- Minecraft Username: wedoggy77
- Age: (15+ Younger players that are mature are fine) 19
- Have you been banned before?: No
- Secret word: Sponges!
- Will you follow all of our rules?: Yes
- Why should we whitelist you: Because I can help people and Exp in Direwolf's mods
- Can you be part of the community? Yes
- Minecraft Username: Redknight34
- Age: 17
- Have you been banned before?: Yes a single time for asking if the server was down.....lol I guess Your not supposed to?
- Secret word: Sponges!
- Will you follow all of our rules?: all and many more
- Why should we whitelist you: Because I am a fun loving Comunity building guy who loves to skype people and build amazing machines
I love talking to people and being around other Please consider my application thanks for taking the time to read it
We will be updating between now and tomorrow nightyes it the recomended vertion on the luncher
Try again, we run direwolf20 v4 but will soon update to v5Still says I am not whitelisted.
And on a side note, is this server v 5.01?
It is done, please read the post i made on our own forumsIs it done is it back up?
Sorry, You have been unbanned right away!Sorry, but I was on the server for two minutes, doing litteraly nothing and I got banned, can I ask why?
Accepted!Username: James9871
Age: 15
Have you been banned before: no
Secret World: sponges
Will you follow the rules: Of course
Why should we whitelist you: I have 2 years of mc exp and a year of watching dw20 and playing mod packs. I will also be on lots and contribute a lot to the server eg machine rooms for everyone
Can you be part of the community: Yes this is the main reason I want join
Accepted!Minecraft Username:Josuev
Have you been banned before?:Nope
Secret word:Sponges!
Will you follow all of our rules?:Of Course!
Why should we whitelist you: I don't like servers where the people are doing their own thing and no one is chatting. The idea of creating a community is one I want to help in.
Can you be part of the community?: Of course, it gets lonely not being in a community.
- Minecraft Username: gentleraccoon
- Age: (15+ Younger players that are mature are fine) 22
- Have you been banned before?:no
- If yes (above) State why:x
- Secret word: (Its in the MystCraft Rules) sponges!
- Will you follow all of our rules?: yes
- Why should we whitelist you: because im looking for a direwolf community and i try to have fun
- Can you be part of the community?: community really makes the game and its just no fun playing by yourself
- Minecraft Username: hughbe
- Age: 17 (18 in 2 weeks)
- Have you been banned before?:No
- If yes (above) State why:N/A
- Secret word: (Its in the MystCraft Rules)Sponges
- Will you follow all of our rules?: Yes
- Why should we whitelist you:I am not a griefer or spammer and will help others with factories and systems and it is fun playing with others!
- Can you be part of the community?: Of course