Mod Feedback [By Request] RotaryCraft Suggestions

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Apologies if this has already been suggested (not going to read all 33 pages):
I'd really like to see proper handling of torque in rotarycraft - instead of having fixed torque and speed everywhere, it should calculate it in a more realistic fashion. For example, a DC engine would still produce 4Nm of torque, but instead of having a fixed speed of 256rad/s, that would be a maximum speed. The actual speed would be determined by what it is connected to.

Machines would have static and dynamic friction associated with them. If the DC motor is connected directly to a machine with a static friction of 3Nm, and a dynamic friction of 0.5Nms/rad, then the speed is calculated as follows:
First subtract the static friction, 4Nm - 3Nm = 1Nm of torque remaining. If this is less than or equal to zero then the motor is not strong enough to turn it at all.
Next divide by the dynamic friction, 1Nm / 0.5Nms/rad = 2rad/s
Finally, limit the speed to the motor's maximum speed.

This is not just adding complexity for no reason - it allows you to do some really cool stuff like adding differentials, brakes, etc. At the moment there's the almost magical "shaft power bus controller" which is necessary if you want to power multiple machines without wasting power, but really doesn't fit with the rest of the mod. It would be much better if you could instead build a system of differentials, and brakes: machines which are not currently in use would be braked (brakes would when powered have a very large static friction, exceeding it could damage the brakes) and then by the nature of differentials, the power would be distributed to the in-use machines.

Also, multi-block gearboxes using pistons would be cool. Last time I checked rotarycraft stuff could not be moved by a piston which is sad.

Now, this sounds interesting... I would be fully supportive if this is implemented.

Pre-edit: Looking back on this suggestion, it's a rather lot more then I really wanted to suggest... If it's too much, I understand. From a gameplay perspective, the current system isn't too bad. It's just kinda... Odd, in a mod that touts realism as a core tenant. Additionally, most of the aspects of this suggestion can be used for more then just farming.

Also, from the viewpoint of the 'realism' tenant for this mod, I have to agree with the above sentiment that using fans to automate farming is just not a very good choice of potential things to base auto-farming on... I would even go so far as to call it considerably less realistic then MFR. As, granted, MFR has woefully inaccurate teleportation energy requirements as well as unrealistic construction materials, but at least it doesn't require the wind to somehow become sentient and choose to only blow on crops when they're fully grown...

I think it would not only be more realistic, but also more interesting to use some other mechanism to automate farming- For example, for early/mid-game farming, you could add some kind of color or height sensor. This could be put into various modes, one of which called 'crop' which causes it to detect when a crop directly in-front and/or down to it has fully grown, outputting a redstone signal. This would allow a piston, block breaker, or preferably a specialized 'crop harvester' machine to activate. In the case of the crop harvester, it would ideally withhold a small number of seeds before outputting them downward with the rest of the crop's harvest, or it would simply subtract a seed from its yield and auto-replant the crop. Both of these machines would, if they have no power input, only have the one-block range described. (Their power comes from a miniaturized DC engine) Adding power to the sensor increases its range (don't know if there's a realistic explanation for this?) and adding power plus one specially-made, folding 'Harvester scaffold' into an inventory slot in the crop harvest's gui for every block you want to harvest allows it to extend its harvesting arm beyond a one-block range. This would harvest all crops in front of it, regardless of whether or not they're ready for harvest so long as they're at greater then 0% growth, and the arm would only retract when redstone power is cut.

