Whitelist Server BroCraft | Agrarian Skies | 2.1.9 | Whitelist

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IGN: Iperithon
AGE: 29
TZ: PST (-8:00 gmt)
Experience: Far too much, about 70% done a Single player version.

Lots of experience, just want people to talk to during some AG Skies.
IGN: Magickftw
Age: 16
Timezone: EST
Experience: Began playing with modded minecraft 2 years ago, new to Agrarian Skies. However, I've had experience in the mods from the modpack.
IGN: Pogey999
Age: 21
Timezone: Pacific Standard Time
Experience: Been playing Minecraft since 1.3 beta, and Been playing mods since the beginning. I mostly played Ultimate, but got bored as there was no direction to go towards other than hoarding shit. Agrarian Skies gives me the motive to complete something, and being in SMP prevents me from just spawning shit it ruining the experience.
Your age, 15
time zone, PST
experience with Agrarian Skies, I've Completed almost half the quests in single player before
and experience with modded minecraft, Been playing for over a year
  • Your IGN : SwiftLilEagle
  • Age : 17 (nearly 18)
  • Time zone : Eastern Standard Time
  • Experience with Agrarian Skies : Completed ~ 90% of it in single player. basically all but the bragging rights, because those were a hassle as I crafted everything before those quests were added
  • Experience with modded minecraft : Been playing modded since Battle towers started off (Late alpha / early beta I believe). Played it with Mo' Creatures as most people did. All in all I'd say I've had my fair share of experience in both vanilla and modded minecraft :)
IGN: Mitch2479
Age: 14
Time Zone: Central (Midwest)
Experience with AS: I've been playing AS for about 2-3 weeks. Created a lot of random crap while doing the quests. Unfortunately, I sometimes cheated to do this, and I want to try it without cheating.
Experience with modded Minecraft: I love mods, and getting to explore all the mechanics of different mods and learning how to use them effectively is always fun, at least for me.