A couple of quick questions:
How does one open a deep case?
What are some suggested dimension progressions? (I've stepped into Deeplands and briefly into Haven, but fear I need flight for Haven)
Actually, what about progression at all? I stepped into the End expecting it to be an okay fight. I went in on Creative (because of the very common and annoying issue where you spawn on a platform out in the middle of nowhere, and then the dragon arrives and knocks you off basically right as you finished loading) and obviously it was far different than I expected it to be.
What is a Metal Tub/Filtration System/Mending Table for?
Sorry for the barrage of questions, I'm just kind of lost in the Advent of Ascension mod.
EDIT: Also, the Horn of the Wild doesn't drop any of the uhh.. anima? stones. Whichever ones drop from breaking plants. Not sure if this is a balance decision, I just noticed while gathering Botania flowers.