Mod Feedback [By Request] RotaryCraft Suggestions

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Omega Haxors

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You're suggesting a mod based around rotational energy and the drive shaft to incorporate super lasers..... I for one see the super laser fitting better into other mods.

The other mod being Electricraft. From what I understand the whole purpose of electricraft is the transfer and storage of shaft power.

Having a feature similar to this would allow for something that electricraft lacks: Long distance transfer. Short of a long line of superconducting wires, there's not really an option for this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The other mod being Electricraft. From what I understand the whole purpose of electricraft is the transfer and storage of shaft power.

Having a feature similar to this would allow for something that electricraft lacks: Long distance transfer. Short of a long line of superconducting wires, there's not really an option for this.
It does fit better with Electricraft, or reactorcraft. That said all of these mods are designed to be somewhat grounded in real life power transfer methods. Last I heard theorized power transfer through systems like you describe have a 40-50% transmition rate, best case, with weather readily creating a 100% loss. Massive improvements in photovoltaic could change that..... but that's still one heck of a row to hoe unless you are transmitting through dead space.

Regarding real world implimentation, I did hear they powered a drone with such a system, but the experiment was limited to a hanger.

Omega Haxors

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The idea is that you build a transmission line by firing a heat ray or use a borer to make an enclosed area to prevent interference. As you mentioned the transmission rate would go very poor if the laser is outside and even more so if it rains.

Even if the transmission rate was 50% that would still be vastly superior to the very limited normal wires for long distance transport and it would also cost a lot less in resources. If you're running this from a Tokamak than the loss is negligible compared to the convenience.

I suppose an option for fiber optics as an alternative wiring would be just as effective, albeit sort of pointless considering there's already a wiring system for electricraft.

It's also worth mentioning that energy losses via medium are non-canon, as the Tokamak can operate in broad daylight without losing any energy to air conduction.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually I could see this working with RoC/Rec and Electricraft. Each station would be a multiblock structure, requiring multiple pre-charging capacitors, coolant cells, and a stabilizing coil, and it would fire gigawatt pulses. In any case, it would either require several gas turbines or a ReC reactor to operate with any kind of consistency. Make the precharging capacitors accept no cable other than ElC's superconducting wires. Perhaps make it actually consume coolant as it operates.

Omega Haxors

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's a great idea. It would allow realistic and difficult to build power transport while still being worth making and not unbalanced.

I would personally love to see more use for coolant as well. Other than the Big Reactors mod and superconducting wires, there's not really much use for the stuff that I could find.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Realistic is you build massive consumption near massive generation.... Not bore a perfectly straight tunnel through bedrock for kilometers..... Yes, something like this may find it's wait into mc but please don't call it "realistic".

There are reasons aluminum smelteries and other industries requiring massive power consumption are located near power generation.

Omega Haxors

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You took that way out of proportion. Never once did I mention boring through bedrock. Where did you get that idea from?

The reason why large scale projects are located near power generation is because of loss. Realistically, energy is always lost with a few exceptions due to entropy. I already stated that energy loss through mediums are non canon so where's the argument here?

Besides, this is designed for energy transport between houses, not large scale factories. Like I said earlier even large losses would be worth it due to most player not requiring tonnes of power unless they're working on a large scale project. Aluminum smelteries may require lots of power but you still see power lines going all across the country providing for everybody despite losses.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You took that way out of proportion. Never once did I mention boring through bedrock. Where did you get that idea from?

The reason why large scale projects are located near power generation is because of loss. Realistically, energy is always lost with a few exceptions due to entropy. I already stated that energy loss through mediums are non canon so where's the argument here?

Besides, this is designed for energy transport between houses, not large scale factories. Like I said earlier even large scale losses would be worth it due to most player not requiring tonnes of power unless they're working on a large scale project.
Bedrock as in the real world tunnels you'd have to dig for a real world verion of your system.... in MC it would be stone and what not.

you are suggesting creating an extremley unfeasable system to get around transmition losses that are very much grounded in reality.

If your houses are needing power on the scales it would take to make such system feasable...... they are major industrial sites even if built to look like a flower garden.

anyways, I don't think we'll come to a conclusion here and do not choose to further tie up the thread. This'll be my last post on this issue.

Omega Haxors

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I agree. I think we should drop this now and let some other people post.

Before that though I must say that no matter what is decided, any solution would be more realistic than using a tesseract to transfer billions of RF losslessly with no distance limit. A system that the current design essentially forces players to use.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The biggest problem I see by using photo-transmission of power, is that in just about any (minecraft) situation you'd want to use this, you would be much better off just using superconduting cables. Granted the laser would be pretty friggin cool, but not practical. Even in sci-fi books the only time I've seen beamed power transmission was to power objects in geosync orbit, where a cable would be impossible.


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
The biggest problem I see by using photo-transmission of power, is that in just about any (minecraft) situation you'd want to use this, you would be much better off just using superconduting cables. Granted the laser would be pretty friggin cool, but not practical. Even in sci-fi books the only time I've seen beamed power transmission was to power objects in geosync orbit, where a cable would be impossible.
My thoughts as well, especially when things like tesseracts exist.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also, if it's as lossy as you say it would be, there would be next to no incentive to do it, except overkill/showing off. It sounds good on paper, but lets face it. Most modded MC players want the most efficient method to doing something.

Omega Haxors

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Maybe something like wireless electricity would be more viable. Even if it can't be used for long distance transportation it would give electricraft the power transport edge it deserves over rotary.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Maybe something like wireless electricity would be more viable. Even if it can't be used for long distance transportation it would give electricraft the power transport edge it deserves over rotary.
A tesla coil based transmition system would be interesting, and I know he drew up plans for powering urban areas with such.

I really don't know enough about the specifics to know how well such a system would really work.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It would not. Tesla's later ideas were completely worthless.
I kind of got the impression it was rather impractical..... but had never looked into it much. Though I've stumbled across documentaries suggesting there are people today trying to institute such power systems..... but then there are fools born every minute. The one that springs to mind was suggesting it as a "free" power source for the worlds poor........


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
I kind of got the impression it was rather impractical..... but had never looked into it much. Though I've stumbled across documentaries suggesting there are people today trying to institute such power systems..... but then there are fools born every minute. The one that springs to mind was suggesting it as a "free" power source for the worlds poor........
Tesla's sanity degraded towards the end of his life, and his ideas show it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My thoughts as well, especially when things like tesseracts exist.
And for people who don't like tesseracts, and don't have those mods in their world?

Easy transmission over distance at a cost of being lossy, versus wiring for less loss, or shafts for no loss.
Compare to horses for fast travel, manual, you and one cargo, no upfront cost / high flexibility; EATS waterways for mid-high speed, automatable, but only you (no cargo), low upfront cost, low flexibility; powered rails for mid-high speed, automatable, full cargo, high cost, higher flexibility than the water, lower flexibility than the horse.

I think that there's room for it, especially considering that it can't cross a portal (infinite distance = full loss).

Omega Haxors

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Perhaps there could be a modified version of the item cannon.

Considering you can shoot batteries with the item cannon already making for very effective long distance travel it wouldn't really take much to allow that to be done with electricity.

The question is how to make it realistic. It's not like the average person has energy cannons.


I suppose you could ionize the air to make plasma then launch that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The question is how to make it realistic. It's not like the average person has energy cannons.

What are you talking about? I have three in my garage. :p

That said. I really don't see this coming to Reika's mods. There's no practical or realism-based reason to add this. And it looks like the chromaticraft World Rifts fill this functionality already (@Reika can correct me if I am wrong).