Whitelist Server |Deltro-Ultimate|120 Slots|Dedicated 24/7|Grief prevention|mature 15+|

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
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Ok....NOW im done with this crap. Why Havent I been unbanned? Innocent until proven guilty? (just a tip dont EVER join this server I put a canvas bag in a canvas bag and then got banned for duping when I CRASHED these people are morons)
Ok....NOW im done with this crap. Why Havent I been unbanned? Innocent until proven guilty? (just a tip dont EVER join this server I put a canvas bag in a canvas bag and then got banned for duping when I CRASHED these people are morons)
Bro the servers not even up
people can't get whitelisted at the moment and you can't get unbanned bloodycrhis because the server is down
we will try to fix it as soons as possible but currently it's still down
plz be patient
and if you wanna play so much maybe try some buils already in creative singleplayer so they look even more epic on the server in survival

thanks for you patience

- CaptainAmerica-
people can't get whitelisted at the moment and you can't get unbanned bloodycrhis because the server is down
we will try to fix it as soons as possible but currently it's still down
plz be patient
and if you wanna play so much maybe try some buils already in creative singleplayer so they look even more epic on the server in survival

thanks for you patience

- CaptainAmerica-

Is it possible to get the seed?
people can't get whitelisted at the moment and you can't get unbanned bloodycrhis because the server is down
we will try to fix it as soons as possible but currently it's still down
plz be patient
and if you wanna play so much maybe try some buils already in creative singleplayer so they look even more epic on the server in survival

thanks for you patience

- CaptainAmerica-

So are we getting those tacos?
Wasn't that nice of me to put it back up for you? xD

*Brunty we love you, will you find out what crashed us and fix it*

I guess so

xD[DOUBLEPOST=1371308925][/DOUBLEPOST]God I am good... someone was being a naughty boy with lua... issue is solved, shouldn't happen again
  • Like
Reactions: Urgie
age (15+): 16
Experience with ftb/mods: Very Experienced. 1+ Years
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: Both. And my Skype is Tyl3r684.
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): Factories and Automation.
How long have you been playing FTB?: 1+ Years.
IGN: Tyl3r684
Anything else you want to add(extra points): I don't know what plugins you have, but I am a pro at making a mob arena. :)
age 21
Experience with ftb/mods: Mostly with technic light.
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: I manly use teamspeak.
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): mining, farming, factory and building.
How long have you been playing FTB?: about 7 months.
Anything else you want to add(extra points): I like turttles.
dear people sorry for waiting i will start whitelisting now

this is a mature server so no griefing everyone understood !!

for the rest welcome people that i'll whitelist and enjoy your stay
(friend applying on my account)

