Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Its an ability that, if memory serves, is gated behind getting to the dimension. So, you've got to get there, go back, bind the ability, return, and get the stuff. Remember to fill your internal power buffer, though, as the ability can chew thru lumens pretty easily if you use it too often.


Do u guys know how to delete ender crystal entity? It explodes when i hit it but stays in place.


Popular Member
Apr 25, 2014
P.S.S. I havn't seen anything in terms of caves yet, but since there seems to be accomodations for the other plants, there should be a place for rock flowers, shouldn't there?
There is, but it's time-consuming to get there, and it's somewhat random. Also, since the dimension resets with every visit, it's not a place you can return to. I'd advise finding a way to get around the need for lots of rock flowers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So the end isn't resetting for us, we've tried various combinations of the end deleting and dragon respawning to try and get it to the dragon to respawn but it fails to do so. Does chromaticraft add a way to respawn the dragon without those configs perhaps? Or does anyone have any ideas why that might happen before I go off and create an issue?

The modlist is here if it helps. No HEE, Draconic Evolution, Et Futurum or other things that'd modify the end significantly, only three that seem to are metallurgy adding ores, chromaticraft and for some reason chocolate quest snow castles seem to be able to spawn there.
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RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
So the end isn't resetting for us, we've tried various combinations of the end deleting and dragon respawning to try and get it to the dragon to respawn but it fails to do so. Does chromaticraft add a way to respawn the dragon without those configs perhaps? Or does anyone have any ideas why that might happen before I go off and create an issue?

The modlist is here if it helps. No HEE, Draconic Evolution, Et Futurum or other things that'd modify the end significantly, only three that seem to are metallurgy adding ores, chromaticraft and for some reason chocolate quest snow castles seem to be able to spawn there.
Is anything keeping the end loaded?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is anything keeping the end loaded?
There shouldn't be, but I'll get it looked into with OPIS to look for loaded chunks, maybe Chocolate Quest is being weird though or something. We've reset the end a couple of times manually but that hasn't helped fix things so it's definitely not a player structure keeping it loaded, restarts don't seem to help either.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm: If you were to stick a chunkloader in the chroma dimension, would that prevent it from being reset? (Granted, it wouldn't be a good thing on a server, but for single player...)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm having an issue with the Lumen Repeater. I placed an oak log, then the repeater on top of it, near a pylon, and nothing is happening. Is there more I should be doing? I've tried various heights and distances from the pylon. I see dotted lines after hitting it with the elemental manipulator, but I don't know how or what to connect them to.


Popular Member
Apr 25, 2014
I'm having an issue with the Lumen Repeater. I placed an oak log, then the repeater on top of it, near a pylon, and nothing is happening. Is there more I should be doing? I've tried various heights and distances from the pylon. I see dotted lines after hitting it with the elemental manipulator, but I don't know how or what to connect them to.
The repeaters' purpose is to lead the pylon energy from the pylons to the place where you want to use it. One repeater won't do anything. Even hundred repeaters won't do anything unless you have - and activate - something somewhere that requires pylon energy and is close enough to a repeater to draw from it. Look into your lexicon. At this point it is likely that you can make exactly one thing that uses pylon energy, and there is exactly one thing you can do with it at this time.

The dotted lines are usually there if you have a repeater in your hand, to indicate that it can connect to other repeaters you already placed. It's intended to help you place your repeaters without having to calculate distances and count blocks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So what tips do people have for getting crystal shards? I've been making full use of fortune V for mining them, but the best source of crystals I've found has been the nether. Gravel beaches in the over world seem to have a very high proportion of cave crystals, probably just don't go caving enough to find them otherwise.

There's also the crystal blooms but I haven't been able to figure out how to automate harvesting of those, maybe the elemental farmer? Except I can't make that yet, the MFR harvester sadly does not work (could compatibility be added?) and no agricraft support so can't even get them going via that as a proxy.

Hmm, do blood magic or forestry work? Unlikely for the latter, although a crystal electron tube that adds crystal bloom compatibility could be interesting. I think stripes pipes need specific compatibility too, have to try them as well. Other than that I've just got TE and Railcraft really, and I really don't want an autonomous activator for every plant.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So what tips do people have for getting crystal shards? I've been making full use of fortune V for mining them, but the best source of crystals I've found has been the nether. Gravel beaches in the over world seem to have a very high proportion of cave crystals, probably just don't go caving enough to find them otherwise.

