
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
^ Yeah, the bit about needing to use an external website to get your network running seems a bit off.
< Unless the users have an Internet connection independent of the network they're trying to put together?

because I am too lazy to just copy the ^ < v symbols or type them in manual if I make a post in the ^ < v game thread so I end up copying the last post and removing all the other things >_>
Het is niet bepaald makkelijk om code in te leveren via It’s Learning: bin- en obj-mappen weggooien, zippen, uploaden en bij iedere aanpassing is het hetzelfde riedeltje. Hebben we daar niet GitHub voor?

Docenten kunnen in It’s GitHub opdrachten plaatsen door middel van Markdown. Leerlingen kunnen vervolgens opgeven waar hun code staat in GitHub. Iedere keer dat je als leerling code pusht naar de master-branch, ziet It’s GitHub automatisch dat je je werk hebt ingeleverd. Hiervoor maakt It’s GitHub gebruik van de GitHub API.

because reasons. Also, at this point I am not sure why I just didn't put the link to all the possible projects on this forum. It isn't like putting them one for one here is any better >_>
I just ISO'd Zeus. Still feeling iffy about Cube, but, especially with that Arsonist claim, I thought it would make sense to get some reads on other people.

Zeus;160211 said:
Hey [MENTION=331]Mattyk[/MENTION] let's work together!
Can you share your reads with me? Please!

This looks scummish to me. Sure, reads are information and information helps the town more than the mafia (usually)... but I could easily see scum-Zeus leveraging his friendship with town-Matty to see how much he knows about his scumbuddies. See if he knows too much.

Zeus;160873 said:
[MENTION=331]Mattyk[/MENTION] I trust you about being town and thing is I can read you as town. I see the same Mattyk from last game and past (old games) and you know me very well, I can't fool you even If I wanted to. You can trust me on this as well! (I've been waiting on your reads... I guess I'll have to go to sleep and see it when I wake up :P)

Weatherguy is another one I see just as last game & also the Braided Pain guy are my strongest town reads at the moment.
Out of context and without knowing much about the Zeus/Matty metagame situation, it almost looks like Zeus is a bit too eager to form an alliance here. For a mafia member, a townie who will defend you (and possibly get lynched later because of it) is a very powerful thing.

Zeus;162206 said:
[MENTION=331]Mattyk[/MENTION] I'm being real with you and honest about being town. I don't have to lie about it and I do trust you being town as well. I don't know people's playstyle on this game. I'm somehow confused and not much people is helping. I try listening to others and to be honest everytime I listen to my town players I do horrible and you know that from last and my 1st game here, and many other games we've been together. I'm so sorry from my heart, if I'm being an useless town :/
[MENTION=445]VikeStep[/MENTION] I can't take a break/sleep a bit? Ok. :(
Once again, this post reeks of "No, really, I'm not a wolf".

Zeus;165180 said:
Soulmaster;165112 said:
Y'all just vote by following pain, completely ignoring my post where I even try to form some defense. I feel like a shadow in the background which isn't kind. My lynch is mainly because I was supposedly checked and then backup because I don't really post. Cube's is a string of scummy behavior with no cop check. Which seems like an overall better in that scenario? This is assuming pain is to be trusted.

It's not like we are ignoring you but how are we going to ignore the cop & read check? I doubt mafia would pretend to be a cop when it's just gonna out them!
Maybe looks sorta townish, I guess, but then again, scum-Zeus knows for a fact that braided's scan was correct. Really, anyone could've made that post. Null read here.

Zeus;165181 said:
Sigurd;165066 said:
Ugh sorry for the inactivity today, I was busier then expected and martial arts ran late. I swear getting Fallout 4 in no way contributed to my lack of activity. :P

I don't like Mattys one post saying I voted for whoever was lynched day 1 when it was the player I subbed in for. Not the biggest thing I know, but it just raised some alarms.
So I think our last three mafia could be Cube, Zeus, Matty/?. I'll need to read and ISO them some especially Matty but like I said that one post was really pingy. If I could pick any of these three to lynch tomorrow it would be Cube.


You can ISO me or whatever you want, I'm not afraid! I got nothin' to hide!
Or do you?
Dun dun DUN!

I confess that there was some confirmation bias here. Hopefully that doesn't come back and bite me in the butt.

The entirety of a post I made on Mafia Universe. Shazam, Pyure, and I are the only people form FTB in that game that are still alive; Fraction got swapped out, and his successor is alive as well.

Ensue sadness
Banned because I don't believe that spamming resources is really an effective way to balance a mod at all. Requiring the player to set up increasingly complicated infrastructure- i.e. machines to make machines to make machines to make machines to make top tier stuff- is more fun,at least in my book. Especially if the infrastructure requires some creativity and problem-solving to make it work efficiently, like in Aura Cascade and RotaryCraft.

Holy cow, how is that still on my clipboard?