Mod Feedback [By Request] RotaryCraft Suggestions

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We had 2 silverwoods on the server that I found in the twilight. I picked one of those trees for leaves, then glen picked the rest of it clean. I think Von got the last one before the twilight reset, but since there's 2 quest groves now i wager there are 6-8 silverwoods around there now.
Yep, I got it from Von. I was really nice of him to give them out, but I remember hearing something a "Barrel full" of something Silverwood related.
You should add some GT compatibility. Just try a small bit and see if you like it. GT and your mod play well together for a hard-core feel and I think there could be loads of fun interactions. Also I recommend you play GT first. If you want to try it out PM me for a good server. (He Who Shall Not Be Named Plays There)
You should add some GT compatibility. Just try a small bit and see if you like it. GT and your mod play well together for a hard-core feel and I think there could be loads of fun interactions. Also I recommend you play GT first. If you want to try it out PM me for a good server. (He Who Shall Not Be Named Plays There)
GT is antithetical to my play style.
Okay, time for a suggestion that doesn't involve nerfing.

Here is a suggestion that will allow for the introduction of new engines without having to change the tiering system. As you all know, engines can either be renewable, in the case of the electric engines, or they can be consumable, in the case of the gasoline engine.

Well some tiers are either occupied by one or the other, so this suggestion is to give each tier it's own renewable and consumable option. My suggestion aims to fix that by giving every version it's own tier to occupy. Behold:


1 DC engine
2 Wind
3 Steam
*4 Bicycle Engine
5 AC electric
*6 Geothermal
7 Hydrokinetic
*8 Hydrolysis Engine


*2 Combustion engine
*3 Bio engine
4 Gasoline engine
*5 Flux Generator
6 Performance engine
*7 Turbo engine
8 Microturbine
9 Gas turbine
*10 Rocket engine

Now let's take a look at each new engine:


T4 Bicycle Engine - Powered by player input. Converts' player energy (hunger) into shaft power.

T6 Geothermal - Produces shaft power by cooling lava. Requires water.

T8 Hydrolysis Engine - Uses a nearby van de graff to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen, which it then combusts.


T2 Combustion Engine - Turns furnace fuel into shaft power.

T3 Bio Engine - Turns plant matter into shaft power. Requires water.

T5 Flux Generator - Extracts the flux out of redstone and uses it to generate shaft power. Very efficient.

T7 Turbo Engine - A performance engine modified to enrich its fuel with nitro. You can synthesize nitro with nitrogen and oxygen. Nitrogen can be processed slowly out of soil and plant matter.

T10 Rocket Engine - Similar to the Gas turbine only it require rocket fuel. Produces a lot of heat as well as a big wall of fire behind it, which also produces a lot of heat. You do NOT want to be anywhere near this thing when it fires and cooling it will provide a large challenge if you don't have liquid nitrogen.
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*4 Bicycle Engine
This one has already been shot down because a human can only generate something like 400W at peak performance, which isn't even half the output of a DC engine.
*8 Hydrolysis Engine
Violates the first law of thermodynamics hard.
*2 Combustion engine
That would overlap with the role of the steam engine, would it not? I can't see how it would fit into the engine tiering without major rebalancing of the whole tree.
*3 Bio engine
*5 Flux Generator
Neither of these seem realistic enough to work, to me.
*7 Turbo engine
I could see how this would work, however nitrous oxide (N2O) is not synthesized from oxygen and nitrogen because that takes a great deal of energy to do (getting back into those pesky laws of thermodynamics). If it were, you wouldn't need to extract it from plants or whatever, considering the atmosphere is already more than three quarters N2. It can, however, be extracted from ammonium nitrate by heating it, which happens to exist in Rotarycraft already.
*10 Rocket engine
Rocket fuel is a really broad term.
T4 Bicycle Engine - Powered by player input. Converts' player energy (hunger) into shaft power.
Real human output is about 600W at most.

T6 Geothermal - Produces shaft power by cooling lava. Requires water.
Considered in the past but extremely difficult to prevent it from being easier than every other engine.

T8 Hydrolysis Engine - Uses a nearby van de graff to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen, which it then combusts.
Violates the first and second laws of thermodynamics.

T2 Combustion Engine - Turns furnace fuel into shaft power.
So a standard steam engine.

T3 Bio Engine - Turns plant matter into shaft power. Requires water.
How? Burning them? Then it is another steam engine.

T5 Flux Generator - Extracts the flux out of redstone and uses it to generate shaft power. Very efficient.

T7 Turbo Engine - A performance engine modified to enrich its fuel with nitro. You can synthesize nitro with nitrogen and oxygen. Nitrogen can be processed slowly out of soil and plant matter.
Nitrogen is very difficult to extract and nitrous oxide is a different chemical entirely.

T10 Rocket Engine - Similar to the Gas turbine only it require rocket fuel. Produces a lot of heat as well as a big wall of fire behind it, which also produces a lot of heat. You do NOT want to be anywhere near this thing when it fires and cooling it will provide a large challenge if you don't have liquid nitrogen.
Suggested some time ago and liked but far too difficult to implement.
Real human output is about 600W at most.
I didn't think that one through. Maybe it could be implemented as a joke engine with power output increasing if the player has speed and/or jump boost.
Considered in the past but extremely difficult to prevent it from being easier than every other engine.
Perhaps have it so that you have to manually clean out cobblestone as it piles up. That way it forces the player to have to maintain it and also explains what happens to the spent lava.
Violates the first and second laws of thermodynamics.
So a standard steam engine.
A standard steam engine that runs on furnace fuel rather than fire/lava underneath.
How? Burning them? Then it is another steam engine.
It's just an upgrade of the furnace engine.
An internal redstone clock forces the redstone to flux, extracting its stored energy as heat... Now that you mention it, that does sound really silly.
Nitrogen is very difficult to extract and nitrous oxide is a different chemical entirely.
Maybe a different propellant could be used. I considered oxygen too but figured it wouldn't be powerful enough.
Suggested some time ago and liked but far too difficult to implement.
Okay i'll split this into chunks.

Rocket fuel production: Jet fuel is compressed and enhanced with additives and propellant. This causes a large reduction of liquid and requires a large amount of energy be put in through both the additives and shaft power.

Rocket Turbine: Creates entities that check for players up to 20 blocks away and deal damage accordingly based on distance. They will also heat up blocks this way too. On contact the entities have a plasma effect, melting blocks and instantly killing players. Each of these said entities has the mobspawner particle effect to give it a truly epic flamethrower effect.

Activation: First you put the jet fuel in and then you give yourself some nice distance and either spark, flame, or apply redstone to the engine to ignite the fuel. The reaction will go until the fuel runs out.

Cooling: You'll need a lot of liquid nitrogen to keep this thing cool. Just pipe it in from the bottom and make sure the supply keeps. Or else.
I'm with reika on this one. Gt slows progression to the point of imo losing the fun factor of technology mods. While I like the concept of gt extend progression, it makes it far to slow. Again this is all imo.
And what would that entail? This sounds like it would come dangerously close to breaking one of the mod's techtrees.
For the first version I think I will just do recipes to make the mods more compatible with GT machines. These do not need balance and will not break progression.