Whitelist Server [CLOSED]Minecraft Maniac FTB Server[Friendly][Mindcrack][Dedicated24/7][Whitelist][NightlyBackups]

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Age: 17
Name: CircutBoard
Location: Eastern USA
Hobbies/Interests: Minecraft, Sim City, Civilization series, robotics, Feed The Beast, ComputerCraft Turtles, Watching FTB and Vanilla LP videos, programming.
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): None.
What experience with FTB do you have?: A fair amount. I started playing FTB in March, but probably have 50+ hours worth of play time. I mostly use ComputerCraft and Thermal Expansion, but want to dive into GregTech soon. I starting using Railcraft, but found that I needed to be careful about quitting and reloading worlds with mine-carts moving in them. I also have lots of experience with RedPower tier 1 machines.
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: A good community and a place to explore new parts of the mod pack. Specifically I want to see how useful Railcraft can be on a community server, and it's effectiveness over long distances compared to RedPower tubes.
Age: 17
Name: CircutBoard
Location: Eastern USA
Hobbies/Interests: Minecraft, Sim City, Civilization series, robotics, Feed The Beast, ComputerCraft Turtles, Watching FTB and Vanilla LP videos, programming.
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): None.
What experience with FTB do you have?: A fair amount. I started playing FTB in March, but probably have 50+ hours worth of play time. I mostly use ComputerCraft and Thermal Expansion, but want to dive into GregTech soon. I starting using Railcraft, but found that I needed to be careful about quitting and reloading worlds with mine-carts moving in them. I also have lots of experience with RedPower tier 1 machines.
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: A good community and a place to explore new parts of the mod pack. Specifically I want to see how useful Railcraft can be on a community server, and it's effectiveness over long distances compared to RedPower tubes.

Whitelisted, enjoy!
Name (Optional):Marcus
In-Game Name:max_crix
Hobbies/Interests:playing video games and cycling
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history):Yes, for accused hacking. But it was anticheat glitches or lag.
What experience with FTB do you have?:I have a lot of experience.
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?:A frinedly community no griefing and be able to live in peace unless pvp fights.
I think the server just crashed.

Also, are there any restrictions on the use of turtles beyond the rule against environment destruction?


Hello, I started this FTB server several months ago and now that final exams are coming to a close I can be more active and finally start recruiting new players.
The server has 30 slots and so far only has a small community of me (IGN: arduent) and a few other moderately experienced players. On here we wont force you to be active but we do encourage being friendly. Gregtech is enabled and set to hard ("expensive" recipes). No mods are disabled. PvP is disabled. The server is hosted via creeperhost!

I'm going to be honest; the server is relatively void of players as I'm writing this advertisement, but that is obviously why I am here today!

Looking for players to help get this server going!

I am determined to build a thriving community of dedicated players and, as a result, will continue supporting this server so that it reaches such a point.

When the server becomes capped with an ideal community, I will expand and upgrade the server to accommodate more players.
This server runs on the unconditional love we all have for Minecraft along with the creative engineering and magical aspects behind the FTB modpack! Oh yea, and it also runs on a Dedicated Creeperhost VPS with adequate system specifications and lightning fast internet speeds for a lag-less gaming experience!

The server is set to the hard difficulty.
There are currently no plugins because we believe in vanilla Mindcrack.
We favor a relaxed gaming environment similar to the Mindcrack Youtube community.
This means that the server rules are based upon trust, integrity, and maturity rather then annoying plugins.
Violating the rules will result in a swift ban.

Server Backups are nightly. This allows your progress as a player to stay safe!
We would like for others to join in order to make a more thriving community.
We accept players of all experience levels so that the server may remain balanced.

Brief rule description: No xrays, hacks, or exploits, no stealing or griefing, no needless destruction of the environment (i.e. no wrecking the scenery with your mining lazer), no harassment, and finally, be mature, respectful, and honest.