Experience with ftb/mods: been playing ftb for 9 months
Are you able to skype/teamspeak : yes i am able to skype , but not teamspeak due too a bad experience
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): creating self suffiecint resource and energy systems
How long have you been playing FTB?: for 0.2 alpha centurions which is 9 months in human time
IGN: feelssobadman
Anything else you want to add(extra points): How are you, really?
How do you feel right now? What are you thinking about?
What’s your favorite color?
What’s your favorite food?
What’s your favorite dessert?
How old are you?
What have you learned today?
What was your favorite subject in school?
What do you do?
What are some of your favorite books?
What are some of your favorite movies?
What kind of music are you into?
If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?
What’s one of the scariest things you’ve ever done?
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Are you married?
How did you meet your spouse / girlfriend / boyfriend?
Do you think it’s better to get married when you’re young or better to wait a while?
Do you have any kids?
Have you ever thought of adopting?
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
How did you get into [INSERT THEIR CAREER FIELD]?
Would you recommend [INSERT THEIR CAREER] for other people? Why / Why not?
What do you do for fun?
Do you like traveling?
If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go?
Who are some people you’d like to meet someday?
If someone asked you to give them a random piece of advice, what would you say?
What’s one of your favorite habits you have?
What are some things that make you really happy?
What are some things that make you really sad?
What are some things that scare you?
Do you like to plan things out in detail or be spontaneous?
Are you a religious person?
If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet?
Would you rather live in the country or in the city?
What was your life like growing up?
What were you like in high school?
Do you have any brothers or sisters? How many?
What’s your favorite part about today so far?
Who in your life has influenced you the most? How did they do it?
What’s your favorite joke?
Have you ever tried sushi? (Did you like it?)
Do you like spicy food?
How do you like your steak cooked?
Do you have a favorite number? Any particular reason why you like that number?
If you were a type of animal, what would you be and why?
What’s one of the strangest things you’ve ever done?
What kind of vacations do you like?
What are some of your major goals in life?
What are some of your smaller goals in life?
What do you like least about yourself?
What embarrasses you?
If you could try out any job for a day, what would you like to try?
What’s your earliest memory?
What’s the best decision you ever made?
Who’s your best / closest friend?
What do you think people think of you?
What were your grades like in school?
If you could learn one random skill, what would you learn?
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Have you ever taken a personality test? (How did the results turn out?)
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Do you think people can control their own destiny?
Do you think all people are equally valuable, or do you think some people in certain situations might be more valuable than others (say, a severely retarded patient vs. a doctor who could potentially save hundreds of lives)?
Do you think people are basically bad or basically good?
Do you think morals are universal or relative to the beliefs, traditions, and practices of individuals or groups?
Do you think God exists?
Do you think any kind of afterlife exists?
Do you vote? Why / Why not? If you do vote, how do you usually vote?
Do you think gay people choose to be gay? Do you think straight people choose to be straight?
Is torture ever a good option? If no, why not? If yes, when?
Would you kill an innocent person if you thought it might mean saving a dozen other people?
What’s the most money you’ve ever given away?
What’s the biggest personal change you’ve ever made?
What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done?
What do you think would be one of the best steps we could take toward ending poverty around the world?
What do you think we could do to best improve the education system?
In general, what do you think about art?
What are some of your favorite websites?
What’s the biggest turnoff in a man/woman?
What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told?
What’s something most people don’t know about you?
What’s something you wish everyone knew about you?
What are some of the first things you do in the morning?
What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to you?
Do you cry easily?
How do you feel about public speaking?
Do you like to talk on the phone?
How many emails do you get each week, roughly?
If someone were to make a movie about your life, who would you hope would play you?
What’s one of your favorite questions to ask new friends or to get a conversation going?
Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump?
Have you ever been in a fist fight?
What’s the best prank you’ve ever pulled?
What did you do on your 16th birthday?
What do you think is one of the most undervalued professions right now?
How would you explain your basic life philosophy?
Would you rather be hated or forgotten?
If you knew you would die tomorrow, would you feel cheated today?

accepted but plz don't do this again screwing around just hf and don't cheat so welcome
age (15+): 16
Experience with ftb/mods: I know most of the major mods fairly well.
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?:Yes. Skype is dman7456
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): tech
How long have you been playing FTB?: 5 months
IGN: ProfessionalBA
Anything else you want to add(extra points): Sorry! I guess I just missed age w/ the copy-paste. let me know if you need anything else. And I played tekkit for over a year before FTB. Thanks!

accepted welcome enjoy your stay[DOUBLEPOST=1371318149][/DOUBLEPOST]
age (15+): 16
Experience with ftb/mods: Played the technic Pack since before there was even a launcher when it came out. Have been playing FTB for 1 month now
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: Skype and teamspeak
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): Building by far, I absolutely love it and have been doing it since alpha minecraft
How long have you been playing FTB?:1 Month
IGN: frostblooded
Anything else you want to add(extra points): Looking for a server like this to have fun on since the current one I am on has dropped in quality. I have been admin and moderator on many different occasions.

accepted welcome have fun[DOUBLEPOST=1371318224][/DOUBLEPOST]
age (15+): 16
Experience with ftb/mods: worked with Tekkit before ftb, been playing ftb since december
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: dan.dietz5
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): technology
How long have you been playing FTB?: 5 months
IGN: Spartan_D34
Anything else you want to add(extra points): I speak Russian and play with ProfessionalBA, also you smell nice

accepted welcome and hf srr for the long time of waiting
age (15+): 17
Experience with ftb/mods: been playing ftb for about a year and tekkit before that so im know my way around the majority of mods but there still are things i have to learn about the newer mods in the pack.
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: Both and Skype is kpdoney1
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): Combining many mods into 1 project to create a completely automatic system.
How long have you been playing FTB?: Off and On for about a year
IGN: kpdoney1
Anything else you want to add(extra points): I like chicken :)
strange quote of you liking chicken but accepted :)

age (15+): 18
Experience with ftb/mods: been playing ftb for 6 months , tekkit beforehand
Are you able to skype/teamspeak : yeah i can skype anytime
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): Building and creating storage and sorting systems
How long have you been playing FTB?: 6 months
IGN: pap_100
Anything else you want to add(extra points): Well I'm not gonna give you my definition of passion, but I'm
gonna tell you about my favorite fruit which is pomegranate.

First, I like it because it's exotic and uncommon. It also takes
quite some time to peel it. At this point you're probably
wondering why the hell I'm thinking of this as a positive
attribute and whispering in your head that I'm a dumbass. Well
you're partially right, I am one but not for this reason.

