Whitelist Server [CLOSED]Minecraft Maniac FTB Server[Friendly][Mindcrack][Dedicated24/7][Whitelist][NightlyBackups]

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Age: 16
Name (Optional): Blake
In-Game Name: Great_Sphinx
Location: East Coast U.S
Hobbies/Interests: Playing video games and playing sports
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): Nope
What experience with FTB do you have?: Owned a Creeperhost server for 3 months but got tired of FTB for a while but im ready to start again with new people
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: Just for chatting and having fun
The issue is, as far as I've been told, that the world was corrupt because of a certain chunk. During the deletion of this chunk, a whole region got deleted. That region included Jack's house/base. The backup apparently didn't fix it. I'm not sure whether or not that problem is still trying to be fixed, or if a new problem has occurred.
yah I have heard about that too I am a fan of Guude and as most Guude fans now he is into computer craft and with all the mods there have always been problems with item ids and barrels[DOUBLEPOST=1372698951][/DOUBLEPOST]Also Accountant I read over what you posted and I agree because it seems as though Jacks house has had the most amount of problems and he has many barrels and xycraft tanks[DOUBLEPOST=1372699107][/DOUBLEPOST]The items ids have always been the same for the first half as shown in Guudes sorting system videos and then the difference would be after a colon in the second half of the id causing many problems in the config files because of barrel based sorting systems

After much consideration xGingy and I have decided to close the server. There have been so many errors resulting from this modpack that we feel the server populace has been done an injustice. We simply do not have enough motivation or time to deal with the amount of errors currently present. For example, another problem with our backups has caused even more issues with rollbacks. Furthermore, this problem is pursuant of server-wide chunk errors. This has caused the current world files to be nearly unrecoverable. We have received minimal assistance from creeper host on these issues, but we do not blame them completely because we feel that these problems are mostly due to poor coding with the mods/plugins of Feed-The-Beast and Bukkit. I would like to thank all of you for your continued support and help. It has been a tremendous pleasure to play with all of you.

Although we are shutting down the server we would still like to run a Mindcrack or Ultimate FTB server, however this time it would be with a new host. Seeing as we invested a heavy amount of time and effort into CreeperHost's server, it is disappointing to shut it down, but it had to be done. The new server would be run entirely off of donations and run by the players (New staff, more admins). We are interested in a new host, and are open to any suggestions the community may have.

Do you have any guesses as to how long it'll take to get a new server going? Thanks for the post and effort.
By the way, do not feel any pressure. Opening a new server might take time and you shouldn't rush about it. I sense a break might be needed, and if so, take one.
I'll personally stick to this thread for a while, as I intend to stay within this community and therefore am willing to wait for news about a possible upcoming server, using either the Mindcrack Pack or the Ultimate Pack.

All the best,

Well, seeing as the map will be reset, I believe we should have a vote on which modpack, either the Ultimate Pack, or the Mindcrack Pack, I'd like all of you to vote on which pack we choose so, reply to this saying ultimate or mindcrack, I'll start with ultimate pack.
Arduent, while I was looking into the issues that the server seemed to be having I was seeing more and more people saying that they were going to be switching to a server hosted by BeastNode. That may be something to look into. Sucks that this map will be lost as well, but please keep us updated because I'd really like to continue playing with you all.

Good luck.
I would like to continue playing with this community I have got to know you guys pretty well and you are a nice group so please keep us posted on the new server because I would not mind donating some time and money