I was thinking of natural gas as a power source in minecraft, after reading these last few pages. And, burning gas for power is ultimately about steam.
So, a source of fire, and a source of water, should act as a source of steam for a turbine.
And I thought about that.
In minecraft, fire on top of netherrack cannot be distinguished from fire from consumable fuel. Water, in most worlds, is infinite, and even without infinite water, some reservoirs open to rain is close enough.
As much as I'd love to have something like this, the bottom line is that unless you have mods that:
a) Restrict water, and
b) Give you limited supplies of gas for fire fuel
it can't really fit.
Now, some sense of a "hot enough" fire -- the idea being that a really hot fire could boil water to make steam for a turbine, but normal burning wood / burning netherrack / burning coal isn't hot enough, but burning a limited supply of mod-generated natural gas? That might be something that could "fit". But on the scale of one-meter blocks?
And the ultimate balance question: How can you be certain that a mod's limited supply of gasses is not reconfigured to be really large?
I'm not familiar with GasCraft. I know of Genn's Gasses, and I'm familiar with (play with) Harder Underground/Reasonable Realism. HU's gasses are finite, and normally only a flammable, explosive hazard, that generate as long thin tubes. (Think hitting an open cave, or mineshaft, and running into a torch or lava...). Given the normal "leakage", by the time you have the tech to make use of it, any source of gas that was open to the air will be gone, and you'll have to try to find a sealed section that did not run into a way to the surface. (NB: Yes, I have found them flooding the roof of a sealed ravine, so it does happen

As a powerful, but non-renewable source of fuel? Is the gas in GC or GG renewable/manufacturable?
Being able to tell whether water is a world-scarce resource (not the norm) or a challenge (the oddball)?
How much power should be generated based on the difficulty?
... Balance. I can't see it as doable. More than anything to do with "can it be done" or "how hard to implement", is "balancing the output".