Whitelist Server CodeRed | DW20 | White Listed | mature | New Start!| 18 slots

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Pascal van Ratingen

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingamename : Calmz0r
Age : 40
How often i play MC? ; 5 days a week
What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: An expirimental player that likes a good laugh.
What kind of experience do you have with FTB?: Standard experiance. always looking to learn more.
What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? : An ok builder and some good times :)
Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? Nope altho i have installed teamspeak. *I prefere ingame typing because my pc is in livingroom*
Hope thats all you neeed.
Regards Calmz0r


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: GreatWilson
Age : 21
How often i play: hard to say, when i have free time(right now im in the middle of exams), but usually few times a week
What kind of player i am: i'd like to check out some mods and play with them, i like new starts so i dont mind if u ll restart the server, also i dont like cheating
Experience: i ve been playin with ftb for almost a year (not regulary) i know few mods well, but since i know how they work i dont want to use them anymore :)
What i can bring: just a regular player who can help others and sometimes need help.
Mic/teamspeak : well lately i was using ventrillo with my ipad, but getting headphones with mic is not a problem.

Q: as i said i want to play with some mods, also with mystcarft, ofcourse i wont abuse the server, but will it be possible for me to play with this mod on your server? In reasonable way.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name: Vampirix
  2. Age: 22
  3. How often do you play Minecraft: Strongly depends. Sometimes several hours a day, sometimes I'm not playing MC for 2-3 days
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: Pretty Casual. I love experiencing some new and fun things unless they're overly complicated or require me to put way too much time into it.
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? I'm playing on the Direwolf20 Pack for quite some time (something around 6 months? Might be more).
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? To be honest, it's more like what CodeRed can bring to me. I've never been on a server before for quite some reasons. If I do stupid stuff on my SSP it's only me who gets hurt and I don't like grievers and "thieves".
    I try to help people (I even started making tutorials) and I enjoy playing alongside others who just want to have a great time.
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? I have a mic and I'm willing to use teamspeak =)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name: 2122000nrm
  2. Age: 14
  3. How often do you play Minecraft: Depends: Some days i play alot, others I do not
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: Logic, I love playing with the mods
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? I have great experience in Applied Energistics, Foretry, IC2, and not bad with TE. Been playing FTB (Mindcrack, Ultimate and Direwolf) for more than 6 months
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? I can be a friendly casual person who contributes alot to the community. I like to help other people, especially help people get started.
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? No


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game Name: killercowley
Age: 18
How often do you play Minecraft: once every two days or so.
What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: not a pro by any means, but I get by.
What kind of experience do you have with FTB? A reasonable amount. Enough to know what I'm doing...most of the time!
What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? Politeness, helpfulness and all-round friendliness and maturity
Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? I have a mic but I don't really use teamspeak.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • In game Name: GhostFighter42
  • Age: 15
  • How often do you play Minecraft: Most days for about 3-4 hours
  • What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: I love to build and make cool things and help people out
  • What kind of experience do you have with FTB? I have been playing for about a year so I am really good with almost every mod, but there are a few that I don't know 100% about
  • What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? I am really nice and I like to help people, and I plan on building some sort of public thing (like a farm with free food or some sort of factory).
  • Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? No :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • In game Name: Mad_Mine
  • Age: 18
  • How often do you play Minecraft: 3-4 hours a day
  • What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: funcional
  • What kind of experience do you have with FTB? 5 months DW20 Mod Pack
  • What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? i can help in the server and i can make live streams :)
  • Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? yes , (ts , skype , ventrilo , steam , )


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name: kamerosa
  2. Age: 25
  3. How often do you play Minecraft: Varies from daily to every other day, depends on day job.
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: Neighbor? I build a bit on my own, but as I'm looking to play online, I like to work with other people (supply person-power or resources) on things.
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? Picked it... a month ago? Been playing on my own thus far, haven't really touched thaumcraft yet.
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? Team player who's happy to work with anyone on projects or the like. Unless I'm being chased by a creeper, I'll lend a hand.
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? Yep and yep

