This is frustrating as it has stopped all progression with the mod.
Can it be repeated? Yes in single player and in creative mode.
Known Fix: None, but I am open to suggestions.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 v1.0.8 1.6.4
Mod & Version: AM2 1.0.2b
Pastebin link to crash log: No crash.
Whats the bug?
Very rarely there seems to be a bug with Ars Magica on servers that causes a player to disconnect giving them the error "java.io.IOException: Bad packet id 27" and after the player cannot connect back to the server without deleting the player.dat file that belongs to them or disabling AM2 letting them join then enabling it.

I have no idea what is causing it, it happens at random but I think most occurrences happen when dying too frequently while having an AM2 item on you skills might also count as I tried using a plugin to remove the items from my inventory when I got effected and after it didn't make a difference..

Now there is not a crash but the client log shows this when attempting to connect while effected.
2013-12-31 01:36:10 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Connecting to -IP Removed-, 25565
2013-12-31 01:36:10 [INFO] [MapWriter] connection opened to remote server: -IP Removed-
2013-12-31 01:36:20 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] The server has compatibility level 2
2013-12-31 01:36:20 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] The difference set is equal
2013-12-31 01:36:20 [INFO] [STDOUT] Setting up custom skins
2013-12-31 01:36:23 [INFO] [GraviGun] [2.0.0] Sending client info to server
2013-12-31 01:36:23 [INFO] [PortalGun] [2.0.1] Sending client info to server
2013-12-31 01:36:23 [INFO] [MapWriter] onClientLoggedIn: dimension = 0
2013-12-31 01:36:23 [INFO] [MapWriter] generating block colours
2013-12-31 01:36:23 [INFO] [MapWriter] loading block colour overrides file C:\Users\Neko\Desktop\FTB\Direwolf20_1_6_4\minecraft\config\MapWriterBlockColourOverrides.txt
2013-12-31 01:36:23 [INFO] [MapWriter] generating block map colours from textures
2013-12-31 01:36:23 [INFO] [MapWriter] created new MwTexture from GL texture id 8 (2048x1024) (2097152 pixels)
2013-12-31 01:36:24 [INFO] [MapWriter] processed 3138 block textures, 11168 skipped, 347 exceptions
2013-12-31 01:36:24 [INFO] [MapWriter] loading block colour overrides file C:\Users\Neko\Desktop\FTB\Direwolf20_1_6_4\minecraft\config\MapWriterBlockColourOverrides.txt
2013-12-31 01:36:24 [INFO] [MapWriter] saving block colours to 'C:\Users\Neko\Desktop\FTB\Direwolf20_1_6_4\minecraft\config\MapWriterBlockColours.txt'
2013-12-31 01:36:29 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] Kokoro_Neko joined the game.
2013-12-31 01:36:29 [INFO] [Waila] Received server authentication msg. Remote sync will be activated
2013-12-31 01:36:29 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [THAUMCRAFT] Client received server config settings.
2013-12-31 01:36:29 [INFO] [ThermalExpansion] Receiving Server Configuration...
2013-12-31 01:36:29 [INFO] [STDOUT] Setting up custom skins
2013-12-31 01:36:29 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loading World: remote/-IP Removed-/world
2013-12-31 01:36:29 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] Your LogisticsPipes version is outdated. The newest version is #91.
2013-12-31 01:36:29 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] Use "/logisticspipes changelog" to see a changelog.
2013-12-31 01:36:29 [INFO] [NEIAddons] World changed, resetting
2013-12-31 01:36:29 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Available server commands: SetPatternEncoderRecipe;SetForestryWorktableRecipe
2013-12-31 01:36:29 [INFO] [STDERR] java.io.IOException: Bad packet id 27
2013-12-31 01:36:29 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.network.packet.Packet.func_73272_a(Packet.java:149)
2013-12-31 01:36:29 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.network.TcpConnection.func_74447_i(TcpConnection.java:325)
2013-12-31 01:36:29 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.network.TcpConnection.func_74450_c(TcpConnection.java:549)
2013-12-31 01:36:29 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.network.TcpReaderThread.run(SourceFile:94)
2013-12-31 01:36:29 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] Welcome back to NyanCraft!, ~Neko!
2013-12-31 01:36:29 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] Currently online: ~Neko
2013-12-31 01:36:29 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] Type /help for a list of commands.
2013-12-31 01:36:29 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] [CHAT] You have no new mail.
2013-12-31 01:36:30 [INFO] [GraviGun] [2.0.0] Received world props from server.
2013-12-31 01:36:30 [INFO] [PortalGun] [2.0.1] Received world props from server.
2013-12-31 01:36:30 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica >> Client Packet Failed to Handle!
2013-12-31 01:36:30 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica >> Packet Type: -1
2013-12-31 01:36:30 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica >> null
2013-12-31 01:36:30 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica >> [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@7944a4df
2013-12-31 01:36:32 [INFO] [MapWriter] connection closed
2013-12-31 01:36:32 [INFO] [MapWriter] waiting for 1 tasks to finish...
2013-12-31 01:36:32 [INFO] [MapWriter] done
(I removed the servers IP for security reasons pretty sure won't mind)

