Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How do i get Infused Dust? Do i get this from ores or from Plants? Or do i have to infuse some Dust like the Shards to get it? Because i want to craft a Relay source where i need infused Dust.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2013
I know this has been asked a dozen times before, but sandy burrows ARE supposed to spawn in Mystcraft ages, right? I've spent like 4 hours flying around a slightly-less-than-stable infinite desert age without a trace of any structures other than villages, Mystcraft libraries, and buried hollows visible through half-rendered chunks.

If I'm reading the world gen code right, and I'm a tad sleep deprived at the moment, it looks like the desert structure attempts to spawn in a random spot once per chunk, requires most likely a rather specifically shaped natural overhang, or a lot of luck and an especially tall cactus. Unless they're intended to spawn underneath desert pylons. Hmm...

Tangentially related, have you considered changing pylon generation in Mystcraft ages to be enabled through, instead of by global config, a page? I believe it should be as simple as adding a medium feature page via the Mystcraft API, however exactly that works, then when attempting to generate a pylon in a Mystcraft age, checking if the appropriate symbol is listed under the Symbols tree in the agedata_%dimensionID%.dat located in the world\data folder.
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RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
I know this has been asked a dozen times before, but sandy burrows ARE supposed to spawn in Mystcraft ages, right? I've spent like 4 hours flying around a slightly-less-than-stable infinite desert age without a trace of any structures other than villages, Mystcraft libraries, and buried hollows visible through half-rendered chunks.

If I'm reading the world gen code right, and I'm a tad sleep deprived at the moment, it looks like the desert structure attempts to spawn in a random spot once per chunk, requires most likely a rather specifically shaped natural overhang, or a lot of luck and an especially tall cactus. Unless they're intended to spawn underneath desert pylons. Hmm...
As long as it is not a superflat, yes.

Tangentially related, have you considered changing pylon generation in Mystcraft ages to be enabled through, instead of by global config, a page? I believe it should be as simple as adding a medium feature page via the Mystcraft API, however exactly that works, then when attempting to generate a pylon in a Mystcraft age, checking if the appropriate symbol is listed under the Symbols tree in the agedata_%dimensionID%.dat located in the world\data folder.
I really like this idea, but reading the .dat is not viable. I need a codewise way to get an age's pages.

@keybounce ?

Looking at the API, I have no idea how to add pages, either.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If a RC boring machine dug through a buried hallows or other dungeon type spawns from ChC, would it collect the loot? Making it easier to progress?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2013
As long as it is not a superflat, yes.
First a standard desert world, then later amplified desert hills after I read the worldgen code. These things must make ocean temples look common by comparison. I certainly wouldn't expect to see one in natural overworld generation.

Indeed, the only way I've so far been able to even get one to spawn in or outside of survival is with a carefully written superflat preset: 2;7,52x1,4x12,7x20;2;biome_1

I really like this idea, but reading the .dat is not viable. I need a codewise way to get an age's pages.

@keybounce ?

Looking at the API, I have no idea how to add pages, either.
There's some basic and probably-a-year-out-of-date documentation on the wiki, if it helps any.
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RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
First a standard desert world, then later amplified desert hills after I read the worldgen code. These things must make ocean temples look common by comparison. I certainly wouldn't expect to see one in natural overworld generation.
They are supposed to be as common as burrows.

There's some basic and probably-a-year-out-of-date documentation on the wiki, if it helps any.
Some of that code appears to exist, but other parts very much do not. Worse, some of it that does exist, like IAgeSymbol, is internal code, not part of the API.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2013
They are supposed to be as common as burrows.
You might want to take a look at this line, then. They do seem to be about as common as burrows when spawn conditions are met for every block, but the way it works in v9b is (skipping to the point where tryGenerate() is called):
  • x/z coords are randomized inside the chunk coordinates passed to tryGenerate()
  • the y coord for the top block at x/z is stored in the y variable
  • y is decremented by 8
  • the block object at x,y,z is stored in b
  • for generation to continue, block b must be sand
Generation almost never continues past this point, however, because the block 8 blocks below the surface of a desert is almost always stone or sandstone.


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
You might want to take a look at this line, then. They do seem to be about as common as burrows when spawn conditions are met for every block, but the way it works in v9b is (skipping to the point where tryGenerate() is called):
  • x/z coords are randomized inside the chunk coordinates passed to tryGenerate()
  • the y coord for the top block at x/z is stored in the y variable
  • y is decremented by 8
  • the block object at x,y,z is stored in b
  • for generation to continue, block b must be sand
Generation almost never continues past this point, however, because the block 8 blocks below the surface of a desert is almost always stone or sandstone.
...Why did I add the extra sand check...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I really like this idea, but reading the .dat is not viable. I need a codewise way to get an age's pages.

@keybounce ?
Looking at the API, I have no idea how to add pages, either.

For the API, your best bet is to ask Xcw directly. I know that he has sample code using the API (the tendril code, I believe, not sure what else).

