Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

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RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Ya know, for some reason, I find reading Reika's changelogs to be oddly...calming. I've no idea why.
I wish creating them offered the same experience.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wish creating them offered the same experience.
Don't worry, I don't like doing documentation either.

That being said, I always hear the Allstate Man when I read your changelogs.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wish creating them offered the same experience.
Yeaaaah, feel ya there. Kinda helps that I'm anal enough to do it by nature, but still.

Don't worry, I don't like doing documentation either.

That being said, I always hear the Allstate Man when I read your changelogs.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2
Been watching a lot of SG-1 lately, so I keep reading things in Jack O'Neill's voice.


Well i guess the answer is no. no tip. Even the first explorers had some kind of guidance, like stars.

Perhaps your lack of fun comes from the fact you simply bypassed several of them.
My lack of fun was due to the fact of traveling kilometers and more kilometers , on a laggy world, to look for one core, and the need to do this more 15 times, if you dont crash, or have a chunk not loading on the course.

such huge changelog indeed, for the little i read on it, most of the problems i had , might be fixed.
unrelated but on v10 when i mined a turret with a fortune wand, i got an unamed item, that when placed turned into a lumen lamp control.
Going to check the new version before making anymore strange behavior report.

Up: well, we have now more effects... if it was trouble before, now it is more.
i realy cant make any patern for the chroma dimension.
Also some of the shield lamp is droping on the floor instead of bein placed... and o found 2 nether stars on a loot chest in the chroma dimension.
The tittle of the power crystal progression is bug to me, i had it before the update, but now it is writen on the strange language, the rest of the description is fine.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's the one thing I could agree with you about the Chroma dimension -- those dungeons are really, really far apart. Maybe a bit excessively so. I kept leaving and returning until ones I needed were in the center circle of the sonar, and thus only maybe a kilometer or two out.

I will say to bring a bunch of gold, redstone, glowstone, diamond, emerald, and lapis blocks, all the cores, a bucket of chroma, and a silk touch tool for the goodie you get when you finish and activate it. You don't want to get there and not have what you need. Remember that anything you leave behind is gone forever when you leave the dimension, so clean up before you go!

As for the pattern to find the monument, I'll spoiler it here if you really want to know. In increasing detail with each spoiler.

There's a saying in magic: As above, so below. The idea is that a representation of a thing is the thing itself.

The monument is basically a giant item fabricator, which is basically a tiny casting table, or perhaps the manipulator, which is the smallest example of a lumen focusing thing -- they're all the same, in an important way.

So, how did you first physically put the colors in the casting room?

Runes. I'm talking about runes. There are a lot of runes though, which ones could I mean?

There's a certain group of runes containing one of each color, that were probably among the first runes you placed, since early game recipes require them.

I'm referring to the ring of one of each color, two blocks out and one below from the casting table. The same order as the colors on your manipulator, which is the same as the leads on the item fabricator connect to colors, which is the same order every chromaticraft colored thing appears in NEI. Kuro, Karmir, Kijani, Ruskea, Nila, Zambarau, etc, etc, etc. It's *always* the same order.

Now, what could they *mean* in the Chroma dimension?

Remember I mentioned "As above, so below" and that the monument is basically a massive item fabricator?

If the dimensional core dungeons were your ring of runes, where would the table have to be? More exactly, if I broke the leads off an item fabricator and threw them all directly out from it, where would the fabricator be?

Look at your elemental sonar map, look at the dungeons that represent runes directly across from each other in the ring (or opposite colors on the manipulator, or opposite leads on the item fabricator, etc, etc -- the pattern is so everywhere that I put the repeaters on my casting complex in that order without thinking about it), and draw a line between them. Do this for at least two pairs of dungeons. No matter which pairs of opposite colors you pick, the lines always cross in approximately the same place. That location is the monument.


If you'd like to see the finihsed monument, here's one last spoiler:

It really is just an oversized item fabricator.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm, some questions and comments regarding the patch notes (plan on updating server and modpack tonight for my private server):

The big one, when I upgrade, will it retrogen? Will it retrogen the added resources automatically, or do I have to activate retrogen somehow?