I do not have the error from server side due to log getting overwritten upon server restart...

Can it be repeated? Yes, but not known how as it currently is a random occurrence.
Known Fix: Removing/Disabling Ars Magica 2 or deleting player.dat file.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 v1.0.8 1.6.4
Mod & Version:OpenPeripheral 0.2.1 preview8
Pastebin link to crash: No crash
Bug: In the most current precompiled version of the mod it is missing one of the crafting recipes specifically the thin wires used in a lot of it's recipes. However the problem itself has been fixed but the procompiled haven't been updated in quite a while.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.8 (MC 1.6.4)
Mod & Version: Biomes o' Plenty? Tinkers Construct?
Pastebin link to crash log:N/A
Whats the bug? Well, i can't find any green/blue slimes, anywhere... don't know if it is becasue BoP or TC but i've looked in swamps, full moons, slime chunks, nothing... not a single tiny green/blue slime
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: N/A

Have you looked up to the sky yet? Slime islands everywhere.

If you can't reach them then kill a bat and fly there.[DOUBLEPOST=1388524209][/DOUBLEPOST]
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.8
Mod & Version:Tinkers Construct
Pastebin link to crash log: not a crash
Whats the bug? Forge wont smelt "Raw Aluminum 14276:12" the ones that look like flakes, i put them on the forge but they don't seem to heat, i left them for about 10min but nothing happens. To be more specific what i did was that i smelted 9+ Aluminum ores so i made a block of aluminum using a basin and then some aluminum ingots in a casting basin, then i putted the aluminum block on my crafting grid to get the corresponding 9 raw aluminum so i could melt 5 so i could get some alumite, but the raw aluminum doesn't heat up.
Can it be repeated? yup, at least in my server
Known Fix: ???

If you press U on it what does it say you can do with it. The U key is for NEI to tell you what you can do with it.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.9
Mod & Version: Mystcraft-uni-1.6.4-
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/0U6neiR6
Whats the bug? Unable to enter mystcraft worlds after created. I encounter an error when clicking on the right hand panel of a placed descriptive book (the part you click on to enter the age).
When I click the panel on the right, Nothing happens.
When I look at the server log file, there is an error and it seems to be preventing me from entering the age.
This happens for All ages that I create, no matter whether I specify a biome or leave it to random. This pack does have BoP and the world has BoP enabled (Biomes O Plenty).
Can it be repeated? Yes, just create any new age
Known Fix: No known fix.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.9
Mod & Version: OpenBlocks-1.2.2 / ThermalExpansion-
Pastebin link to crash log:http://pastebin.com/1c81YtYX
Whats the bug? I put xpjucie from a drum to an autoechanter with a book inside and it caused a server to crash. Plus and singleplayer world to crash and not able to log on to it again.
Can it be repeated? Xpjucie drum with thermal expansion fluiduct connected to a auto enchanter.
Known Fix: No known fix.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.8
Mod & Version: Natura 2.1.13 / ProjectRed
Pastebin link to crash log: No crash
Whats the bug? You can't make any tools using the redwood sticks and all the gems e.g sapphire, peridot, and ruby.
Known Fix: No know fix.
ModPack: Direwolf20 v1.0.8
Mod: TE
No crash. ClientLog: http://pastebin.com/NRWJ1LPT (complete log too big for pastebin :( )
ServerLog: http://pastebin.com/5twjbBej
Bug: Updated Server and Client to dw20 1.0.8, tested serverworld on client, works fine. When connecting to the server I get: "ID 20256 from Mod ThermalExpansion is missing" and I get kicked from the server
Reproducable: Yes :(