Alternatively, the above two machines could remain no-power, one-block solutions for small farms, and for a larger, more efficient farm you could instead use a Laser detector which, again, would either have various modes, or have different lenses for different tasks. For farming, it would have a Redstone-Frequency Lens, which causes whatever block it hits to emit redstone. (It could just be an electromagnetic frequency that excites nearby redstone into becoming active. Or something.) This beam would hit fully-grown crops, but not non-fully grown ones, allowing for the detection of specific fully-grown crops in a more space-efficient manner. This could then be combined with either a large number of block breaker or downward-facing crop harvester or, more practically, activate a 'Servo Rail' block.
These Servo Rails would be cheap, (Though, possibly require an advanced material) and have a one-way direction similar to shafts. (And should also have craftable turns) When a Servo Rail receives a redstone signal, this signal propagates through the rail in the 'backwards' direction, probably with a limit that can be extended by crafting a repeater (and maybe some other bits) into a rail. There would also be a 'Servo Station' rail block, along with either a 'Servo Chassis' or 'Servo Arm' item, which can be placed into the Servo Station with a right-click. The Servo Chassis would be little more then a basic inventory, which would require the addition of an arm and/or tool to be useful. (Such as, for example, a crop harvester/combine tool)
When placed on a Servo Station that is receiving a servo signal, the chassis would (slowly) move down all powered rails until it reaches a rail that is directly receiving redstone. This will Activate the Servo, causing it to perform whatever action its tool allows. (Such as harvesting a crop) When it reaches a rail that is no longer powered it moves backward down the rail until it eventually reaches a powered rail, or there are no more rails for it to move down, in which case it simply stops.
This chassis would have a wind-spring (maybe a bedrock one, or it could be interchangeable) installed within it, which will power its movement as well as any actions it performs. When parked at a powered docking station, any power the station receives will be used to charge the servo's windspring or simply wasted. Full stations will emit a comparator signal, with redstone level varying depending on the Chassis' charge level, allowing you to turn off the power supply while the station is unoccupied or the Chassis is full. Additionally, Chassis can be loaded and unloaded while in a station, with their inventory becoming the station's automation-accessible inventory.

Additional upgrades, to either the rail or the chassis, could allow for different effects. For example, the module for allowing a chassis to move on its own along a Servo Rail could be a separate craftable item, and one could instead make the more expensive powered rails to allow the rails to be the method of locomotion instead of the Chassis. Both the Chassis movement module and the powered rails could be upgraded to go faster. (In the case of the rails, 'upgrading' means 'supply more speed') A sensor module could allow the Chassis to detect specific blocks or other conditions such as mobs. A 'logic circuit' could allow the input of (very) simple logic.

... Looking back at what I just wrote, this system is starting to potentially replace a lot of the mod's functionality, so perhaps I should stop typing now... At the very least, the rail+harvester arm could be an interesting way to farm/harvest things.
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Unusably confusing, unstable, computationally intensive, nearly impossible to debug, unpleasant to design...
And then repeat the first one a few times. The mod is sufficiently complex that its math weeds out a somewhat significant margin of players, with a fair number of the rest regularly clamouring for a toning down of the "difficulty."
A way to disable all the freaking sounds ... I use sound mufflers, but those still dont remove all of the sound.
And then repeat the first one a few times. The mod is sufficiently complex that its math weeds out a somewhat significant margin of players, with a fair number of the rest regularly clamouring for a toning down of the "difficulty."
The math is daunting until you take a few minutes to take a good look at what it really IS. Watts appear to be the product of Rads and Torque. The units are incongruent across the handbook, sometimes W is watts, sometimes MW is STILL watts, nM and N is used for torque interchangeably... It's a bit of a mess.

But once you figure out basically exactly what watts are and how torque relates to speed, it becomes easy enough to take on, if you still want a minor mathematical challenge.
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The math is daunting until you take a few minutes to take a good look at what it really IS. Watts appear to be the product of Rads and Torque. The units are incongruent across the handbook, sometimes W is watts, sometimes MW is STILL watts, nM and N is used for torque interchangeably... It's a bit of a mess.