For an excessively detailed list of rules you can message me :rolleyes: .
Applications - Post here or message me - I will whitelist you when accepted. IP: MinecraftManiacFTB.mdn30.creeperhost.net
Name (Optional):manuel
In-Game Name:MANNY151620
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history):NO
What experience with FTB do you have?:A LITTLE
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?:I JUST WANT TO PLAY IN A GOOD SERVER WERE THEY WONT STEAL ANYTHING OR GRIEF ANYTHING.
arduent (Owner)

Thank you for reading!
Name (Optional):MANUEL
In-Game Name:MANNY151620
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history):NEVER BANNED
What experience with FTB do you have?:BEEN WORKING WITH FEED THE BEAST FOR 3 MONTHS
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?:I AM A MATURE YOUNG KID, BUT ALL I WANT IS A GOOD SERVER WHERE NO ONE CAN STEEL OR GRIEF
Name (Optional): ola kleven
In-Game Name:kleven2
Hobbies/Interests:Soccer, gaming
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history):
What experience with FTB do you have?: i have never played FTB, but i have played other mincecraft mods. and i have friends that play and they are expierienced
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: i have expierience in minecraft and i have never played FTB before :)
Name (Optional):Hunter
In-Game Name:ShadowStriker77
Location:US (CA-LA)
Hobbies/Interests:FTB and Sports
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history):Not that i know of
What experience with FTB do you have?:some of my friends got me hooked about 7 months ago and its all i do now :)
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: I'm getting board of playing by myself in singleplayer mode and have been looking for a server but i cant find a good one thats friendly. I know a lot already and if i don't know i will do my best to learn or figure it out
Age: 16
Name (Optional):
In-Game Name: Moosedroppings
Location: US
Hobbies/Interests: Videogames/Reading
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): McPvP because my friend who I used to share an account with decided to fly around when an update came out and there was no anti-cheat, I forget the name of one but for insulting admins because server was corrupt, and friend got banned from another for idk why it said you blackmarket idea has no place here
What experience with FTB do you have?: Currently not much I've been watching youtube and have friends who play and I played tekkit and I have a friend on this server
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: Just a good group of players and a legit-noncorrupt server where I can feel free to build without the worry of people destroying all the land
Age: 32
Name (Optional):
In-Game Name: jim_j0nes
Hobbies/Interests: Minecraft, grubs
Have you ever been banned from another server?: nope
What experience with FTB do you have?: moderate
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: other people to play with
age: 16 (17 in one month)
name: Jeroen Balk
ingame name: jeroen_gitaar
location: holland
hobbies: gaming, playing guitar, and gym
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): once because a friend of mine was trolling, and once because they thought i griefed wich i didnt!
What experience with FTB do you have?: i play ftb pretty much, and i understand almost every mod in the pack
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: i just want to play on a server with nice people, where i dont have to be afraid of getting griefed and robbed, also i have no problem with helping where help is needed
Name (Optional): Magnus
In-Game Name: Magpus
Location: Norway
Hobbies/Interests: Gaming, football
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): I got banned once for a mobtrap on orcworm.co.uk or something, the reason of the ban was because someone used a autoclicker on the mobtrap.
What experience with FTB do you have?: I've played abit with some friends.
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: A server with an allright connection and a server with almost no griefers.
Age: 15
In-Game Name: Rexman2019
Location: Toronto Canada
Hobbies/Interests: Computers and electronics
Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history):Nope
What experience with FTB do you have?: Hosted both a tekkit server and Ftb server for friends and I. had to stop cause computer could not handle it
What are you looking for in this FTB server which you are applying to?: reliable and strong connection, no griefing, somewhere i an trust so my stuff does not get stolen
I haven't had any connection for the last 30 minutes either, so I think the server is down again. It's not just you.
I don't want to spam this, as it has most likely already been put to your notice, but I'm gonna ask anyways:
What's happening to the server? The last twelve hours it has been down.
Age: 15
Name: Henri
In-Game name: Hekapolo
Location: Finland
Hobbies/Interests: I go to a circus where I practice juggling so I can work on the same thing for hours easily.
Have you ever been banned: Nope ( this is the first server I am applying to )
Experience: I have hosted a server for my friends but then I had sell it so I would like to find a nice server to play in.
What are you looking for? A good server that has a community working together such as a spawn village and finding new minecraft friends.