How significant is the casting room change? Is it a small adjustment, or is it on the "tear down the room and start over" scale of changes?

You mention a new command, Redecorate, without any indication what it might possibly do...

Lots of new toys, I see. Essentia Relays sound interesting, guessing they're meant as some kind of alternative to tubes, or maybe something like a repeater for long-range essentia transport instead of mirrors? Can't really guess at the others until I upgrade...


As for the pattern to find the monument, I'll spoiler it here if you really want to know. In increasing detail with each spoiler.
Thanks, it is very poetic, i will try it and if i continue to fail i give up. After i read that, i wonder how i would look for it on this case.
How significant is the casting room change?
as far i could see, it now needs a base below the casting table, it is not floating in the air like before, even still having a hole below it.
Lots of new toys, I see. Essentia Relays sound interesting
as far i know, most of the new content, like this one, is integration with other mods, like thaumcraft, essentia, get it. Still amazed by a little suport for IC2... or maybe it was for agricraft. And youneed to retrogen, i had to fly to find some new material.

I wonder if the flame is for EE or something reika plans for the future.
I wanted more use for the energy crystals, when i first made them, i believed it would act as a batery for the lumen for abilities, but it was on v10 only for the mineral extractor and teleportation pump, i wanted it on the manipulator to act as a batery for the lumen stored in me, just keep it full, not givining me lumen.
I still has not been able to make the elemental lamp to work, any clues?
Even turning chroma music to off , it still plays.
This is unrelated, but when i found my first core dungeon, it was a tahara and the entrace had the rune inscribed on it, so i believed it would be the same for the others, but it wasnt the case, is it intentional, or something strange? also had some troubles with some dungeon bein burried under grass and stone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks, it is very poetic, i will try it and if i continue to fail i give up.

It really is entirely about realizing that nothing in the mod is just randomly chosen, that there are reoccurring patterns throughout, and how to apply the pattern in another way. A couple pages back when I couldn't find it, Reika said there was a pattern to the structures in the dimension, and that was all it took. =p

After i read that, i wonder how i would look for it on this case.

Head something like 8-10 km NE and scan again? Or just leave and reenter the dimension until you get a better layout.

And youneed to retrogen, i had to fly to find some new material.

You know what's involved in switching on retrogen? There's something like a 3km radius around spawn that's already been generated, where I was looking for Chromaticraft structures. Probably going to outright reset the End and Nether, no one has built bases there, no one is midway through making a pseudo-inversion sigil, etc. Resetting the overworld isn't really an option though.

also had some troubles with some dungeon bein burried under grass and stone.

I had a couple do that as well, but they generally had at least part of the structure exposed. I just dug out the entrance, the entrance was the only bit that was buried -- the interior was fine.


Will it retrogen the added resources automatically, or do I have to activate retrogen somehow?
i believe you have to make it retrogen, i had to fly to find new stuff, but if you have those world creating mods, it should be that necessary
Reika said there was a pattern
yeah, i just could not see how a structure would fit into the chaos it looked to me,
until you said to triangulate it with its oposites
Head something
it was just a joke, i found funny how they ll spawned so close to each one, while most of time they are worlds apart.
You know what's involved in switching on retrogen?
no idea.

Probably going to outright reset the End
how we do that on basic CHC? it dont generate the vanila END dimension.
but they generally had at least part of the structure exposed.
one of them was completely, i only found because at some point the position on the sonar switched violently.

