I'm not sure what is happening at the moment, we never had experienced any low TPS before but now the game is unplayable, server keep struggling and we can't have more than 6-7 tps according to /cofh tps command, and we don't have any clue what can cause such a massive issue, anyone know which mod can cause a low TPS issue in this Crash Landing 1.1.3 modpack, I'M about to ditch the adventure out, its awesome, but if we can't play it because of this low TPS issue, I'm out of it, we just begin our animal farms and we had some in 1.7.10 modpack with much more mods with more than 100 cows and 100 pigs and it never caused any problems, could it be a problem in this modpack ??? Any help would be really appreciated, please don't ask about any of the /opis thingy, I don't know anything about this thing and its not in the modpack.