Silk touch cave crystals and process them in the grinder. Gives 18 shards.

The nether is typically the best place to gather cave crystals because the realm is really just one giant cave and it is easy to spot crystals. A little bit of a cheesy way to find even more is to make a flat dimension and then just walk around and collect, although I am not sure what exact dimlets/pages you need because I used RFTools for mine and generated a random dimension.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Silk touch cave crystals and process them in the grinder. Gives 18 shards.

The nether is typically the best place to gather cave crystals because the realm is really just one giant cave and it is easy to spot crystals. A little bit of a cheesy way to find even more is to make a flat dimension and then just walk around and collect, although I am not sure what exact dimlets/pages you need because I used RFTools for mine and generated a random dimension.
Unfortunately not viable for me here, no Rotarycraft or RFTools in the pack, got a couple of staples of tech mods with TE/MFR and BC/RC/Forestry but no compatibility between cave crystals and the pulverizer or rock crusher.

I've been trying to use Fortune 7 when possible, as Witchery adds a potion that increases Fortune by 2 levels, but even that doesn't seem as good as a grinder would be.


I'm having an issue with charging big quantities of energy to storage crystals with charger. When i'm next to single aspect repeaters or pylon everything works fine but when i'm trying to charge it with multiaura-repeaters near my home base they work really slow and turning off then on etc even when pylons are full of energy. I think -maybe- lumen tree is creating something like energy loops and everything ucks up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is the heat lamp not supposed to work with the RoC composter? I have a pair working on some fermenters, but it doesn't seems to want to connect tl yhe composter.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm stuck before making power crystals for the Recharge progression. I've made the iridescent crystal chunks, and many things that require pylon casting. Using '/chromaprog debug fragment' lists the only research I'm missing on this level is LUMENLEAVES, but I can't create the lumen tree yet since it's endgame (can't make the luminescent battery). Fragments are showing up blank and there's nothing in my recovery tab. Any hints? This is on v14d.


Edit: After recalling what I read on the changelog for v14d, specifically the entry saying 'fixed lumen leaves fragment appearing too early,' I was wondering if this might be an issue with me starting this world on v14c and then updating to v14d when it came out, but I'm not sure.
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Popular Member
Apr 25, 2014
I'm having an issue with charging big quantities of energy to storage crystals with charger. When i'm next to single aspect repeaters or pylon everything works fine but when i'm trying to charge it with multiaura-repeaters near my home base they work really slow and turning off then on etc even when pylons are full of energy. I think -maybe- lumen tree is creating something like energy loops and everything ucks up.
This sounds like you need to activate the config option "Pylons chunkload themselves after first use" (in SSP, this is first use per game session). I had a similar problem until my modpack activated that option by default. Before, I had to manually chunkload pylons.

Also, are you running Optifine? I've had some network blackouts, so to speak, if I had Optifine installed.


Popular Member
Apr 25, 2014
I'm stuck before making power crystals for the Recharge progression. I've made the iridescent crystal chunks, and many things that require pylon casting. Using '/chromaprog debug fragment' lists the only research I'm missing on this level is LUMENLEAVES, but I can't create the lumen tree yet since it's endgame (can't make the luminescent battery). Fragments are showing up blank and there's nothing in my recovery tab. Any hints? This is on v14d.


Edit: After recalling what I read on the changelog for v14d, specifically the entry saying 'fixed lumen leaves fragment appearing too early,' I was wondering if this might be an issue with me starting this world on v14c and then updating to v14d when it came out, but I'm not sure.
Hmm....are you saying you can't craft power crystals? If so, do you have the recipe and the ghost item has the "no ..." sign, or don't you even have the recipe? If it's the latter, try crafting a potion crystal, that has always unlocked stuff for me. If it's the former...well, have you actually *made* irisdescent crystals, or did you cheat them in? IIRC, being able to craft power crystals depends on having made iridescent crystals. If it's not that, I don't know. I can't rule out it's a bug, though I'd be careful assuming that it is.