But once you figure out basically exactly what watts are and how torque relates to speed, it becomes easy enough to take on, if you still want a minor mathematical challenge.
And then you can flip it to ElectriCraft for extra Fun :)
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RotaryCraft helped me understand logarithms. This can only be a good thing.
Some 15 years ago or so I was trying to design a game concept where growth in a stat was unlimited but produced shrinking returns on the investment. Logs revolutionized how I approached those sorts of problems. Now I rarely code anything game-wise that doesn't involve logarithms somewhere (I despise hard-coded caps on anything related to players in an RPG-type game)
Some 15 years ago or so I was trying to design a game concept where growth in a stat was unlimited but produced shrinking returns on the investment. Logs revolutionized how I approached those sorts of problems. Now I rarely code anything game-wise that doesn't involve logarithms somewhere (I despise hard-coded caps on anything related to players in an RPG-type game)
I'm not too keen on hard-coded caps on things, myself, unless there's a very good reason for it. Like, if you could expend experience or trait points or whatever to make your character move faster, then a cap would be needed there to keep the game from crashing or causing unpredictable, potentially game-breaking behaviour because you managed to get to the point where you're moving at roughly the speed of light.
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Some 15 years ago or so I was trying to design a game concept where growth in a stat was unlimited but produced shrinking returns on the investment. Logs revolutionized how I approached those sorts of problems. Now I rarely code anything game-wise that doesn't involve logarithms somewhere (I despise hard-coded caps on anything related to players in an RPG-type game)
I first encountered logarithms in that case - as a player - as well.
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I'm not too keen on hard-coded caps on things, myself, unless there's a very good reason for it. Like, if you could expend experience or trait points or whatever to make your character move faster, then a cap would be needed there to keep the game from crashing or causing unpredictable, potentially game-breaking behaviour because you managed to get to the point where you're moving at roughly the speed of light.
That's precisely where logarithmic mathematics are handy. It might take a week to make your player move 2x faster, but if the scaling is such that it takes 19 years to get 3x faster, the players CAN do so, but nobody's going to get to 100x faster before they die of old age.
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Kind of a weak reproduction, but using your speed example:

Note that investing 5 "points" gets you a whopping 50% increase in your stat. But investing another 5 gets you only 22% on top of that.

To get to 10x speed, you'd need to invest, hrm, 4+10^12 points. If you were able to net 1 point per second, you'd die of old age well before you got anywhere near enough.

Math is the shit. I wish I weren't so terrible at it. That and excel graphs.

I have a question. When I try to chop a Sacred rubber tree with a RotaryCraft axe or woodcutting machine, it does nothing except produce inordinate amounts of lag. Why is this? Is it scanning the whole tree and deciding to not cut the whole thing every time I take a swing at it, or is something else happening? I am genuinely curious.
I have a question. When I try to chop a Sacred rubber tree with a RotaryCraft axe or woodcutting machine, it does nothing except produce inordinate amounts of lag. Why is this? Is it scanning the whole tree and deciding to not cut the whole thing every time I take a swing at it, or is something else happening? I am genuinely curious.

I'm thinking it's because it scans the tree to check its size to see if it can cut it. My info is also probably outdated.
I have a question. When I try to chop a Sacred rubber tree with a RotaryCraft axe or woodcutting machine, it does nothing except produce inordinate amounts of lag. Why is this? Is it scanning the whole tree and deciding to not cut the whole thing every time I take a swing at it, or is something else happening? I am genuinely curious.

Which version?

Originally Reika probably did exactly what you just said: scan the tree and perform the chop. And if I had to do this, I'd put some arbitrary cap on how many blocks it can count before it gives up and returns "bugger off". But looking at his youtube video on the new chop behaviour, I believe its now a "progressive" action (ie the tree will fall in parts).
I'm thinking it's because it scans the tree to check its size to see if it can cut it. My info is also probably outdated.
I sort of thought so, as if you have ever seen this tree, cutting it all down at once would break anyone's computer.[DOUBLEPOST=1407437185][/DOUBLEPOST]
Which version?

Originally Reika probably did exactly what you just said: scan the tree and perform the chop. And if I had to do this, I'd put some arbitrary cap on how many blocks it can count before it gives up and returns "bugger off". But looking at his youtube video on the new chop behaviour, I believe its now a "progressive" action (ie the tree will fall in parts).
As I said on a previous comment, V24.
I sort of thought so, as if you have ever seen this tree, cutting it all down at once would break anyone's computer.[DOUBLEPOST=1407437185][/DOUBLEPOST]
As I said on a previous comment, V24.
I don't read previous pages when responding to a question friend, the exception being for the OP :)

I don't have a good answer for you; 25 introduced the most recent chop behaviour as far as i know.

Edit: Er, I misread that. You're on 24, not 25. So, you're not getting the most recent behaviour.
I don't read previous pages when responding to a question friend, the exception being for the OP :)

I don't have a good answer for you; 25 introduced the most recent chop behaviour as far as i know.

Edit: Er, I misread that. You're on 24, not 25. So, you're not getting the most recent behaviour.
I have *just* gotten my modpack of over 141 mods stable as it can be, so I am in no hurry to update. Last time I did, it took an hour and a half to fix all of the conflicts.
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