This mod also has a thread on the Minecraft Forums, if you wish to comment but don't have an account here!
Most of the into on Botania can be found inside the game, in the Lexica Botania, the mod's "documentation book". You can craft it pretty easilly with a book and any type of sapling.
You can download the mod from the website.
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Have a question, or just want to chat? #vazkii @ irc.esper.net is the place to go.
Let's have a look...
Getting started is simple enough, simply get yourself a Lexica Botania, it tells you all there is to know in the mod!
Oh yeah, have you noticed the world's full of flowers? Yeah, they worldgen all over the place. Take note, you'll need them.
Now off to the fun stuff! The mod's "power system" is called Mana. You get it from flowers, which you craft by combining other flower petals. Here's a little taste of the power system, looks fancy doesn't it?
And this Mana you create from flowers can be used to power other flowers that do stuff. what do all these do? Well, that one you'll have to figure out yourself.
Of course, more than flowers go around, here's an example of what you can do if you accumulate a decent amount of Mana.
And last (for this preview, of course!) here's a look at some of them awesome things you can use, there's lots more where those came from, too.
Not convinced? Haighyorkie made a four part spotlight on Botania, which you can check out right down here:
And that's it for the thread, I hope you enjoy playing with Botania!
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