This current version is easily the hardest thing I've ever done in minecraft. It was an absolute blast to play through, and marks my first time getting all the way through this segment of the mod.
The new puzzles are maddeningly frustrating (I'm lookin' at you, bouncy lights), but oh so satisfying to see accomplished. The updates to the older puzzles are refreshing and interesting.
Thanks to Reika and whatever drives you to keep creating hands down the most interesting and complex modded content this game has ever seen.
Some helpful tips to anyone else!
- The bouncing light mirror puzzles (that last one is the stuff of nightmares): Dear lord, take a screenshot when you complete each puzzle. If you're *cough* blessed *cough* to have that structure get chosen for 3 of your 16 colors, you'll be thankful.
- Cellular Automata. There's a pattern on the interaction box. It's useful. Keep in mind though, it's not the only pattern that has significant meaning for that puzzle. All I'm sayin' is Mr. Conway is a smart fkin' guy.
- The updates to the musical Simon Says are outstanding. The circles correspond to the pitch of the note, high to low. All 16 colors follow it, so figure out 1-4 matched to the circle and you've got 'em all.
- 3D maze and glass-top maze: Don't forget about the CrC abilities! Read what some of them do.

This mod is way too much fun!
Edit: Ugh, and now it's right back to making me feel like a dummy again.
I've made my way to where I "think" the Far Lands should be? I used the super-awesome Lumen wormhole things (BADASS!) and they dumped me super-far out. I flew and flew until I hit some sort of "wall" I guess? No land spawned, even though I sat for a bit. Problem is, I couldn't sit to wait for something to generate because something out of the blackness started zapping me.
Hardcore zapping, mind you. Nothing prevented the damage. My pendant tried to heal through it, but it only delayed the inevitable for a minute or so until lag + stacked damage from (multiple?) whatever thing(s) were shooting at me. The only thing I could see was words in my text box.
I'm unsure if there was supposed to be land spawning in or not, or if I was even on the right path. I've seen posts here talking about "making friends" with things, but I couldn't even see land or "things" to make friends with. What do?