Darren Black

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name: whiteon01
  2. Age: 19
  3. How often do you play Minecraft: Most days for around 2-3 hours.
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: Pretty awful builder but i like messy around with the technical side of things like computer craft.
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? Been playing it for a few months now.
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? Friendly person with a good sense of humour just looking to have a laugh.
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? I have a mic but I have never used teamspeak.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name:Mobanicman
  2. Age:22
  3. How often do you play Minecraft:alot usually a good 6-8 hours a day or whenever I am available
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are:friendly and love to party with people to create new and interesting things.
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? I played way back when it first came out and since then taken a break to go more traditional but now I am back into it and I would like to start up again
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? being a friendly player and working together with people, helping people if they need help.
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak?yes and I love the fact that there is a team speak for this server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • In game Name: DemonicShadow89
  • Age:29
  • How often do you play Minecraft: Everyday
  • What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are:A Epic builder but also grand maker of machines
  • What kind of experience do you have with FTB?almost 2 years
  • What do you think you can bring to CodeRed?I use to be a mod for 2 years and i also love helping new players learn the mods
  • Do you have a mic / use teamspeak?yes and yes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. in game name: bip213
2. age: 20
3. How often do you play Minecraft: not too much, not too little
4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are? Newbie
5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? Very good, it has taught me to play modded Minecraft
6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? a student
7. Do you have a mic/ use teamspeak? yes and yes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game Name: TheChristensen
Age: 18
How often do you play Minecraft: Pretty much an hour or two every day
What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: I've played since Alpha, so, quite a while
What kind of experience do you have with FTB? I've played it since it came out as modpacks and played tekkit before
What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? Knowledge and Help
Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? Yes I do to both, but I tend not to use it


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • In game Name: Matdu
  • Age: 18
  • How often do you play Minecraft: Everyday!
  • What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: The kind of player that research then go for it!
  • What kind of experience do you have with FTB? I've been playing FTB sinces last year, learning things each day, researching and building alot.
  • What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? A good friend that helps with anything that's needed, even if I don't know I try to search and help.
  • Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? yeah!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name: Milla122
  2. Age :20
  3. How often do you play Minecraft: nearly every day if not every second day
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: Id say semi project builder i guess/ helper
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? quite alot i played played with the mods that are in FTB before FTB was a thing
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? a helpfull player that likes project builds
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? yes i do


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name:xSt3AlthK1lLx
  2. Age:17, 18 next week
  3. How often do you play Minecraft:Every day
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are:Good player, Nice to friends, kind to all
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB?Some experience, not an expret but still good at it
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? More Friendly, kind and helpfull persons
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? Mic. No Teamspeak, Yes (I can lissen, and will speak in game)

Brady Snead

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  1. In game Name: Warburton4
  2. Age:17
  3. How often do you play Minecraft: Alot during week-weekend
  4. What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: I'm good with machines and thaumcraft you could say i could very well be the thaumcraft guy on the server if you accept xD
  5. What kind of experience do you have with FTB? Pretty good while i played Tekkit and Technic i played on Mindcrack and FTB ultimate but the servers weren't as good with the banned list
  6. What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? friendly helpful player. looking to find Some cool people to hang out with and just enjoy the game
  7. Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? I have a mic i can download teamspeak yes i also have skype and Ventrilo


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • In game Name: My IGN is 'Xarove'.
  • Age: I am 14 years old.
  • How often do you play Minecraft: I play Minecraft a few hours every day, and I may play more if I enjoy the server.
  • What kind of Minecraft player would you say you are: I'd say I'm a logician type of player, meaning I'll think outside the box for solutions. I'm not the greatest with tech and mods but I can think of simpler ways to do complicated things.
  • What kind of experience do you have with FTB? I've been playing Feed The Beast since the official modpack was released. I remember watching Slowpoke's stream and I also remember the insane download times for the modpacks.
  • What do you think you can bring to CodeRed? I can bring a reliable and polite player interested in long term development on the server. I won't start fights or drama, I won't join fights or drama, and I will not grief or steal.
  • Do you have a mic / use teamspeak? I have a microphone but no Teamspeak...I can download it if it is needed.