During that peeling time, there is some tension that is building
up. It's a slow process that messes your mind. There is some
reddish juice that is dripping on your fingers. You put one
finger in your mouth and your brain goes crazy. The tension is at
its max. Your tasting buds buzz out.

You quickly remove the peelings, take a generous handful of those
little sparkling ruby colored seeds and put them in your mouth.
You slowly move them with your tounge. It's so refreshing and
delicate. And then comes that fatidic moment, the peak of the
sensation, you fully bite into them. That's like the climax. A
mixture of different sensations, an explosion of flavors.
Sometimes it's bitter, sometimes it's the sweetest thing you've
ever tasted, but it's always juicy.

This is why I think this fruit symbolizes passion perfectly. A
gentle mixture of delicacy, freshness, brillance, flavour,
explosivity, unpredictability...

at first your strange :p telling me about fruit

but accepted and enjoy your stay
age (15+):16
Experience with ftb/mods: playing since the first FTB map
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: Ts yes but i dont give out my skype
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc):i can build and mine also the tech is my favourate part (and best)
How long have you been playing FTB?: since the first map
Anything else you want to add(extra points): awsome builds by the server ;)

accepted welcome[DOUBLEPOST=1371318840][/DOUBLEPOST]
age (15+): 25
Experience with ftb/mods: I've mostly been following DW20, and then playing his pack when FTB came out.
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: Skype: no, Teamspeak: Yes
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): I enjoy making automated technological contraptions.
How long have you been playing FTB?: Since it came out.
IGN: IndigoStarfish
Anything else you want to add (extra points): I'm looking forward to the new challenge of the Ultimate pack (vs DW20).

accepted welcome[DOUBLEPOST=1371318955][/DOUBLEPOST]
age (15+): I am currently 17 years old.
Experience with ftb/mods: I have all around experience with all kinds of mods. I like to combine them.
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: I'm able to use teamspeak.
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): Building. I like detail. I come up with some nice looking buildings, forts, devices with medieval style. I love it.
How long have you been playing FTB?: I have been playing FTB for a very long time but I took a large break for about... 4 months. I have also played a lot of Tekkit before that.
IGN: HunterLuigi
Anything else you want to add(extra points):
I'm from Belgium. And yes all Belgians are weird. I'm about to wrap up my school diploma (hopefully) and heading to an university.
I'm a big fan of games. I like to play First Person shooters. My favourites are Team-Fortress 2, PlanetSide 2 and Shootmania: Storm. You can all find me on those games under the name HunterLuigi.
One of my hobbies are playing the bass. I also like music in every genre and form. I also admire art, which is a bit unusual since all of my friends don't. :p

I'm looking forward to play on your lovely server! If you have any other questions, you can always ask.

welcome fellow belgian person

accepted and hf
Ok....NOW im done with this crap. Why Havent I been unbanned? Innocent until proven guilty? (just a tip dont EVER join this server I put a canvas bag in a canvas bag and then got banned for duping when I CRASHED these people are morons)

write me a message with your explination of what you did with the canvas bags and what happened with you getting banned
if the explination is good i'll maybe unban you but don't get mad[DOUBLEPOST=1371319235][/DOUBLEPOST]
age (15+): 16
Experience with ftb/mods: Very Experienced. 1+ Years
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: Both. And my Skype is Tyl3r684.
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): Factories and Automation.
How long have you been playing FTB?: 1+ Years.
IGN: Tyl3r684
Anything else you want to add(extra points): I don't know what plugins you have, but I am a pro at making a mob arena. :)

accepted welcome[DOUBLEPOST=1371319373][/DOUBLEPOST]
age 21
Experience with ftb/mods: Mostly with technic light.
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: I manly use teamspeak.
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): mining, farming, factory and building.
How long have you been playing FTB?: about 7 months.
Anything else you want to add(extra points): I like turttles.

welcome accepted
write me a message with your explination of what you did with the canvas bags and what happened with you getting banned
if the explination is good i'll maybe unban you but don't get mad[DOUBLEPOST=1371319235][/DOUBLEPOST]

accepted welcome

Is the server down? I keep getting 'Can't resolve hostname'
age (15+): 23
Experience with ftb/mods: I am pretty up to date with all of the FTB mods and been playing modded minecraft before FTB
Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?: I have teamspeak but not skype
What is your best skill in FTB(mining, tech, building, etc): Building and tech are probably my 2 strong suits
How long have you been playing FTB?: I've been playing since January (Mindcrack, direwolf20, and ultimate)
IGN: Voodooroo2010
Anything else you want to add(extra points): I dont have any screenshots but i do big builds that are themed half the time and very good with bees