You actually want them under the last stage and one block "further".
That makes more sense

Instead of it leaking out between the last 2 stages, it's just getting thrown a little further out.
Yea, like I said though, it was just a quick look, and I didn't verify the amount of steam being consumed to create the LP fluid.
Can you verify the intent? Should it be lossy, or possible to reclaim 100%?
You could probably correct my thoughts on the code too.
From the HPT TE starting at line 152:
for (int d = 0; d <= 1; d++) {
for (int i = -th; i <= th; i++) {
The first for loop is for the 2 rows where the LP fluid drips ( So last stage and 1 further ), the second is for the width of the rows.
Stage 7 has a radius of 4.
int tx = x+dir.offsetX*i+s.offsetX*d;
int tz = z+dir.offsetZ*i+s.offsetZ*d;
This is one of the parts I didn't really look into. I think it's just correcting for the direction the HPT is facing, and using the i from the for loop, iterating along each of the reservoirs.
Then we have:
FluidStack fs = new FluidStack(fluid.getLowPressureFluid(), TileEntityReactorBoiler.WATER_PER_STEAM/12);
Which creates a new fluid stack of the specific fluid with an amount equal to WATER_PER_STEAM/12, which is 200/12 or 16.666...
Now, I believe the amount is an int, so that would get truncated to 16.
This is then added 1 by 1 to each of the reservoirs, which with a radius of 4 ( so 8 per row ), and 2 rows, that would be 16.
So, 1 iteration would net 256 fluid, but judging by the 200 water per steam, we only had 200 to create that 256.
I know I should have looked deeper into the code, but I have a long ways to go learning Java, and your code is often like a rabbit hole. A very impressive one, and appears rather flexible...but very disorienting for a novice such as myself, hehe.