Accepted!In-Game Username:
My in game username is Virtual_Scoop
I am a mature 16 year old male
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?:
No but i have been temp banned once.
If Yes, why?
The temp ban was for building an illegal item that i didnt know was illegal
How often can you play?:
3 or 4 times a week on average
What is the secret word?:
The secret word is sponges
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?:
I have been playing vanilla for 3 years now
FTB Experience?:
I only just started playing ftb and direwolf20 but it seems fun
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?:
Will you follow ALL of our rules?
Yes i will follow every single one of your rules.
Why do you want to join CraftBeast?:
My friends are playing it and want me to join them.
What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?:
To get good at this game and have a fun time!
What will you be bringing to our server?:
A fantastic personality
If you are accepted, How to you plan on integrating with the community?:
I plan on joining up with my friends
Any questions you would like to ask:
Nope it seems pretty straight forward
Additional Information?:
I live in Florida
Link to your CraftBeast Forums Profile(Optional):
Please register on our forums when possible![DOUBLEPOST=1361163478][/DOUBLEPOST]
Accepted!~In-Game Username:ryanhaych1
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?:Yes,
If Yes, why? I started to Insult a player that stole my Machines on a server that had no protections.
How often can you play?:Almost everyday
What is the secret word?:sponges
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: played since Alpha Stages
FTB Experience?:i play alot of Mindcrack and looking to play DW20
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?:Yes, But i will most likely not talk When i have a cold.
Will you follow ALL of our rules? I Promise to Follow the Rules 100%
Why do you want to join CraftBeast?:I'm looking for a DW20 Server i've been playing mindcrack alot of and wanted to try DW20 pack
What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?:Having Fun and Making New Friends.
What will you be bringing to our server?:My knowledge, Thaumcraft I like alot
If you are accepted, How to you plan on integrating with the community?:
Any questions you would like to ask:N/A
Additional Information?:N/ALink to your CraftBeast Forums Profile(Optional): Don't Have one Will create If Accepted.