Open Server Boltz n Voltz | 1.1.2 | Anarchy

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Server went down at about 8:50 central time and I have no idea why this time. Hope to god there isn't rollback though. Overall I think it's a good thing to report these things to keep the server the best it can b. :D Also, not sure if this is significant given that the hosting service likely has protection for it, but some kid mentioned launching a DDOS attack on the server earlier today. I doubt it's anything more than a bluff though. Always good to be cautious however, because unfortunately these days it seems as though anyone with a brain can attempt such an attack.

Also, Pyro, your credit cards should be safe no matter what unless you fall victim to a phishing attack or the bank gets hacked or something big like that. (lol most people wouldn't know where to start)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Server went down at about 8:50 central time and I have no idea why this time. Hope to god there isn't rollback though. Overall I think it's a good thing to report these things to keep the server the best it can b. :D Also, not sure if this is significant given that the hosting service likely has protection for it, but some kid mentioned launching a DDOS attack on the server earlier today. I doubt it's anything more than a bluff though. Always good to be cautious however, because unfortunately these days it seems as though anyone with a brain can attempt such an attack.

Also, Pyro, your credit cards should be safe no matter what unless you fall victim to a phishing attack or the bank gets hacked or something big like that. (lol most people wouldn't know where to start)

That was me talking about the DDOS, and it wasn't against the server- our teamspeak is being DDOS'd

But, yeah- server went down.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys. I think the server ran out of RAM. I'll be able to look into it properly later. I think because the server hasn't restarted for over 24 hours, it just ran out. I'll add in a 12 hour auto-restart later if the RAM is the issue.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That was me talking about the DDOS, and it wasn't against the server- our teamspeak is being DDOS'd

But, yeah- server went down.

Thank you for clarifying that Wisdoms. Lol I love this server too much for it to get shut down like that. :D Anyways, sorry to hear about your teamspeak server. Hopefully the guy gets bored and stops.

Also, thanks again for paying such close attention to the server Carl. It's just that tough to find a server this good these days. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey Carl, what do we do about my area causing lag? I think we might have left a T5 chicken spawner on and loaded, and I couldn't get to it to shut it off, if that's what it was...
Also, did you mean it was me causing it, or my area? I got to spawn, and lag was minimal, but after /home'ing, it dropped to 3 fps again...

Edit: Spoke ingame, never mind :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yesterday, about 10.00 am GMT I believe[DOUBLEPOST=1372873230][/DOUBLEPOST]Talking to the other two, that's what they thought. I think it was a little later tho, atleast after 12...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, didn't turn out to be too bad. Reset the region to a couple of hours ago. Soon as server started, went and removed the chicken spawner. No issues so far. You do have an interesting crater though as a result of a nuke after effects in region next to your base.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks so much Carl! I'd say I love you, but...No homo! It won't happen again!!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
server has been down for about an hour now, i logged off when ross threw 2 trackers at me and its down


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not sure if this is a current bug, but:
"If a player in SMP logs off of the game while they have a Tracker on them, it will crash the server. There is no known fix for this."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No know fix does not mean it is not impossible to fix. I like the idea of the tracker. I hope it can stay in the server in a usable way.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys, I just want to stress this, no duping. The arcane work table, the canvas bag, the backpack, etc etc... Some dupes are patched, some aren't. The ones that aren't, are monitored. I don't like having to nuke somebody's base just because they decided to dupe a few things. I know you guys put in a lot of time and effort, but then to just ruin it with duping isn't cool.

Other methods, like using the infernal furnace to smelt buckets etc... totally fine. Obviously part of the game mechanics as opposed to a glitch.

Anyways, that's all. Have fun!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Owner just played the Donator card

Owner gives coordinates to Donators then allows them to abuse the gravity gun bug to raid bases.

Server is highly prejudice, very racist against blacks.

Would not recommend.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What are you on about? Donator card? I haven't even received a single donation because there hasn't been a way for people to even donate.

In regards to how Monkey found your base, he used your public portal. Learn to play.

There isn't any racism afaik, tbh I just leave the chat alone. If anybody is racist towards you, just /ignore them.

In regards to temp-banning you, you were crying about Monkey using a glitch (because he used a gravi-gun on a chest in your faction land), then threw it through his portal. This is totally allowed. As soon as I told you it was allowed, you threatened to DDOS the server. I am just letting people play on an anarchy server, and spend a lot of time trying to make it run smoothly. Suddenly threatening me with a DDOS just because you got raided is of course not going to end up with anything good.

I have since un-banned you, since I have realised it is silly to perma-ban a child that just has to grow up. Hopefully this has aided you to mature yourself.

Good luck,