I am a member of "The Cult of GabeN" We worship and honor GabeN every night by doing 20 minutes of prayer to a picture of the prophet GabeN. Also, we have to spend at least 20 dollars each week on CS:GO cases to keep GabeN happy. It's a sacrifice to our wallets, but it's for GabeN! Our demons are EA and Activision who promote paid DLC and recycled game mechanics! And worst of all Microsoft and Sony! When the Rapture of the World happens it has been said that GabeN will release Half-Life 3 but only in heaven (which has been said to be an infinite steam summer sale) and the only way to go to heaven and escape the world's end is to use the portal gun to create a gateway to paradise. Please consider converting to GabeNism as it will make you and our lord happy! We do not discriminate race, gender, or sexual orientation. We only judge by your PC and the games you play. Join The Cult of GabeN now!! Praise our prophet GabeN!