I had the same problem. What solved it for me: On the server go to config\cofh\ and edit ThermalExpansion.cfg -> change I:FMP.Conduit=20000 to I:FMP.Conduit=20022 The new pack version had ID 20022 in the config. When updating it, it wasn't overwritten it seems. Changing that ID fixed the problem and I could connect without problems.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: tinkers construct
Pastebin link to crash log:no crash
Whats the bug? if you have coagulated blood in you innovatory and pick up gelatinous slime or try to put any in your inventory the slime will turn in to blood.
Can it be repeated?yes
Known Fix: unknown

sorry if this has been reported before and, sorry if its written like crap hasnt been the best night.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: 1.6.4
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/z9ptJ9nv
Whats the bug? Crashes on startup.
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: Said to have RAM at at least 2 GB and still does not work for me
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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.0.9
Mod & Version: PowerCrystalsCore-1.1.8-9 / MineFactoryReloaded-2.7.4-255
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/4eSmib9Z
Whats the bug?
when i search for cable in nei it crashes the game (doesnt seem to be able to render the RedstoneCable)
Can it be repeated?
yes everytime i search it, even in new worlds
Known Fix:
Mod pack: Direwolf20 1.0.8
Mod & Version: Industriel Craft 2.0.316 - Experimental
Whats the bug: if you are in the inv. of a reactor generator and let it break (i did it with a dynamism table from thaumic tinkerer and a simple wrench) its droppig the components which you can also grab after that from the inv.
Can it be repeated? yes, can be used to dupe items
Known Fix: none
I had the same problem. What solved it for me: On the server go to config\cofh\ and edit ThermalExpansion.cfg -> change I:FMP.Conduit=20000 to I:FMP.Conduit=20022 The new pack version had ID 20022 in the config. When updating it, it wasn't overwritten it seems. Changing that ID fixed the problem and I could connect without problems.

Thank you very much, this fixed our problem.
You have a problem with the minefactory reloaded plugin.
Delete the dw20 pack from your "FTB Files" folder on the desktop and try it again.
Where do you see that? I see a loading with a confirmation of TiC, then a crash, with a "link" to a crash report (C:\Users\daddy\Desktop\FTB Files\Direwolf20_1_6_4\minecraft\crash-reports\crash-2014-01-01_05.48.32-client.txt) - I'd like to see the crashreport before saying anything about the cause.
(I don't see anything about MFR being an issue here)
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: Tinker's Construct 460.af0330a
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
When researching seared bricks in NEI it reports that it takes 36 mb of seared stone liquid to craft it in a ingot cast (which makes it an equal alternative to making seared stone, which takes 144 mb: aka 4 bricks). But i pour 72 mb worth of seared stone liquid (from 9 cobblestone) into an ingot cast, it only makes one half of a brick (making 1 brick seem to take 144 mb, the same as a seared stone).
I have tried this several times, and i seem to get the same outcome.
Known Fix: Change the amount of liquid it takes to make a seared brick from 144 to 36 mb. Or change what it says in the NEI recipe.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version:1.0.8
Pastebin link to crash log:
Whats the bug? I have a small private server (For me and a few friends) we started about a day ago and have just built our 1st nether portal and instead of it sending us to the nether it sends us 1000's of blocks away from our original position. When we walk back though it sends us to a 3rd position, then a 4th, etc, etc. Hope this is the right place to post this and in the correct format. Many thanks!
Can it be repeated?
Known Fix:
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