Whitelist Server [CLOSED]Minecraft Maniac FTB Server[Friendly][Mindcrack][Dedicated24/7][Whitelist][NightlyBackups]

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Server is up, but I'm still banned.
My ban should have expired over 16 hours ago! since it was only a 24 hour ban.
Also the ban wasent justified, but I will have a nice long argument with gingy about that when I get back on.
I need to be unbanned please.
It was up for about 15 minutes, and all the Greg tech machines were back, just as things were before the crash. Then the server shut down again.
Yeah, I saw that part. Was just wondering if there was any further development. Ah well, single-player isn't all that bad for now.
The server is currently up, but I think there's a problem. My waypoints exist, but they're placed in completely different biomes, although the coords are correct.
I think it's a mapreset, but I'm not sure. It might just be some sort of test.
My ban is over 30 hours expired, I think the server crashes messed it up. It was only a 24 hour ban. I need to get back on please.
So I'm pretty sure that the server got reset or something... I spawned and suffocated in a wall..and then my bed was missing and I spawned at spawn which was in a completly different place.
Name (Optional): Daniel
In-Game Name: Danny_Dynamite
Hobbies/Interests:Video Games, hanging out with friends, sports
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history):Nope, proof:http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/e10d4b6d4135f8d1c0a3915c4c53e0eda3c076b2
What experience with FTB do you have?:I am relatively new to FTB, although i have played Tekkit in the past.
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are apply for: when i play minecraft, i look for a generally calm environment, with active players, as i play 4-5 hours daily.
Name: Daniel
In-game name: Danny_Dynamite
Age: 13
How many hours do you play a day/week: Day: 2-6
Experience with FTB: I used to play Tekkit.
Do you follow any Mindcrack Players:Guude and the crew ;)
What is your minecraft specialty: I am very good at survival and building nice shelters, i am a quick learner :)
What do you do outside of Minecraft (Optional): I hang with my friends, other games, go gym and all that :)
think so. well.. just FYI:

On this moment the server got a reset, totally different map. only thing you got left is your inventory.

Just heared from Jack that the old map will be restored, he got that from gingy
Age: 19
Name (Optional): Tj
In-Game Name: Rockydream15
Location: Ontario, Canada
Hobbies/Interests: Sports(Hockey, Football, Soccer), Motocross
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): Not from what I can remember, If I have, it might have been on a friends server for goofing around.
What experience with FTB do you have?: I've been playing minecraft for a while now. And just recently I switched from Tekkit to Feed The Beast as it seems to be newer and more up to date than Tekkit. Currently I've been playing Feed The Beast SP for a month just to get a grip and understanding of everything is had to offer.
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: I'm looking for a FTB server where I can grow and learn with others who play for fun and enjoy playing with others, people who enjoy all aspects of FTB in general. I'm also looking for a FTB server that isn't overly populated but not underlay populated, sort of in the middle.
Age: 13(mature)
Name (Optional): Chris
In-Game Name: Blizzzardiser740
Location: OH, USA
Hobbies/Interests: Minecraft, Team Fortress 2, Youtube(to watch, not upload), architecture, etc.
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): Nope.
What experience with FTB do you have?: Not much, but I've learned quite a bit from Etho and I want to learn along side people(on a server).
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: Friendly players and community, helpful admins/mods, to not be griefed/stolen from, and just a server that, if I'm bored, I can just sit down and play on for a little bit and make decent progress.
Age: 15
Name (Optional): Lisa
In-Game Name: youngler
Location: Toronto, Canada
Hobbies/Interests: Playing minecraft, volleyball, drawing, reading, dance
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): Never been banned
What experience with FTB do you have?: I've been playing Feed the Beast for quite a while now, a few months. I know a fair bit by now, and I'm a quick learner :)
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: I'm looking for a place to just have fun with FTB, learn new things, and enjoy the game with other mature, friendly players who enjoy it as much as I do. Also looking for a welcoming and happy community, that I can feel like i'm a part of.