Reika, you managed to make the engineer in me really excited to build even faster and more powerful setups, yet simultaneously annoyed because he doesn't know where to stop.
I don't think that's a bad thing.
*purrr*Reika, you are awesome.
It whatever speed sets the per-tick operational time to zero, doubling the speed adds So, for example, 8 operations per tick needs 2^8=256x the speed of the "threshold".
That's what people are asking for, yes. On the other hand, you're using your space and resources efficiently.So 256 machines dividing power could do 32x as much as one machine pumped full of power? If I've understood you, it seems we're put in a situation where we still have to spam machines, or else use our power very inefficiently?
Oh, sure, version seven, groovy, thanks
Nope, but I should have clarified the difference between energy resources and, say, steel. Its more efficient in steel (a single machine vs 256) but less efficient in energy (as you pointed out)Did you mean to say space or resources?
So, I'd need a nuclear reactor first, and that's already post-bedrock?... the bedrock breaker because as it is 1 operation a tick requires 17GW of power.
Hah awesome PBR towerPersonally I wasn't hoping for it to run more efficiently or less efficiently. Not an overclock or an upgrade, more of a "5+5 = 10" The idea of putting much of an HP turbine into a single extractor, and watching it produce insanely fast is exciting, but I think it will be less enjoyable when you're aware that it's extremely wasteful.
But of course if you're quite sure that most people wanted a lessening of efficiency I wouldn't argue with you, and more importantly it's Reika's BBQ, I just wanted to cast my vote for a style of gameplay where you don't miss out because you didn't spam machines.
....Having said that, I'm pretty happy with my survival mode 200 PBRs vertically stacked. Then again such things are probably not CPU or bandwidth friendly. Though I keep getting that darn language null error.
Reika is it intentional when you touch a magnetized containment pipe that has plasma inside, it deals damage to you and then breaches, turning into lava? Just had the IRL shock of a life time when I was building around my pipes
As usual skimping on power caused it![]()
They used to be walkable in 1.6.4 and, I think, 1.7.10 v1. I recall on the first tokamak I built, the structure encasing the tokamak proper in steel and blast glass was built one block lower than I meant it to be, and one of the stairs leading up on top of it unintentionally incorporated a magnetic containment pipe as one of the steps. That staircase always made me very uncomfortable.Reika is it intentional when you touch a magnetized containment pipe that has plasma inside, it deals damage to you and then breaches, turning into lava? Just had the IRL shock of a life time when I was building around my pipes
As usual skimping on power caused it![]()
MWAHAHAHAHAHH!!! ITS OVER 9000(Operations per tick)!!!! Now I don't have to joke about putting a fusion reactor into an extractor, I can do it....Done.
It continues the logarithmic trend; for whatever speed sets the per-tick operational time to zero, doubling the speed adds one operation per tick. So, for example, 8 operations per tick needs 2^8=256x the speed of the "threshold". That adds up very quickly.
Supported machines:
The borer is not supported because of the worldgen lag it would cause (and can easily be stacked in parallel), and the bedrock breaker because as it is 1 operation a tick requires 17GW of power.
- Grinder
- Extractor
- Crystallizer
- Centrifuge
- Refrigerator
- Compactor
- Fermenter
- Obsidian Factory
- Grindstone
- Fractionator
That is the reason I invented the Void Cell.Wonder if PE's condenser can actually handle being stuffed full of cobble like AetherCraft could. Honestly I just condense the stuff before I do anything with it. I'm a horrible MC packrat.
Bigger boring machine you say? "Yes please" says I! Although I'd probably parallelize anyway, I prefer eating wider swaths of terrain to deeper swaths of terrain, and once you get to a certain point you run into a lot of inventory management issues simply trying to get the items OUT of the boring machine and do something with them.
Wonder if PE's condenser can actually handle being stuffed full of cobble like AetherCraft could. Honestly I just condense the stuff before I do anything with it. I'm a horrible MC packrat. Trash cans and void pipes always make me feel dirty. But oddly I'm not opposed to wasting POWER... well via an inefficient utilization and past early game perdition is ok; I have always-on power generation by that point, and multiple processes that are utilizing power constantly. Perdition doesn't bother me in the slightest because I basically can't notice it. I hate power loss via transport (intentional or unintentional, from mechanics or poor engineering) with a burning passion though. I dealt with it way back in IndustrialCraft, but I sure as heck never liked it. Realism in power transport be damned. Distance-based loss is evil to me.
That got side-tracked fast...