Mod Feedback [By Request] RotaryCraft Suggestions

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Studied pics some more. Saw the two solar tower cyclers. :)

OK, stuck on how to get hot molten sodium. I have the sodium heat exchanger below the tower, directly underneath the bottom-most solar tower block and I am powering it with a gas engine. I spawned in a ton of molten sodium in a test world, and filled the blocks. The tower heats to around 1400C, but wont produce hot molten sodium. It consumes instead. What obvious thing am i missing here?
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Studied pics some more. Saw the two solar tower cyclers. :)

OK, stuck on how to get hot molten sodium. I have the sodium heat exchanger below the tower, directly underneath the bottom-most solar tower block and I am powering it with a gas engine. I spawned in a ton of molten sodium in a test world, and filled the blocks. The tower heats to around 1400C, but wont produce hot molten sodium. It consumes instead. What obvious thing am i missing here?
You need an exchanger.
Thanks, I had one there, but was not giving it enough rads. Its working and my reading comprehension has improved a bit I hope :)
Feature Request:

Config option for ReactorCraft to disable (or set percentage of) ammonia loss from turbines. Make the loop 100% efficient and returns all ammonia to boilers.
In other words: A config to add a feedback loop exploit.
Is there actually enough uncertainty in how the turbines work so that having them return precisely the amount of ammonia that went in- no more, no less- is not possible?

I feel that losing ammonia is out of step with your mods in general. You reward the industrious and punish the lazy which is why we enjoy playing your mods. Yet in this instance you punish the industrious. It is enough work to gather the ammonium chloride and process it into ammonia to justify the extra power but to have to do it continuously for me is just too much. I opt instead to use water which is a shame because I like the notion of putting the work in on the front end to reap the rewards thereafter. I get not wanting ammonia to be duped, we should recover only what we feed. Is that not possible just a 100% closed loop with no loss or gain?
I should add that some low pressure ammonia being left in the liquid pipes feeding the pressurizer and a little bit of ammonia left in the pipes exiting it is fine and reasonable. (Is that the source of the dupe?) But if you run a turbine in a 100% closed loop with 2,000 buckets of ammonia you recover like 1,600 buckets. I assumed then that my lines were charged and the next run I would get 100% of that back; nope! You'll go on losing ammonia in your closed loop until you drag yourself back to the nether. Closed loop is a misnomer as it stands now.

A basic material balance from a sophomore chemical engineering class should apply (if we are going for realism):

Input + Generation = Output + Consumption + Accumulation

Accumulation isn't zero since some does remain in our lines, cool. There is no generation but there should likewise be no consumption.
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Perhaps an additional machine or step. Have the steam collectors reach a point where they shut down, and they have to be either removed and placed into a powered washer that removes the ammonium chloride for reprocessing. Or that they have to be powered to shake loose the remnants, but only once they've stopped working so you can't run it all the time.
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Perhaps an additional machine or step. Have the steam collectors reach a point where they shut down, and they have to be either removed and placed into a powered washer that removes the ammonium chloride for reprocessing. Or that they have to be powered to shake loose the remnants, but only once they've stopped working so you can't run it all the time.
That's a neat idea.
I feel that losing ammonia is out of step with your mods in general. You reward the industrious and punish the lazy which is why we enjoy playing your mods. Yet in this instance you punish the industrious. It is enough work to gather the ammonium chloride and process it into ammonia to justify the extra power but to have to do it continuously for me is just too much. I opt instead to use water which is a shame because I like the notion of putting the work in on the front end to reap the rewards thereafter. I get not wanting ammonia to be duped, we should recover only what we feed. Is that not possible just a 100% closed loop with no loss or gain?
Every time I have tried to have a lossless system, someone has posted a 400+x duplication setup.
From what I remember there's a bit of a math problem, a bit of an engineering problem, and a bit of a performance problem all colliding to make just-shy-of or just-past 100% the only obtainable numbers with ammonia turbines.

My solution would be to quarry the nether, or any dimension that generates the ore.
Would you consider nerfing the output of the current blast furnace block and creating a more realistic multi-block blast furnace which works on similar principles to the extractor in terms of needing to keep environmental conditions constant like amount of coke inside it/ has a huge increase in efficiency the longer it's run cycle/ gives off toxic gases that can be retained/ breaks if you don't get the slag out etc.

Basically the fermenter but with more "sweet spots" to worry about and a startup cost.

Something that is inherently a batch process that's simple enough manually if babysit-y but an automation nightmare, I've noticed that the basic blast furnace is incredibly good, but it lacks any significant challenge in automating it and it has an immense output.
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Would you consider nerfing the output of the current blast furnace block and creating a more realistic multi-block blast furnace which works on similar principles to the extractor in terms of needing to keep environmental conditions constant like amount of coke inside it/ has a huge increase in efficiency the longer it's run cycle/ gives off toxic gases that can be retained/ breaks if you don't get the slag out etc.

Basically the fermenter but with more "sweet spots" to worry about and a startup cost.

Something that is inherently a batch process that's simple enough manually if babysit-y but an automation nightmare, I've noticed that the basic blast furnace is incredibly good, but it lacks any significant challenge in automating it and it has an immense output.
No. And most people still claim it is impossible to automate.
Those people haven't figured out the crafting patterns, then. That, or they're trying to round-robin thru all the slots to min-max the output w/ coke. Though, I'll admit that for worktable and blast frunace recipes, I would like to see some kind of "round robin ingredient inputs" option for the crafting patterns. It'd make automation with AE a lot simpler.