Hey since departed is recently released and includes AoA, a mod that has not been in common FTB packs, where is the place to discuss this modpack? (I don't want to talk in the bug report forum) 

what does it mean when it says 'souls are out scurrying tonight'? cant find any information on the wikia
There is a 2nd book you can craft with 4 limonite surrounding a book that explains most of the skills and what they give you(it's modpack specific).
I personally haven't approached the wiki yet, I don't want to spoil myself.
As for food I just craft a ton of all I can, salads, lots of juices(carrot, the 3 berries), a bit of meat, seed soup, tomato soup, I put everything in a chest and then use the lunchbox on it.
It selects the 6 best food and put them in the lunchbox(freeing space), then you just eat directly the lunchbox which eats the best food out of the 6.
Also I was lucky, I still haven't found diamond but while spelunking I found 5 limonite at the bottom of a water cascade, probably from a mob?
Anyway I crafted a pickaxe from it and mined all the stuff without having to find diamond.
Is there any way to decrease mob spawning a bit or tweak it somehow? I'll all for a bit of challenge, but this is just annoying. I have like 30 assassins in a 10 by 10 chunk area for example, and mobs spawn literally on top of you sometimes.