I finaly found it, the monument, now is to figure what the locus can do.
Minor bug from long ago, but we cant actualy get a Nila dye block, because is the same recipe as the vanila lapis block.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On the Aura Locus, so far I'm up to it zapping mobs, over a large area and through walls and accelerating crop growth. Since it has a habit of killing other players if they look at me sideways, even with PvP disabled, and not forgetting them should they come back I've not been playing with it as much as I could.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2013
Anyone knows where to find the void essence in v11 ?
The big one, when I upgrade, will it retrogen? Will it retrogen the added resources automatically, or do I have to activate retrogen somehow?
None of the v11 changes are excessively big, all of the new world-gen resources are farmable and can be retrogenned in with the command, and aside from that all I can think of was a rework to desert burrows.
How significant is the casting room change? Is it a small adjustment, or is it on the "tear down the room and start over" scale of changes?
Lots of new toys, I see. Essentia Relays sound interesting, guessing they're meant as some kind of alternative to tubes,
Remember tubes in v4.1 (or was it 4.0?), before they started jamming up every time you put more than one aspect through them? They're like that, except instead of physical tubes think more like vis relays, where you only need a relay adjacent to producers/consumers, and they tubelessly transmit essentia provided there's line of sight.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minor annoyance: EssentialCraft3 has an item that let's you gather spawners (you r-click the spawner and pay some MRU and get the spawner) -- these spawners don't work in the Spawner Controller. Not sure if it's something EC3 does to the spawners or something with ChC, not sure if it'd be worth adding to your lengthy library of "play nice with other mods" that's already in place if it is something EC3 does to the spawners.

Another minor annoyance: Repeaters can connect through glass, but vanilla glass seems to be the only one they'll connect through -- glasses from other popular mods aren't perceived as "clear" enough to fire a beam of lumens through. ExU thickened glass, botania glasses, chisel variants of vanilla glass are all opaque to repeaters.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Remember tubes in v4.1 (or was it 4.0?), before they started jamming up every time you put more than one aspect through them? They're like that, except instead of physical tubes think more like vis relays, where you only need a relay adjacent to producers/consumers, and they tubelessly transmit essentia provided there's line of sight.

Oooh. Will they pull from mirrors? I currently use an essentia aggregator (linked to a room full of aspect formers, one set to every aspect -- I basically have infinite essentia until I drain out my lumen tree and pylons) and a bunch of mirrors and essentia pumps going wherever it's needed, typically with the pump plugged directly into the consumer to avoid tube clogging BS. It'd be nice to replace all the mirrors and pumps with a single mirror pair and a bunch of essentia relays. Probably cooler looking to.

These things may just be my new priority.

I wonder how well they work with the creature infusion tank from Thaumic Horizons, which is notorious for causing untyped suction when it's only accepting a couple of kinds of essentia, which invariably clogs most solutions more advanced than hooking the jars as directly to the tank as possible, no more than one aspect per port on the tank -- if you need more than four aspects, prepare to take apart the tubing and switch jars midway.


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Minor annoyance: EssentialCraft3 has an item that let's you gather spawners (you r-click the spawner and pay some MRU and get the spawner) -- these spawners don't work in the Spawner Controller. Not sure if it's something EC3 does to the spawners or something with ChC, not sure if it'd be worth adding to your lengthy library of "play nice with other mods" that's already in place if it is something EC3 does to the spawners.
They would need to use the interface in ChromatiCraft's API.

Another minor annoyance: Repeaters can connect through glass, but vanilla glass seems to be the only one they'll connect through -- glasses from other popular mods aren't perceived as "clear" enough to fire a beam of lumens through. ExU thickened glass, botania glasses, chisel variants of vanilla glass are all opaque to repeaters.
It is a whitelist-based system, and I cannot handle nonvanilla glasses.

No, it comes from void reeds.


I am now wondering, there is new plant things to find, i did generate new chunks onoverworld and END but never found any new plant, the mineral also did not detected one, i did found some fire essence on the nether, i am curious how we can get this new plants, because some recipes require some dust i dont have or know how to get, like fixation. Since it is early game, should not be that dificult.
I did try the retrogen, oh boy, that is a mess, pylons generating around base, bricks flying in the sky, and no new plants.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2013
No, it comes from void reeds.
Right, I was thinking of the end ores that weren't generating in v10.
I did try the retrogen, oh boy, that is a mess, pylons generating around base, bricks flying in the sky, and no new plants.
Not that retrogen, it's still absurdly broken. Try running /redecorate (radius) flowers. Note that the command won't redecorate the same chunk multiple times, so it's safe to spam if necessary. It's also pretty fast, even with radii like 1000.

As for the flowers, look in
cold biomes, mountainous biomes, magical biomes, jungles and swamps.

Some are rarer than others, and don't forget shears.