COFH World Generation User's Manual

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I can't find a suitable place to post this, this seems the likely place.

I'm using the Horizons modpack 1.6.4 and want to add Essence Ore from Magical crops mod to the Deep Dark Dim. The format in this thread is different than in the configs for 1.6.4 and was wondering if anyone can help me out.
The CoFHWorld-Generation.cfg doesn't show any option for worlds or Dimensions other than overworld.
I can't find a suitable place to post this, this seems the likely place.

I'm using the Horizons modpack 1.6.4 and want to add Essence Ore from Magical crops mod to the Deep Dark Dim. The format in this thread is different than in the configs for 1.6.4 and was wondering if anyone can help me out.
The CoFHWorld-Generation.cfg doesn't show any option for worlds or Dimensions other than overworld.
Yeah, it's different because this thread is talking about a newer version.

But to answer your question: I don't think it's possible in 1.6.4. I don't believe that CoFH worldgen supported dimension-specific spawn rules in that version.
Sorry, everyone. This weekend has been busy for me, so I haven't had enough time to sit down and update the guide.
Just a headups, but the file format has changed slightly in latest version:

example from my setup:
    "coal": {
        "template": "uniform",
        "block": [
                "name": "coal_ore",
                "metadata": 0,
                "weight": 930
                "name": "CusomItems:poor_coal_ore",
                "metadata": 0,
                "weight": 9000
                "name": "CustomItems:dense_coal_ore",
                "metadata": 0,
                "weight": 50
                "name": "minecraft:stone",
                "metadata": 0,
                "weight": 1000
                "name": "minecraft:monster_egg",
                "metadata": 0,
                "weight": 20
        "material": "stone",
        "clusterSize": 37,
        "numClusters": 20,
        "minHeight": 42,
        "maxHeight": 86,
        "retrogen": "true",
        "biomeRestriction": "none",
        "biomes": [],
        "dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
        "dimensions": [
Basically the meta/weight is defined with the block name, instead of seperate elements. Makes it a bit easier to manage/read. Good news is that the CoFH team gets the code to re-write the files in the new layout structure for you.
My ore gen file isn't actually getting rewritten. It gets left in the old format, and causes weird things to happen. I guess I'll have to find time to sit down and rewrite it all by hand. :(

I had to use an older version of CoFH core (and disable every mod that required the latest version) in order to get my config file rewritten. For some reason the newest version wasn't rewriting it. If anyone else is having the same problem, I used version version CoFHCore-[1.7.10]3.0.0B5-30.
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Hey there! I'm using only CoFH Core without Thermal Expansion. It only came with "Vanilla" config. I tried to config emerald ore and it worked. But I tried the AE2 Quartz and Charged Quartz and it didn't work. (I changed the quartz textures btw :U ) I set the material to sandstone instead of stone. and wrote "appliedenergistics2:tile.OreQuartz" to the block. What gone wrong? Should I make another file and put quartz in there? Or are my configs wrong?

"aequartz": {
"template": "uniform",
"block": "appliedenergistics2:tile.OreQuartz",
"material": "minecraft:sandstone",
"clusterSize": 14,
"numClusters": 32,
"minHeight": 0,
"maxHeight": 180,
"retrogen": "true",
"biomeRestriction": "none",
"biomes": [],
"dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
"dimensions": [
"aechargedquartz": {
"template": "uniform",
"block": "appliedenergistics2:tile.OreQuartzCharged",
"material": "minecraft:sandstone",
"clusterSize": 14,
"numClusters": 4,
"minHeight": 0,
"maxHeight": 180,
"retrogen": "true",
"biomeRestriction": "none",
"biomes": [],
"dimensionRestriction": "blacklist",
"dimensions": [
[Dumb me dunno how to use spoliers in this forum :P]
Are you checking the deserts for the quartz spawning? By specifying sandstone you are restricting gen to just any biome that generates sandstone.
Also, because sandstone has meta, you might need to be even more specific and use "minecraft:sandstone:0 "
Are you checking the deserts for the quartz spawning? By specifying sandstone you are restricting gen to just any biome that generates sandstone.
Also, because sandstone has meta, you might need to be even more specific and use "minecraft:sandstone:0 "
No, any biome taht has sandstone in it should apply, The modpack has the Highlands mod, so that can add a biome that has full of sandstone. I thought about that metadata. I'll try. But is it ok to be in Vanilla.json? or is that the supposed to be?
Thanks so much for quick reply ^_^
Nope. making it minecraft:sandstone:0 didn't work. Should I close the generation of quartz in the applied energistics config? I'm finding quartz ore packages in stone. But none in sandstone. I think "appliedenergistics2:tile.OreQuartz" might be wrong term? because other samples and vanilla ores written as "diamond_ore", "gold_ore" and they are working. If theres a bug with "block" nether quartz should be working due the "minecraft:netherrack".
Any other solutions?
appliedenergistics2:tile.OreQuartz is correct.
Try changing to minecraft:stone instead of sandstone, just to prove that generation is occurring.

