Blood n Bones, random explosions?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I'm new to Blood n Bones, just started playing last night. I'm loving the sheer brutality of it, lol. I am however rather confused by the fact that I keep hearing random explosions. Is this something that I should be worried/concerned about?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They're either red gas in a cavern encountering lava and exploding, or creepers finding something to grief.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, I'm learning that... as I'm now on world number 8, and have yet to make it past flint tools. Don't get me wrong, I love the brutality of it. It makes it a challenge, and I love a good challenge. I'm having a hard time getting a base that I can maintain (mostly cause of the damn creepers...). After a few in game days it gets to the point where I can't keep up the repairs on the place. This time around things seem to be going a little better, but we'll see. I've been taking refuge in the towers from rogue like dugeons. I block off the stairs going down of course. Then at night I chill on the second floor. I can grow trees on the roof. Though this time I'm trying something a little different. I took out all of the blocks that caused an overhang (thus a place for zombies and skeletons to take cover during the day), and am gonna build it up higher. I was reading that mobs will despawn if more than 32 blocks away, and it sounded like that included being more than 32 blocks above them. So that's what I'm gonna try. Cause while the undead (most of them at least) burn during the day, the creepers just chill. And they're the ones that keep taking out my base. I thought about using punji sticks around the base of the tower, but it sounds like they will cause creepers to go off (or will in an update). So instead, I'm gonna do a 1 wide sludge/sewage moat...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
DigitalWino, what I have found to work quite well is to build a tree house up at the top of a 2x2 jungle tree. I've built it out of cobblestones with a cobblestone slab roof (remember F7 to see where mobs can spawn). This base is about 90 high. I created a slab walkway about 40 blocks away and a platform with a ladder down to about 4 blocks above the ground level. I then have a set of stairs that requires a jump onto the ladder.

After getting flint tools, step 1 for me has been to make a ton of torches. Remember to use the recipe that uses one rubber and four sticks per piece of coal to maximize torches. I then go down below the towers. There is exposed copper and aluminum in the hallways. Run around and either light up or block off hallways. Also be sure to block off steps down the level below. I haven't yet ventured down there!

Step 2 for me has been to create a massive farm. I have a walkway (level 90) about 70 blocks away to a place where a plains biome meets a swamp and jungle. in the plains biome I have planted hundreds of seeds.

As for food:
- don't forget the drying rack for zombie jerky
- also, get a shovel and collect 100 or so snowballs to make smoothies
- be sure to cook brown mushrooms
- have other ideas for early game eating, please let me know. Sometimes I just die a few times to reset my food history b/c looking at the last 30 is tougher than what I'd have put (mod default is 12 I believe so we have Eyamaz to thank for this challenge ;-)

The sooner you can get seeds planted and growing the sooner you can progress in the game. Remember to keep your far area far enough away from where you sleep/craft but close enough where it stays loaded. The base of the tree where I built my home is blown to hell from creepers.

As for the zombie invaders -- I can't reach their spawn area because it is different than the let play I've seen on Youtube. Mine has been covered in a dome of electricity. I've had two spawn so far. After killing the invader miner and crew I have had to go into creative mode to kill the portal. Cheating, I know, but I think I wasted too much time in the early game and the invaders mod is time-based. From what I've read, @Eyamaz is going to make it based on resources mined which makes a TON of sense. I've only mined about 50 copper and aluminum and just got an upgrade that will allow iron to be modded so I'm not really ready for an invasion.

That's about as far as I've gotten. Hope this helps.