With that said, how it is supposed to work is roughly:
1. You define a symbol, as either a number or a poem,
2. You specify what the grammar generation rarity is, as well as the treasure rarity,
3. You have routines that are called when it is used in worldgen, and you get told the count of that symbol (is it the first, second, third, etc, time that it was used in this world)
4. You modify the world when you are called.

The details are unknown to me, because I've never needed to know more than that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the mod, definitely enjoying it - but now that I'm finally progressing I'm running in to some problems.

My chroma collector doesn't any more - it worked fine, I took out a few buckets, moved the empty collector - and now it does mostly nothing. Sometimes it will go up by 5 or 20 mB when I run over it, sometimes not. I've tried making a new one, spawing one in, moving it around, taking off armor - still nothing. And I'm level 43 ATM, so it's not that either.

Also, if you break any of the Chromaticraft flowers with a TC slime bow, it crashes the game. Definitely reproducible, I can get an error report if you want one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, figured it out, sort of - somehow it was seeing that point as 0 xp. If I got a few xp, it would drain them, but it wouldn't go any lower than that particular point. I enchanted a couple of things to bring my level down and it started working again.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2013
I noticed that Chromaticraft permanently force loads a 3x3 chunk area around any pylon that has ever been interacted with. I know there's a config option for this, but pylons only benefit from being loaded while recharging, right? Would it be possible to get a config (or mechanic change) to un-force-load pylons after they've finished recharging? I noticed today I'd accidentally caused like 50 pylons to permanently force-load themselves, despite most of them having had long since recharged themselves, adding an extra ~500 force-loaded chunks, then 500+ more temporarily loaded chunks on the border of those chunk-loaded areas - not very good for memory usage and so on.

Only slightly related, under one of the force-loaded pylons I found a TC hungry node in a cave which had broken every single block in a ~15 block radius, dropped nearly every block as an individual, unstacked item, failed to ingest most of them, and somehow kept 1500-or-so separate item entities from despawning for at least a few real-time days, which I would never have found without Opis. Thanks, Thaumcraft.


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
I noticed that Chromaticraft permanently force loads a 3x3 chunk area around any pylon that has ever been interacted with. I know there's a config option for this, but pylons only benefit from being loaded while recharging, right? Would it be possible to get a config (or mechanic change) to un-force-load pylons after they've finished recharging? I noticed today I'd accidentally caused like 50 pylons to permanently force-load themselves, despite most of them having had long since recharged themselves, adding an extra ~500 force-loaded chunks, then 500+ more temporarily loaded chunks on the border of those chunk-loaded areas - not very good for memory usage and so on.
This already exists in v10.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Could you add a way to transmit power across dimensions? I like to put my base in a void world and pylons do not generate in void worlds.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Could you add a way to transmit power across dimensions? I like to put my base in a void world and pylons do not generate in void worlds.
The World Rift works for several forms of power; however, I don't think they work with lumens.

Is there a way to get energy out of the storage crystals and into things like the the casting complex?


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Could you add a way to transmit power across dimensions? I like to put my base in a void world and pylons do not generate in void worlds.
No, nor will it ever happen.

The World Rift works for several forms of power; however, I don't think they work with lumens.

Is there a way to get energy out of the storage crystals and into things like the the casting complex?
No, that is not what the storage crystal is for.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I am almost done with my first Chromaticraft "playthrough" (131/155 pages), time for some feedback.

Reika-Senpai, I love your mods, all of them.

I have played on the latest version, v9b.

I have to say, it is tough getting through few first bits, as you cannot really get into the mod without unlocking crystalline stone, which comes after a while, but later it steadily introduces new fun stuff.
That grindy feel some people get is just caused by lack of true exploration mods, we had Ars Magica that got rid of it in place of spellcrafting in AM2 and Thaumcraft that has the right idea, but you can scan all that stuff in your basement. It is no one's fault really, it would've just been more fun if I was looking for some things other than Pages (hmmm... True Exploration modpack? Explore the world and then bend it to your liking! Sounds cool).

I think we could use more straight forward indicator that you can craft Boosted Shards, I was lost for a while until I looked up that I can already do it x.x (I knew how from Sentinalh's Revolution playthrough, I just had no idea it takes ~5 minutes)
I was also just a bit lost with Crystal Core crafting, not knowing that I have to place all 20 stands at once for the recipe to register (One of the Lexicon entries describes 5x5 crafting grid, so I was sure that only the inner ring is sufficient).

Also, one minor bug(?)
Glowstone Dust you get from Lighted Leafs is ID 348:1, which cannot be used in Casting (intentional? Tried with Crystal Seeds), however you CAN get it to ID 348 (vanilla one, usable in Casting) if you have a piece with ID 348 and juggle your inventories and stacks with splitting and shift-clicking.

And a question, do I have to have all 16 colors linked to Casting Complex for it to register? Done

[Edit]I cannot craft Nula Storage Crystal, for the love of me, I tried everything - moving runes closer, lower, demoting to Casting Temple. (I'd love to post screenshots, but the forum won't let me ;f)

[Edit 2] Boosted Ykri Shard was looking deceptively like Boosted Kuro, got it working

If you want any other feedback from a freshman, go ahead :D
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