Remember also it works by making 32 attempts (based on your settings), to find sandstone within the range of 0 to 180. For such a "limited" material such as sandstone (which appears in a narrow range unlike stone), that's a very low chance of ever getting the certus quartz to generate.
So? Maybe a bit lower than 54 to 180 might do it since there are where sandstone generates. BUT as I told i see random patches of quartz in stone. None in sandstone unfortunately. Also
I PUT THIS IN "Vanilla.json" should I make a new json file called ThermalExpansion-ore? Or the vanilla is the right way?

Ill test it tomorrow...
So? Maybe a bit lower than 54 to 180 might do it since there are where sandstone generates. BUT as I told i see random patches of quartz in stone. None in sandstone unfortunately. Also
I PUT THIS IN "Vanilla.json" should I make a new json file called ThermalExpansion-ore? Or the vanilla is the right way?

Ill test it tomorrow...
The bits you are finding in stone are from default AE2 ore spawning. You'll notice your generation in stone, since 32 clusters of 14 is a lot. Changing that range will help. It doesn't matter what json file you put the generating in. I personally have moved almost all of vanilla gen into Thermal Expansion.json, because in my pack all ores are highly customised.
The bits you are finding in stone are from default AE2 ore spawning. You'll notice your generation in stone, since 32 clusters of 14 is a lot. Changing that range will help. It doesn't matter what json file you put the generating in. I personally have moved almost all of vanilla gen into Thermal Expansion.json, because in my pack all ores are highly customised.

ı can confirm that appliedenergistics2:tile.oreQuatz is the issue. Or being in the vanilla.json. Because not even stone is working. I tried to make the miny to 50 with sandstone and no gens, tried with minecraft:stone and it didnt work. So ı think the name might have a problem...
have the Metallurgy 4 ore names and metadata i think i got all the spawn-able ores...If i missed any sorry

Metallurgy 4
Copper Metallurgy:base.ore
Tin Metallurgy:base.ore:1
Manganese Metallurgy:base.ore:2
Eximite Metallurgy:ender.ore
Meutoite Metallurgy:ender.ore:1
Promeyheum Metallurgy:fantasy.ore
Deep Iron Metallurgy:fantasy.ore:1
Infuscolium Metallurgy:fantasy.ore:2
Oureclase Metallurgy:fantasy.ore:4
Astral Silver Metallurgy:fantasy.ore:5
Carmot Metallurgy:fantasy.ore:6
Mithril Metallurgy:fantasy.ore:7
Rubracium Metallurgy:fantasy.ore:8
Orichalcum Metallurgy:fantasy.ore:11
Adamantine Metallurgy:fantasy.ore:13
Atlarus Metallurgy:fantasy.ore:15
Ignatius Metallurgy:nether.ore
Shadow Iron Metallurgy:nether.ore:1
Lemurite Metallurgy:nether.ore:2
Midasium Metallurgy:nether.ore:3
Vyroxeres Metallurgy:nether.ore:4
Ceruclase Metallurgy:nether.ore:5
Alduorite Metallurgy:nether.ore:6
Kalendrite Metallurgy:nether.ore:7
Vulcanite Metallurgy:nether.ore:8
Sanguinite Metallurgy:nether.ore:9
Zinc Metallurgy:precious.ore
Silver Metallurgy:precious.ore:1
Platinum Metallurgy:precious.ore:2
Sulfur Metallurgy:utility.ore
Phosphorite Metallurgy:utility.ore:1
Saltpeter Metallurgy:utility.ore:2
Magnesium Metallurgy:utility.ore:3
Bitumen Metallurgy:utility.ore:4
Potash Metallurgy:utility.ore:5
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Trying to retrogen some ores into a world I built in MCEdit but none of the ores with metadata are generating, with the exception of fluorite, which generates only the 0 metadata version.

What am I doing wrong? I presume it's a syntax issue somewhere?
I had to remove the "material": "minecraft:stone", line from most of my custom lines on ores not spawned by cofh cause it would send a error to console and cause the whole json to fail..create a backup first before trying..