BTW, this has become my favorite mod of all time. And that is really saying something because I've played so many over the years. Eyamaz has gone beyond simple mod pack assembly and refactored every aspect of the game w/in the bounds of what Mojang and the mods allow. Has me playing again for the first time in 6 month!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I'm up to world 11 now... lol. But I have a fairly stable base. It's inside of a roguelike tower, as always (they seem to be everywhere and it's a good early place). I watched Saice's video about mob griefing, and that was VERY informative. Dirt ftw! So I have a tower that's mostly made of dirt now, lol

I was growing trees up on the roof, but found I can grow them underground, so I've been doing that now instead so I can use the roof for a garden. However, I'm in, and surrounded by, snowy bioms. That's really lame... I have yet to find a non-snow biom (other than little bits of river). So I have no rubber, and my plants growth is severely hampered. I did not know about the drying rack, I'll have to look into that one. For the most part... I havn't been eating. Sad huh? I've just been jumping off my tower or letting myself starve to death.

I just recently started to check out the tunnels under my tower. Yeah, I ALWAYS block off each level with dirt. Even after it's lit. I'm taking no chances with that. After I finish up level one I might go out on expeditions to see what I can find around me. I've located a few other towers, and emptied the tower chest. I've noticed they seem to always have damn near the same thing. It's useful stuff though. I need to find a plains or jungle biom to make my home in though, that way I can actually grow some crops.

Invader mod huh? I don't really know anything about that, but I'm guessing that's where there is a huge crater not too far away with a giant electrical gas cloud and a portal in it. I've been kinda staying away from it... as every time I even start to get close to look at it, I'm shocked to death. I think I'll have to look more into this one, as a "miner and crew" sounds like it could seriously screw up my tower. When I find a good place for a new home, I might do a floating citadel.

I've noticed that ore is not as common as it normally is. That and/or it's down deeper. I haven't gone down too deep yet. But I don't have much. I have about 10 copper ore, and about 30ish aluminum ore. I'm trying to find out what I want do do with it. Was thinking I'd upgrade my grinder to a copper one. But I might hold off for a little bit. I also still need to make a smeltery.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, that's the video. Was very useful and informative. Like I said, dirt ftw! Actually earlier today I forgot to block off my door way. I was killed by a zombie on the ground floor, but managed to block off the stairs to the top floor (where my stuff is). My house filled w zombies, skelies, and creepers. Thankfully I was able to kill them w a bow, rush down and block the door. I thought I just lost my home though, lol.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for posting the video link. I watched the first few videos of this series (which is a snoozer BTW). Knowing that cobble and planks cause issues has significantly reduced the difficulty. I saw in Episode 8 or 9 that it is in fact impossible to kill/disable the Hostile Worlds portal. Hope this gets fixed soon!

BTW, Eyamaz's donation page may be found here. Consider it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've only watched the ones about mob griefing and tool leveling.

I actually just had the zombie invaders attack me last night. Was chilling in my tower when they showed up. I'm actually worried I might be screwed, cause at this point they've filled it up so I get killed within seconds of respawning :-/ I can get maybe a few punches off before I die, but that doesn't do me much good.

My plan had been to use a gas pump to try and clear the electrical gas out of the way to get to the portal, but I had JUST gotten to the point of being able to mine iron.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My plan had been to use a gas pump to try and clear the electrical gas out of the way to get to the portal, but I had JUST gotten to the point of being able to mine iron.

Great idea re: the pump. I'll be sure to try that. Being that I've way up in a tree I'm safe, but those buggers move fast!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My plan had been to use a gas pump to try and clear the electrical gas out of the way to get to the portal, but I had JUST gotten to the point of being able to mine iron.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you can't pump that one...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, is there anyway to get rid of the electrical gas clowd then?

I think I'm gonna have to make my next base up off the ground. Then light up the ground under it so that mobs don't spawn, and dig a deep trench around it so that way any that spawn out there will fall down into the hole.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If the electrical gas cloud can't be removed then it is impossible to defeat until, possibly, late game armor is made. I cheated and disabled the first two portals. I'm keeping the latest one going. Portal one somehow had more than just the miner get through. Portal 2 and now three have just miners. Having been built up (and a base in a jungle tree) I have not had any damage but at some point being stuck up in a tree gets kinda lame.

Any word from @Eyamaz in another forum on what the plan is here? More curious than anything. I'm about to turn off the mod but don't know what that will break.