The chest points out that it's more of an enderchest than a mundane chest, throwing your calculations off.
I take one end of a wormhole and throw it at the chest.
I take one end of a wormhole and throw it at the chest.
The chest remains tightly sealed.The chest falls through the wormhole and drops out on your lap, purring softly.
I edit the chest's player.DAT file to my own name and log back into the world.
The chest suggests that you look a few days into the past or into the future.The drill bit is blunted.
I show the chest an avatar that looks like a lady holding a staff against a backdrop of lighting strikes, and challenge it to find three interlocking triangles.
However I think this sets a new record for most implausible thing ever seen in this thread. 5 points for Hufflepuff!The chest likes it.