@666Lumberjack MCedit is not current and some mods do not support retogening try a new test world.. it also looks like your generating to much ores in too big of veins.If your oregen worked would you even have any stone left ? and what would be the point in mining in a hour or two you would have enough ore to last for minecraft weeks ! .. also anything that not cofh or vanilla try the above statement, also why is your quartz ore not whitelisted to the nether with netherrack being the replaced block ?

Just thought of this...are you useing a mod like "underground biomes" or geostrata if so removing the material line would defiantly help
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I had to remove the "material": "minecraft:stone", line from most of my custom lines on ores not spawned by cofh cause it would send a error to console and cause the whole json to fail..create a backup first before trying..

@666Lumberjack MCedit is not current and some mods do not support retogening try a new test world.. it also looks like your generating to much ores in too big of veins.If your oregen worked would you even have any stone left ? and what would be the point in mining in a hour or two you would have enough ore to last for minecraft weeks ! .. also anything that not cofh or vanilla try the above statement, also why is your quartz ore not whitelisted to the nether with netherrack being the replaced block ?

Just thought of this...are you useing a mod like "underground biomes" or geostrata if so removing the material line would defiantly help
So without the quartz part it shouldn't causing any issues? I added a config for vanilla emerald ore aswell.
@666Lumberjack MCedit is not current and some mods do not support retrogening try a new test world.. it also looks like your generating to much ores in too big of veins.If your oregen worked would you even have any stone left ? and what would be the point in mining in a hour or two you would have enough ore to last for minecraft weeks ! .. also anything that not cofh or vanilla try the above statement, also why is your quartz ore not whitelisted to the nether with netherrack being the replaced block ?

Just thought of this...are you useing a mod like "underground biomes" or geostrata if so removing the material line would defiantly help

The world is an asteroid I built for a modpack I'm working on called Blackout based around megascale engineering with RotaryCraft, ReactorCraft and Minechem. The story is essentially that you're stranded on an asteroid in the Kuiper Belt after your mining facility was destroyed by solar flares, and you have to reestablish civilisation and then build up a huge factory to meet the mining quotas and encourage the conglomerate that sent you to come rescue you. I am using HQM and Minetweaker pretty heavily to adjust recipes and such, including making many things more expensive. The increased ore generation is primarily intended to accelerate progression through the various mods and allow easier access to the endgame - when a fusion reactor costs ~10k magnetite, it needs to be plentiful. As for the nether quartz, the nether is a void in this pack (and I intend to disable it if I can) and all ores generate as part of the asteroid you start on, most of them distributed randomly throughout it. I have a custom moded coded by a friend of mine that changes many aspects of vanilla, including the skybox, biomes, weather and the basic functionality of a small number of blocks. He is also working on a stone-based nether quartz texture and Minechem support for Modtweaker. I eventually got retrogen working by changing some syntax with the help of #thermalexpansion, you can see the final effect here.
The world is an asteroid I built for a modpack I'm working on called Blackout based around megascale engineering with RotaryCraft, ReactorCraft and Minechem. The story is essentially that you're stranded on an asteroid in the Kuiper Belt after your mining facility was destroyed by solar flares, and you have to reestablish civilisation and then build up a huge factory to meet the mining quotas and encourage the conglomerate that sent you to come rescue you. I am using HQM and Minetweaker pretty heavily to adjust recipes and such, including making many things more expensive. The increased ore generation is primarily intended to accelerate progression through the various mods and allow easier access to the endgame - when a fusion reactor costs ~10k magnetite, it needs to be plentiful. As for the nether quartz, the nether is a void in this pack (and I intend to disable it if I can) and all ores generate as part of the asteroid you start on, most of them distributed randomly throughout it. I have a custom moded coded by a friend of mine that changes many aspects of vanilla, including the skybox, biomes, weather and the basic functionality of a small number of blocks. He is also working on a stone-based nether quartz texture and Minechem support for Modtweaker. I eventually got retrogen working by changing some syntax with the help of #thermalexpansion, you can see the final effect here.
Minechem in a map? JESUS CHRIST. TAKE MY MONEY!
@666Lumberjack that looks allot better than i expected. I was figuring you would have to have a heavily customized map (with a higher level surface) for some of that oregen to even spawn nice job...
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Dunno whats wrong...but when I enable the overide vanilla ore generation via COFHcore cfg i noticed that my nether NONE nether quartz...disabling this again and got quartz in hell...didn't customize the file just enabled override...can some1 help me?