"[ROTARYCRAFT] You should add things like wormholes, manmade black holes, teleportation, time travel, and so on with large amounts of power, as it is theoretically possible."
I agree that things like time travel, wormholes, teleportation, invisibility, and so on are actually technically possible. However, they all either require extremely advanced tech - invisibility requires nanotech, for example - or ludicrous power requirements. Someone else said it best:
"I believe the standard for the things your talking about is realism -> the amount of power required is consistent with theory, and theory says it's possible. Reika already indicated that a problem with something like a wormhole is that the theoretical power required is closer to the entire lifetime output of a star than to the power output of one fusion reactor. For all that this thing generates so much power it's difficult to comprehend how much it is, the power needed for those big hard-SF things is still on a completely different scale."